Margins are Not clear...Lump...Mact or Bil Mact...What to do...
I have to decide after chemo, if I want another lumpectomy, mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy... I have some time to decide because I just started chemo Monday... Nevertheless, I want to weigh my options... I am considering removing both breast and using abdominal tissue... Here is my treatment journey so far... I welcome…
AZ Ladies, are we meeting???
Now that I am up and driving, I would love to meet you all. And I would open to the idea of taking a road trip and meeting up with the Cali girls. Ayse
Radiation appointment
I see the radiation doctor tomorrow for the first time. I finished chemo last Thursday. I really don't know what to expect tomorrow but I know I won't be starting radiation for about a month. I am just tired of doctors and appointments and getting poked and prodded. I went for my bloodwork this morning and my blood cells…
questions... I'm new
Hello - I have some questions I hope someone can answer for me. I had my first mammogram ever 2 weeks ago. They called me back in for a second mammogram... that turned into three more mammograms and an ultra sound. My doctor just called yesterday to say that I need to have lumpectomy. I was so suprised that I didnt know…
What state or part of the country
I'm fairly new here and would love to know where you are all from. If it's too personal I understand but it is interesting to me. I get clues from some of you, like in the wine question. The Californians answered of course! LOL> I'm from Massachusetts , down on Ol' Cape Cod. Thanks, Wanda
1st Chemo 2 days ago!
Hi! I've been a little under the radar on here this week after my chemo. It wasn't that bad. I feel kinda crappy -fatigued but can't fall asleep, half-assed headache, not puking-nauseous (thank God!), but a kinda "i might be hungry but nothing sounds good" kinda nauseous...Drinking LOTS of water & tea, I'm extremely…
MUST READ - For all the chemo babes
My secret weapon while going through chemo was coconut juice not mik. It is perfect to help you get through chemo. As always check with your oncologist but mine was fine with it. I had 6 rounds of T/C. Here is a long list of things coconut water can do for you: Helps keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.…
Having port
placement in the morning. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30am for a 9:00am procedure. My sister has volunteered to take me. DH sees his eye dr tomorrow to have eyes dilated so he couldn't. We are babysitting 2 granddaughters ages 2 & 4 for the weekend. I certainly hope I feel all right. I'm starting to get paranoid…
Taxol and the rest of the hair?
Through the AC, Donna still has some fuzz; much thinner at the sides and neck; a little bit more on the crown, all of which will probably continue to get thinner these next two weeks, but is it the Taxol that makes the rest come out until you have that smooth as a baby's bottom hairdo? Has anyone here made it through Taxol…
I'm curious to find out if you had CT scan when first dx.....
My gyn felt the lump. Mammogram showed it as well as ultrasound. Onc surgeon took biopsy in his office. Then, I had breast MRI of both breasts to show location and size. Later a stereostatic biopsy of other breast. Not once have I had a CT scan of my chest or any other part of my body. How does the oncologist know if you…
For the Marine husband. How many TNBC survivors here?
I thought the husband, in the Marine Corp., with a wife with TNBC might feel a little better if we who have survived TNBC raised our hands". God bless us all!
Constant Coughing
Has anyone had a constant, annoying cough that has lasted over a week? I talked with the nurse and since I'm not running a fever she thought I should contact my family doctor and it is not a side-effect from chemo. I have one treatment left in a few weeks then it's off to radiation. Any suggestion on how to stop the cough.…
Oncoplasty Surgery after Lumpectomy
Has anyone undergone oncoplasty surgery after lumpectomy? Where you pleased with the results?
Quick question about Biotene
I'm trying to gear up for my chemo and I've seen a few mentions of Biotene mouthwash & toothpaste as being helpful with that whole chemo taste thing. So I thought I'd go ahead and pick some up, but at the store I wasn't sure I was looking at the right stuff. So, just to clarify, are you gals talking about the stuff that…
worst for me improving..so let's top off the week with lymphedema!
Just when the worst week starts to improve......life throws in another little detour to deal with...the start of lymphedema. I am ok with it...onc will give me referral he says for specialist to deal with that...pt and sleeves...whatever it takes...I am just humored by just when you are starting to feel better after a week…
New delima...with bad arm
After 3 weeks of recoperating from having my girls put in...im having really bad shoulder pain in my bad arm...one they took my lymphnodes from and im having trouble raising it. My PS said i cant go to physical therapy yet since i just got my stitches out and from my history of after my mastectomy with all the infections…
milk thistle and liver function during chemo
For what it is worth, I thought I would share in a seperate post. It appears that milk thistle can help protect the liver during chemotherapy. I found the paper that was written on the study that was done with children with leukemia, that is those who took milk thistle were able to tolerate higher doses of chemo than the…
Reoccurence update
Hello everyone, I saw the post asking how I was, I was having trouble posting last nite, but I have been around. Chemo on Thursday was very rough, still recovering today. My doctor sees great improvement, my liver and lymph nodes are not swollen, I have a cat scan scheduled on Monday, Aug 2, so hopefully that will comfirm…
Does your onc have you do annual CT scans?
I'm one year out and scheduled for one on Tues. My onc was not going to schedule it, but I spoke up and asked about it, then she said "Yes, let's do that!" Now I'm feeling like it is another unnecessary test (at this point) that I'd rather not do unless you gals talk me into it.... All my bloodwork came back EXCELLENT last…
If you do not feel right about something, read this
I have been reading posts that you are unsure of what to do if you find a lump, or if you have a pain or ache, or if you are very tired, sick. The first thing you need to do is tell your doctor immediately! He needs to run tests, the right tests. I tend to google alot. I do not want to scare anyone or cause paronia, but if…
A/C + T vs. T/C
I'm sure this has come up at some point in the past, but I just don't have the energy to go hunting for it. :( I am 39 with a grade III IDC, hormone receptor negative, HER positive. I've had a lumpectomy and there was no node involvement, but the tumor itself was kinda large. (T2) The oncologist said I could do A/C + T,…
I have decided if I were a guy...
I would be cute. hahaha All my hair is coming back in. Now it is time to do all the womanly things we do. 1. shave legs, and other body hair. 2. wash hair, cream rinse, style gel. For some reason people want to feel my hair. 3. pluck eyebrows, ouch! 4. I finally shaved the peach fuzz, got tired of waiting for it to fall…
Today is Taina's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAINA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is filled with all the things you love most! We haven't heard from you in a while, how are you? Hope you see this! ♥ Cat
Today is Sunrae's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SHELBY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love & happiness and may all your wishes come true! ♥ Cat
Pain in arm/wrist after mastsectomy
I seem to be having alot of pain in my chest and down my arm and wrist. Its seems to go down on the in part of the arm when I reach for anything, and tightness in my chest which feels like something squeeing me to tight. Specially when I get up in the morning. Has any one eles experienced this type of pain and how long…
Any word on JoJo?
Just wondering where she is and hoping everythng is OK. marge
I'm So Happy To Be a "Rad Grad" Today!!
Two surgeries--Check Six TAC chemo treatments--Check 33 Radiation treatments--Check A wonderful celebratory lunch with my son and daughter-in-law at my favorite restaurant complete with balloons, flowers and plush bear--PRICELESS!! Celebration dinner with the most wonderful husband in the world---Can't wait! I'm sore,…
chemo help
I am new to the site and need feedback from those of you who have experience. My 66 year old mom just underwent double mastectomy. Slow growing tumor, negative nodes, hormone receptive, clear margins...all the good stuff as far as I can tell. Her oncotype score is 14, and they said there is an 86% chance there will be no…
How do you keep up with taking your pills?-
Just wondering how others keep up with being sure they are 'current' with pills? When I started Femara, I got a 10 supply from VA that day and then my 3 month supply came in the mail (gotten more months since). What I do is every Thursday after I take the last one in the bottle is to put 7 more in the bottle so if I forget…
Shout out to MyTurnNow -- thinking about you!
Just a shout out to MyTurnNow, who had her mastectomy this past Wednesday -- Debbie, just know we're hoping that everything went well, and sending healing thoughts and gentle cyberhugs your way! Traci