Shall we meet for whine & wine?
When cancer isn't enouth, let's throw in both parents precariously perched on the edge of life. Mom, end stage COPD. Dad in hospital with pneumonia due to aspiration due to lung cancer. Stomach tube Monday. Daughter with marital problems. Older (by 19 yrs) hubby with I don't know what going on. I think my bc took the wind…
My Life in a Beautiful Small Town....
About 15 minutes ago, a silver pick up truck pulled into my driveway. I didn't recognize the truck, and when the doorbell rang, I went out to see who was there. It was a local man, proprietor of one of my favorite local eateries. He is the one hosting the Livestrong Challenge next month~ the10K I am participating in ( come…
The old grey mare...is going out to pasture!!!
I want to wish you all good luck and good health in the future!!!! There are many here to, as Chen says so well, 'pay it forward', so I am going to break for awhile. I have some personal issues that I need to focus on, and so, dear sisters, you all will be in my thoughts and prayers, but I am fading back for at least the…
How many days do you take anti-nausea meds?
I am about a week out of my 3rd of 6 chemo treatments (taxotere, carboplatin and herceptin) and still having some stomach problems/nausea. Fpr my first 3 treatments i took Zofran every 6 hours and promethazine in between (so i take something every 3 hours) for 2-3 days after chemo day. They work ok and I've just had nausea…
cost of herceptin
I have been researching herceptin on the internet and was astonished to find out the cost. Has anyone been on Medicare and supplemental insurance and taken Herceptin? Did Medicare pay? Did you have to pay for part of the cost? What an eye opener.
A THANK YOU, to ChenHeart, RE, CreamPuff
Warrior ACS Board Queens --- My heart felt Thanks to you all!!.. following in your footsteps .. MimiVac, Moopster, Aortus, Fauxma. Did I mention 'our' class of 2009 - Rague, Ritzy, TracinLA, Blown-Away, Carkris, and Bella Luna ! Sorry to those of you - that escape my thoughts right now (still fighting chemo brain - no…
Has anyone gotten a tattoo to signify the battle with BC? If so, what did you get and where? Do we have to be conscious of our "lymphedema" side? thanks, marge
From where or whom do you derive your strength?
Hi ladies and sweet, blessed caregivers: In this whole journey through the process of shock, crisis, reality, treatment, and recovery, I wonder where everybody has found the strength to deal with all of the eventualities. As for me, I find strength in the support of dear friends, family, and my ever-loving and precious…
Just when things were starting to go good....
I think im jinked! Last night i kept feeling a pain and pressure in my left boob, this morning the same pain and pressure...tonight i was tryin to massage underneath it...its then i noticed that my whole left implant fell, it is not connected at the top anymore and all of it is just resting at the bottom of it....I think…
Perseid Meteor Shower
Something for us all to do---all you need is clear skies. Aug 12 and 13 is the Perseids Meteor shower which should be visible all over the U.S. Barring any cloud cover of course. Best time for viewing is after midnight, maybe close to 0200. Perseus is in the northwest quadrant of the sky, although you don't need to know…
Special Diet
Okay, so I am curious. Have any of you ladies Changed or Drastically changed your diet since your diagnosis or upon completion of your treatments? I am a pastry chef. I love food,cooking,baking,EATING! I also love to be active, thankfully! I dutifully gulp down fresh vegie (spinach, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage,…
Bone scan , prosthesis and chemo
Hi all, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind. Healing well and feeling better.I saw my oncologist and she is answered all of my questions. I had my entourage with me. If I bring any more people with me they will have to move us to a conference room. I'm grateful that I have their support. I was a bit anxious and I…
taxotere and herceptin w/o carboplatin
Anyone take T/H without carboplatin? I looked up C on the internet and the side effects scared me silly. I'm going to talk with oncologist before I get treatmenr.
Sooooo sick of splitting nails.
Sooooo sick of splitting nails. Since chemo I have had ridges running through my nails and they keep splitting. I thought about getting some super glue and just paint it up and down my nails. What have you all used to stop your nails from splitting. Hugs Donna
Hi everyone, my doctor just told me I am going to need a mastectomy, I went thru quemo thinking I was going to have a lumpectomy because I could save my breast, but he thinks it wont look nice after, so he suggested a mastectomy could be better with a chance of a better reconstruction, but I am scared!!!
anyone out there that had sentinal node biopsy that was diagnosed with lymphedema?
I am wondering if I need to see my Dr. I finished Radiation in May, and still have a swollen Breast, this morning, my wrist seems to be a tiney bit puffy. My Oncologist seems to think the swollen breast is from the radiation, and was not concerned. My next appointment is in Nov. Do I do anything? I do lift weights, but…
Word from Shortscake
We've all wondered how Shortscake was doing. I emailed her when I read last post wondering where she was. Today I received an email back. I don't know any more details than what is here, and hope **** is well as can be expected. "sorry i have not posted in a while i was in the hospital for 3 days got a bad cough and lungs…
Pain in arm/wrist after mastsectomy
I seem to be having alot of pain in my chest and down my arm and wrist. Its seems to go down on the in part of the arm when I reach for anything, and tightness in my chest which feels like something squeeing me to tight. Specially when I get up in the morning. Has any one eles experienced this type of pain and how long…
Anyone who had bilateral mastectomy without reconstruction
concerned about how their incisions are looking. Yesterday as my onco nurse was connecting my needle to my Purple Power Port she noticed that I have 2 small bumps near the center of my chest and then I told her about the mini boobs that are on the sides of my body under the arm area. I had 2 surgeons each removing one…
My oncologist prescribed me Femara today but i did some online research today and am concerned about the side affects particually the other "cancer" which i found on the novartis website for femara. Is anyone taking Femara? I also researched Arimdex and the side affects seemed better than that of Femara. Any help is…
Who is starting chemo in August
I am starting on Monday and I need support...
Hey Chen I got my wolf running through the mist.
I got a whole bunch of other avatars too. You know what they say "variety is the spice of life". I'm not really that spicy but I do like to change my avatar every once in a while. I retired the sheriff and the dancing girl was beginning to make me tired. To much energy wasted for me. Hugs Donna
laughter yoga
My local news talked about laughter yoga recently and it sure looks like fun. I just had to look it up on youtube. Its funny how watching people laugh will make you laugh. Its supposed to be helpful during and after cancer treatment. Has anyone else seen this?
I am ER+ PR+ HER- My oncotype was 20 and my ONC rec no chemo just radiation and then estrogen blocker for 5 years. Anyone else have low-med onco score and not doing chemo? At first I was thrilled she rec no chemo but now I feel nervous about it.
I am a copycat-FUN
I've seen this done a couple of times before-always fun. Let's share where we are from and any other tidbits you wish. Here goes: I am Jackie, 48 years young, I live in Boise, Idaho Okay.......GO!
I got thyroid biopsy results as well as ultrasound results
My thyroid biopsy was normal. Yeah! However, my abdominal ultrasound showed that all organs were normal except the gallbladder. It showed sludge or cholesterol issues. I'm not sure. I do have 1 symptom which is tenderness on right rib cage. I have a call in to my PCP to see if there is anything to be concerned about and if…
Skin graft
Had a double mastecomy about 5 weeks ago. I am healing beautifully except for one nipple and lower aerola. PS is taking the scab off in the hospital on tuesday. If there is pink skin underneath all is good. If not they will. Do a skin graft. What do I expect and what questions do I ask ?
Today is LadyParvati's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SANDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope this day/year brings you all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
Today is TJHay's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TJ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a year filled with love, happiness, & good health! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
Today is MizCaldwell's Birthday!