Did not have luck with Road to Recovery
I called 10 days ago and again last Friday and today someone finally called me back about transportation to my 1st chemo treatment. (I was told not to drive myself until I know how I'll react.) The woman told me I wouldn't know if I had a ride until a couple days before if not the day before. Soooooooo, I'm taking my…
Painful hips and legs at night?
I am finished with my chemo (Cytoxin/Taxotere) and 36 radiation treatments. I have been done with radiation about a week. Now I am having pain in my legs and hips at night. It feels like when I had the Neulasta injections. Not stabbing type pain, just dull, achy pain that wakes me up. Anyone have these and what did you do…
worried about self/behaving like anorexic
I am starting to worry about my emotional well-being: I can understand how an anorexic feels, like they want to control their body. I obviously cannot control my hair growing in thicker beyond doing the things I'm doing (using Nioxin, upcoming appt. with dermatologist, talked to a good stylist) and this is making me sick.…
Exchange Surgery Question
Can anyone tell me if I will have drains with the exchange surgery. I never even thought about that until the other day when someone mentioned it. The drains with the mastectomy were awful, especially the right one. The thought of having them again is depressing...won't make me change my mind but i hope the answer is no!
Good afternoon ladies and a few gents, I have my surgery date scheduled.
I am having that sentinel dye injection done on September 14th then the next day at 8:30 in the morning I am getting that wire placement procedure done then at 11:00 it's off to the surgery floor. I am having a lumpectomy and pray I am agreeing to the right decision. Oh lord I pray. I sure don't want to ever in my life go…
My tests revealed that all is good!!
My tests and examination turned out that everything is o.k. So, I guess I can breathe for a while. Go back to oncologist in August for blood work. After that I can rest easy until the next time. THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE PRAYERS AND SUPPORT!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE!! I WILL CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR EVERYONE!! AMANDA
Had my annual mammo yesterday and tech acted odd and freaked me out!!! I left the office called my onco and said I want to know the results be they good or bad as soon as possible and before the weekend pleaseeeeeeee! The just call all is good no problems I am on cloud nine! Now off to Reno to have a fun weekend with My…
I had a double mastectomy last June and am considering reconstruction. I had thought that the saline bags were the way to go, but now am looking into the abdominal flap. Has anyone done this type of reconstruction? If so, how was the surgery, how are you coping, what was the pain level afterwards, how do they look????
Before all your treatment, chemo and or radiation, what helped you make a decsion?
I am as confused as ever. I have had 2 of 4 chemo treatments so far. Today I had to see my surgeon, he wanted to examine my breast to see if the cancerous mass has shrunk. He was very happy to tell me he can no longer feel it!!!! He said it appears the chemo has been a success and now I no longer need to consider having…
Are you happy with your breast 's appearance after the lumpectomy?
Here I am still uncertain of what to do, I met the radiation doctor today, he says I'll do fine if I have the lumpectomy, but what he isn't realizing is I have Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, and it has a tendencey to show up in the opposite breast. I don't want to ever do this again. I have DD boobs so I can easily afford to…
Is it possible to skip chemo ??
Hey ladies...I am 2 weeks past my bilateral mastectomy, they offered a lumpectomy, but I just wanted it all out, and did immediate reconstruction, my nodes and margians were clear. I don't have the brca gene, all the other receptors were the good kind, is it possible to skip chemo, or is it pretty much the standard....how…
Strange thing Happening
This is really scary & I'm not sure what to do. I finished Chemo May 4th, seem to be recovering from that pretty well other than Neuropathy in my hands, legs, & feet. Finished Rads Tuesday (Yay!)but, here's what happened & has been happening since... Monday night I had sharp pains in my breast, wasn't sure if it was from…
Port Surgery
Evening sistas - wanted to check in, I had my port surgery today and I know there were about 3 or 4 other ladies posting about having your surgeries right around the same time. Wanting to see how it went for you all, so check in & let me know how you're doing! Mine was a piece of cake -other than my dr being an hour late &…
Started secret angel
I finally started the secret angel project. Today i mailed out my first cards. For those who didnt see my post about this I am volunteering to do this for a foundation called I have wings breast cancer foundation. The founder is a survivor of ten years and I found out about the foundation thru ACS. I emailed in asking if…
Where is babebussie ?
I have not seen any post from babebussie in awhile. Have anyone heard from her? Did she go on the cruise and how is she doing? Barb
Should be a happy day, but I'm too upset to enjoy it.
Today is my last of 30 rad treatments and I was jumping for joy. Unfortunately my EOB's finally started showing up and I called the insurance company to find out why they were charging me so much for co-pays. Apparently I have to pay a $25 co-pay for each treatment. I was only expecting to pay that when I saw the doctor…
how does radiation affect new implants
Hey Ladies, how does radiation affect, if at all, new implants. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediated reconstruction, now my oncologist wants me to visit the radiologist for possible radiation treatments, due to the tumor being one centimeter from the chest wall....do they just do the radiation right through the…
vacation plans after rads possible?
question: do you think it possible or good idea to plan a rest vacation (no real physical activity) for the week following the end of 5 weeks of rads? I have friends I would like to see, but they will be at this resort the week I finish rads..... it is a 6 hour drive (husband will drive), and I can relax at condo on the…
Today is PattiAnne's birthday!
PattiAnne, Best wishes for a wonderful day filled with everything you love most! Celebrate big time! much love today and always, -Jenny
Natly15 .. How you doing ?? I haven't seen you posting for a while
Hope all is well ... Vicki and your sisters in PINK
just venting
i was diagnosed april 2009 with breast cancer on my left side. i had a lumpectomy chemo and radiation, it is to late now but i was not told i had invasive ductal carcinoma if i had known it and knew what it was i would have had a masectomy. april 2010 i was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in situ on my right side…
To Chemo or not to Chemo that's the ?
hello all! i'm writing because my sister underwent a lumpectomy 2 months ago. she was stage 1, node neg, and ER/PR+. They got clean lines on the tumor & told her no chemo should be necessary just radiation & hormone therapy. now she scored a 22 on her Oncotype Dx & has been told to undergo 4 sessions of C/T chemotherapy.…
Cyber Stalking
Hi everybody, i have been reading this site for a while and finally decided to post. I have learned a great deal from all of you, so i finally decided to join in on the fun. I was dx'd May 8th 2010 with IDC with mets to bone. (See how much you've taught me i've learned the lingo) Just finished my 4th round of chemo the…
Odd but funny experience with implants
I took off my funky bra they put on me after surgery just so i could let the girls out just for a short time so they could breath...plus so i could get a good look at them since i realy havent been able to do that yet either. As im sitting there half naked...literally. When i moved my one arm the muscle around the implant…
Lone Star State
We can not let everyone meet when we have the best state with the best people. Any ideas as to where and when?? Outlet malls, beach, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Dallas? I do work some weekends, but not all.
Something Normal
Hi, I just wanted to let everyone know that normal things can happen even with breast cancer. I finished chemo July 16th. My battle started in Jan. with a mastecomy in May and chemo shortly there after. Today my husband and I went fishing. This is a first this summer. It was so nice and peaceful. I even managed to catch a…
DCIS and depression
I had horrible side effects through radiation therapy. I was finished on 5/28 and am still having side effects. 2 weeks ago Monday, I was put back on bed-rest because the part that was radiated was painful. I am still having nausea, borderline migraines, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and the pain is still there but…
What gives you strength?
Please share what it is that helps you get through this awful diagnosis, treatments, etc. For me it is gardening. When I get stressed, I piddle in my garden. Also, music helps a lot. My ringtone is from a beautiful Jimmy Cliff (reggae singer) song, "Sitting in Limbo." They may sound like a downer to some but I love the…
Today was my 1yr cancerversary and I had an appointment with my surgeon. I had a lumpectomy on my lower left breast. My scar runs right where a bra goes under the breast. With all the heat and humidity this summer I've had a lot of irritation. . Doc told me I have "radiation irritation". I was surprised because I finished…
More good news
One year ago today I started chemotherapy. If anyone had told me getting better would take a whole year, I think I would have collapsed in tears. Or that my hair would still not be completely grown back after one year. But I just took it in steps, ...chemo....lumpectomy.....radiation....Femara..... and tried not to think…