I can't believe it...Lyme disease

jk1952 Member Posts: 613
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went to see my PCP today because I had an unusual looking rash on my stomach. I've had some pink spots off and on for years, but it was much worse at the end of our vacatio (May). I wasn't concerned until my husaband and my oncologist both exclaimed 'what are those spots?' Since they didn't itch and weren't painful, I dragged my feet making an appointment.

My doctor is pretty sure that I have Lyme disease...and that I've had it for months. Instead of the one bull's eye rash where the bite was, there are several bull's eyes and this is indicative of secondary Lyme disease, which manifests months after the original bite.

So, I'm on an antibiotic and I hope to find out next week if it really is Lyme. Although it wasn't caught early, I don't have any of the really bad symptoms (arthritic, heart, etc.) and hopefully the antibiotic will take care of it.

Just another bump in the road...



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    that lyme disease is so
    that lyme disease is so sneaky. hope you recover uneventfully.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Darn it!
    I certainly hope that is not what you have. I have had a suspicious rash that comes and goes on my side since my 2007 chemo. I now have four lovely puncture marks where they biopsied it, not cancer don't know what it is it simply shows up then after a few weeks goes away, not itching just there. let us know.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    RE said:

    Darn it!
    I certainly hope that is not what you have. I have had a suspicious rash that comes and goes on my side since my 2007 chemo. I now have four lovely puncture marks where they biopsied it, not cancer don't know what it is it simply shows up then after a few weeks goes away, not itching just there. let us know.


    Sorry I hope antibiotics will work and you will be free of any disease soon.
    Re: I have rash on and off on face. My oncologist has not seen this as a problem.
    New Flower
  • bakerette
    bakerette Member Posts: 74
    Oh, it's good they caught it
    Oh, it's good they caught it before the bad symptoms arrived. You should be fine. I did a report on it when I was in college, it is sneaky and at times hard to diagnose.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    When we were in Connecticut
    When we were in Connecticut my husband had Lyme and the neighbor had Lyme and the neighbor's dog had Lyme. It is common in New England.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Joyce... they'll figure out
    Joyce... they'll figure out what it is and treat it. Yes, it's another bump in the road, but you'll get passed it and keep right on moving. Take care.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I was dx with Lyme disease
    last August and was on antibiotics for 3 months and then insurance wouldn't pay anymore. For now I'm considered an inactive case. It's a bummer though so I hope you find out soon Joyce. Sending {{hugs}}.
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    cahjah75 said:

    I was dx with Lyme disease
    last August and was on antibiotics for 3 months and then insurance wouldn't pay anymore. For now I'm considered an inactive case. It's a bummer though so I hope you find out soon Joyce. Sending {{hugs}}.

    Thanks, everyone. We live
    Thanks, everyone. We live in Upstate NY, and there is a state park near us that has a lot of deer and when they tested the ticks from the park, more than 50% had Lyme disease. We used to spend a lot of time there, but almost stopped going there a couple years ago because of the Lyme disease. It's really a bit ironic.

    I do have to admit that I'm a bit freaked about it, as much if not more than when I had my recurrence of breast cancer. It's just that there is so little really known about it, and of course, I've heard a few scary stories...

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Ugh! I can't believe it, either!
    I know how careful you are about this. It is worrysome. My BF found a tick on her leg last week that was positive. She is now awaiting bld tests to find out what she has to do. We are rural and have deer in our backyard, so I'm always checking myself over.

    Take care, Joyce, and let us know how you are doing. Still hoping to meet you before winter.
