CSN Family Reunion - So Cal edition - Everyone is welcome!
For those that may not have caught the discussion on Traci's earlier thread about meeting New Flower, several of us are interested in getting together to meet in person. VickiSam said that she will probably be recovered enough to join us by the end of August, so I was thinking about August the 27th or 28th? As far as the…
Found my courage and went "Naked"
Last week I remember reading how some sisters wrote about finally not wearing their wigs or scarfs or hats in public, and I thought, I wish I was that brave. Then this past saturday I bumped into one of my sister-in-pink, we shared the same Cancer center, Radiation center and even the same therapist for our lymphadema. She…
Blurred Vision-Side effect of Chemo
I noticed over the past few weeks that my vision has blurred ever so slightly. Today I had my 11th chemo treatment, and my vision is blurred more noticeable. I can still see well enough to get around but was wondering if anyone else has had this as a side effect of chemo. I also have diabetes and I'm taking steroids with…
Cant believe im posting this embarrassing question...
Well here it goes.... Ive been on Tamoxifen for almost 3 months now and in the beginning i was sore and very dry, it hurt to have sex ect ect...now its just the opposite, the well isnt dry anymore and kinda over flowing. So im confused cuz i thought since my cancer was estrogen fed that the Tamoxifen was suppose to stop…
another Wal Mart story
I loved Rene's WalMart story so thought I would add mine. I was in WM on Thursday. Like Rene and others have said people will usually just kinda look my way and smile or nod. I do not have a port but wear a bandana nearly all the time so you can tell theres no hair. This lady approached me and ask me if I was in treatment.…
I will ask my oncologist this question but I had DCIS. Tried tamoxifen but it caused the rare side effect of depression. Depression got pretty bad. Now I'm on Arimedex and have lots of joint pain. I think I read somewhere that my chance of breast cancer reoccurance is 4% and with Arimedex it's cut to 2%. Am I wrong? I'm…
curious...port in knocked out...port out local?
Just curious.... to have the port inserted we go to hospital, have anastesia, and spend hours in recovery. Then to remove it...it is done in doctor's office under a local??? What's up with that? The thought of them cutting it open and removing while I am awake scares me more than facing chemo and rads. Why such a big deal…
Another day in the chemo bay
Today was my second cycle of Taxol. I will get it every week for 12 weeks then FEC every 3 weeks for 12 weeks. Last time I had very little nausea about 48 hours after administration. They give me ALOXI before chemo and compazine for breakthrough nausea. The compazine worked great. I am also so glad to have a port...still…
Have you ever had a muscle twitch? Have you ever had an eye twitch? Well, don't laugh but I have a boob twitch. It started about 24 hours ago and now the muscles are sooooo verrry sore. Any ideas on how to get it to stop. The PS will give me muscle relaxers if it doesn't stop by lunch Friday. Really don't want any more…
"Things" do work the way they are supposed to.
Not going into details at this time - but starting tomorrow I will be able to give a little something to someone in need. Cancer related - not BC related though. I am so 'glad' ('glad' isn't the right word - no one should ever be 'glad' that someoine else is dealing with the 'Monster' but I can't think of a better word…
I'm not complaining, mind you....
I am 10 days post 2nd cycle of taxotere/cytoxin. I began losing my hair on day 14 after the first cycle, but I have never lost it all. I still have eyelashes/eyebrows/leg hair, etc., and the remaining hair on my head is growing! I have had some side effects from the chemo, but with the exception of 'yucky mouth' and less…
Got my implants installed!
It went great yesterday. One hour surgery, one hour recovery, then home! Yes, it is a relief to get expanders out. So worth the process -- even with bandages, glue, ink and swelling, implants are wonderful. Even through the swelling they're softer than expanders. A real breast shape, too! Get this -- haven't needed ANY…
My posts were deleted for some reason
I just came back onto the Spiritual discussion board and realized that my posts from this morning were deleted. I have emailed Greta to find out why and still waiting for her response but wanted those of you who read them everyday to know why they are not there. I did post them this morning so when I hear back from her I…
Port surgery date to change
I spoke with my oncologist today and when I told him I was scheduled to have the port placement on Friday but my 1st chemo is August 10th he told me he would have it changed to a couple of days before the chemo. He doesn't want the port sitting in my chest being unused. I'm an infection risk. So, tomorrow I should have a…
Zometa ,one dose. Help prevent bone mets question.
Has anyone heard this? I had a one time dose. Don't know what mg, but was in a 500ml of normal saline. Onc said it had showed some promise of prevention of bone mets down the road. Mmmmm. It must have been a lg dose. Two days later, in the middle of the night of course. Had some of the worse bone and muscle pain that I've…
One year Ago tomorrow I had my Lumpectomy
I can't believe a year has gone by. It was so frightening to get that dreaded diagnosis. I consider myself lucky that I'm doing pretty good today. I got a good report from my oncology surgeon last week. I hope all you gals are doing well. Have to say, the best thing about this cancer was meeting so many wonderful online…
Today is MsSunshine's Birthday!
Wonderful news from lumpectomy!
I had my lumpectomy yesterday, and the news in as good as it could possibly be. (well, other than if God had done a miracle and the tumor would have been gone altogether.) :D My lymph nodes were clear, meaning the cancer has not spread. My chest xray & CT were both clear as well. My dear surgeon came into the recovery room…
So someone asked about skipping chemo, well can we skip rads?
Still don't know what choice to make as I sit here. Can I do a mastectomy and not do any radiation? I'm doing chemo now and I'd be willing to do even more but I hate the thought of doing radiation, the radiation doctor did say it would affect about 20% of my lung.
question for you guys
Ok...here is a weird one...I will describe it a step at a time.. 1) I go in for routine mammogram, they find a few micro calcifications, and an enlarged lymph node and do an ultra sound and send me home saying we will just wait and see. 2) I come back in six months and the micro calcifications have decreased. However, they…
Went to see surgeon
Went to see surgeon today. It's been 5 weeks since bilateral mastectomy. He removed all the steri strips and said my incision looked good. I asked about the lumps of skin under my arm and he said it's skin from my back. He told me it will either flatten on its own or he'll do a simple procedure later. He also told me the…
And now for some good news!
Good evening, one and all! I got a phone call from my oncologist today. He had ordered another test on my tumor, just to verify that I was, in fact, HER2 positive. The results came back negative!! The first results were obtained from the needle biopsy and a “stain” test. The second test, a “fish” was done with a slide from…
I need your help -- new cancerous node or scar tissue under incision to remove cancerous axillary no
I had surgery to remove an positive axillary node (second recurrence of ovarian cancer since 2007). Prior to surgery I had a PET scan which indicated that this node is the only posiive node. The surgery was on July 17th, 2007. A couple of weeks after surgery I noticed a "formation" that had the form of a thick coin,…
Infection after Expander placement surgery
I just had my expanders removed because of a nasty infection. The PS says I will need to heal for "awhile" until we can try again. Anyone else have this happen? And if so, how long before you tried again? Was it successful the second time around?
Well ladies, your dream has partially come true. I am going back to work on Monday. I do not know how long I will be there, I hoping about 4-6 hours (8 would make my day). I am not going to wear myself out! I will be taking it slow and easy with no lifting. :) . Oh, the good news for you is I will have less time to post my…
update...cycle 6 done, 2 more to go
Yesterday I had the Taxotera, Adriamycin, Cytoxan #6 infusion...full strength.....Onc was surprised that I did not revolt after the 5th. He said the majority of people cannot tolerate this full strength, agressive mix. My 5th cycle had more intense s.e., but was bearable. I am hoping that #6 won't be too much worse....I…
Surgery scheduled
I'll be having my lumpectomy on Thursday morning. (7/29/10) I'll be having blood work done & getting a chest xray & chest CT today. I saw my surgeon yesterday, and she told me what they'd be doing. Apparently, they're going to inject a radioactive tracer into my NIPPLE!!! :0 to find the first lymph node. Anyone else have…
First rad today
Well I had my first radiation trt. today. As many of you know it was very quick and easy. Took longer to get set up and positioned than the trt. took. I have 29 more to go, Any words of wisdom on what to watch for or how long it took for any side effects to show up would be welcomed. Thank you. God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
I'm Dancing
Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, but my granddaughter had her tonsils out the same day I found out I'm Dancing with NED. It's tough to dish out ice cream and dance at the same time, but I'm doin it. Thanks to all of you who were there with me Tuesday morning. And to all of you who've already been there, you're right NED…
I am so confused!
I am almost six weeks out from mastectomy surgery and I am still trying to decide treatment. 1st opinion said I could do chemo for 2% better odds or not do it. 2nd opinion said definitely chemo. 3rd opinion said no to chemo. Size of single focus invasion is 4mm. Stage 1 T1a. Extensive DCIS. No lymph node involvement or…