Going topless
So, a friend shared a wonderful photo collection of hair challenged chemo ladies which inspired me to go 'topless' the last few days. To the market, post office, Starbucks, my morning walks, and even just my mailbox. It's liberating not to worry about if the cap is slipping, my head feeling hot, etc. I have drawn more…
Fingernails and toenails
I know this is a minor issue compared to most of the topics being discussed here, but I was wondering what your experiences were if you lost any of your fingernails or toenails, and what they looked like before that happened. I've lost one toenail after noticing a smallish dark spot under the nail. I have a few other…
New Remedy for Neuropathy
Today at my onc visit I saw the PA. She was asking me about numbness in my fingers and toes. Toes are fine but the ends of my fingers are still kinda numb. She told me to soak the ends in Listerine (the old brown kind) because for some it has helped. Shoot I'll try anything not to take any more drugs. I'll let you know if…
Skeeta (mosquito) question
Thats what I call them-skeetas. I also say sketty for spaghetti. Anyway, the mosquitos are thick here with all the heat and humidity. I hate spraying myself with spray everytime I go outside. Does anyone have anything else they use to keep them from attacking, a lotion or something?
Cytoxin and Taxotere - first treatment
Hi - just had my first chemo treatment last Thursday and I guess I wasn't really prepared. I was diagnosed late March, IDC, lumpectomy, no margin or node involvement. Did a week of Brachytherapy with no real side effects. I was a 28 on the OncD test, so oncologist decided I should do 4 treatments of chemo, with a shot of…
Goin' on Vacation!
Hubby and I are leaving EARLY tomorrow morning for our vacation/retirement home in Oregon for the next week. We've got a couple of days of fishing planned, some visiting with my Mom and Dad who live about 10 miles away from our place, and hopefully a whole lotta relaxing! I probably won't be able to get on the boards much…
12 more rad treatments, then total knee replacement!
I underwent chemo March - June, started radiation in July and have only 12 more treatments. Made it through chemo just fine and healthy (although I hope to never do it again) and radiation has mostly been non-eventful. I have osteoarthritis in my left knee. Recently had a bad flareup, am sick and tired of the pain, and its…
A little flicker of light - the chemo bride
Now that I am more than halfway through with my treatment, I started thinking about what the future could possibly hold for me. And I admit I felt like damaged goods, then I found this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GcuZjdW6uk&feature=related Ayse
All Clear!
Had my first mammo and ultrasound today since completion of chemo and radiation. Dr. came in and held my hand and went over films with me and gave me a clear and clean report! I'm so excited! This has been a great day!
stage four
For those of you who might remember me I say 'hi'. For those of you I have not yet met greetings from San Antonio TX. I was dxed in 7 2008 with invasive ductal carcinoma. I went through six rounds of chemo and a left side mastectomy with 16 lymph nodes removed, one of those positive. I just found out that I now have stage…
If I Can Do it, You Can Do it - Yeah, I Did It!
Just wanted to let everyone know I just finished my 12 weeks of chemo Wednesday. I had to crawl across the finish line but I did it. It's been rough and I have to admit it there were times I did think about quitting but I knew quitting was not really an option. I dreaded chemo from the time I was dxed almost a year ago in…
Private Oncologist vs Those Biggie Cancer Centers??
Hi, I'm brand new to these boards but have read lots of good advice for about two months now. Does anybody see an advantage for seeking care from one of those big cancer centers--you know the ones: Cancer Centers Of America, M.D. Anderson, Farber, etc. Most of the cancer care that I have seen on these boards are the usual:…
I want to slap someone!
New development for me. I have always been very easy going and have made allowances for others. But lately I want to smack people. Was at the farmer's market and ran into a friend the woman with her made the comment that her neighbor had died of breast cancer. Normally I would just ignore a stupid comment like that but I…
I can't believe it...Lyme disease
I went to see my PCP today because I had an unusual looking rash on my stomach. I've had some pink spots off and on for years, but it was much worse at the end of our vacatio (May). I wasn't concerned until my husaband and my oncologist both exclaimed 'what are those spots?' Since they didn't itch and weren't painful, I…
Depending on the kindness of strangers...
I have seen a few boards in my brief time here critical of fair weather friends and the desire to administer corporal punishment to others. In the spirit of keeping focused on the positive, it is not my desire to minimize anyone's experiences by any means, I wonder how many of us may have had a positive encounter with a…
phantom itch?
I just have to know..... I feel like my plastic surgeon thinks I'm nuts! I have had my expanders since June and Thursday decided I was ready for my exchange ( early Sept.) I have had "iches I can't scratch" which seem to be under the expanders....they absolutely drives my crazy. I can rub my skin raw trying to relieve…
What are your experience with FEC?
What are your experiences with FEC cocktail?
need your Input, ideas, help
First, let me preface that I intend to ask my Oncologist this question..but my appt. is 10 days out. Very brief background: Onc suggested 3 chemo cycles to reduce tumor, mastectomy w/lymph node removal, then 3 more cycles of chemo. All this started in March. After the surgery, just ready to start #4 chemo cycle, Onc says,…
Hot flashes - How Long?
I'm 6 months out of chemo and have been on tamoxifen for 5 months. Blood tests show that I'm in menopause - but I'm still having killer hot flashes. Can anybody tell me how long the hot flashes lasted with tamoxifen? My onc says they'll go away in "awhile" and I know it's probably pretty individual but it would be nice to…
SamuraiMom in the news!!
Hi All! I'm so proud! This story was just posted online today about my breast cancer site and my entry in the Pepsi Refresh project! Something good CAN come out of something so bad. Love to you all! http://www.wtsp.com/news/topstories/story.aspx?storyid=139966&catid=250 xxoo, SamuraiMom
Oh my, I'm not sure I have any other words. I have wanted this so badly for over a year. Now I want it for everyone else. peace, xoxo
Hair falls out when?
Hi Everyone, I'm new on here, and not really sure if I'm doing this right. I'm 60yrs. old, & today is 11 days after my 1st chemo treatment. When does my hair fall out? And, am I going to lose weight, because I only weigh 103 lbs. So if I lose anymore weight, I will just disappear!
Ovaries in or out?
So I saw my Onc on Wednesday, the day I had my Herceptin treatment, & he is now recommending I have my ovaries taken out due to my age (Im 42)and type of cancer being HER2, Estrogen & Progestrogen positive and have chemo menapause. I'm currently also on Tamoxifen, dr said he wants to change my treatment but I will have to…
What is looked for in bloodwork?
I had my routine Onc visit today and had bloodwork done to look for cancer. I forgot the name of the test. (imagine that) It wasn't a CBC. Something with an M. It measures liver function or something with the liver. How is cancer detected in the blood? I'll know next week. And he said I won't be getting anymore petscans,…
New meds now, and rads
This past year with stage 4 bc has been fairly easy for me. Taking Femara daily, and Zometa once a month. Mets to bone, but no pain. Good appetite, no unexplained weight loss, lots of energy. Doctor was so pleased he put me on a quarterly schedule. However, the tumor in my upper left arm has been problematic from the…
Today is Mixtymotions Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MIXTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your wishes come true today & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Has anyone seen a counselor to help with the emotional part of all of this?
I'm considering asking one of my docs for a referral to a counselor. I'm trying to "keep it all together" when I meet with them (my surgeon & onc) - I know that they are doing what they need to do to physically fight this cancer that I'm dealing with - and I NEED to have them to do that. But it would be nice, I think, to…
Happy Cancerversary Rague
I saw on another thread that it was a year ago today when you where diagnosed, so Happy Cancerversary!!! I bet your looking back and saying: this last year really s*cked!! Wishing you a long dance with NED!!! Bob
peeling hands & feet
my hands and feet get all red and then peel like a sun burn its a sight afect of my meds I know but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this and how you deal with it, painful and annoying!!!