ughhh....worst yet for me
was really feeling good last week...even stoked....but ugh, yesterday the body just gave into the s.e. big time, chills, sweats, severe instestine cramping, mouth sores, sore throut, could not even get out of bed....heading to onc today to get hydrated and I am sure the dreaded daily shots cause I think the neulasta last…
Husband deals with wifes new emotional and phyisical changes
Its been a rough 3 years for are family.In 2007 my mother inlaw past away with stomach cancer.She also had breast cancer some 20 years ealier. It was just 3 months after her mother died my wife was diagnotes with stage 3 breast cancer.We never really got scared we did what we were told and stayed focused with…
giving up?
i cannot believe that i am actually posting this. i have had it - cannot do this any more! i am so sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! the pollyana in me is giving up. i went through 18 weeks of chemo, had a month off, and have been in chemo since. am on ac now, hate what it is doing to me. all i do is work and sleep…
Worried about returning to work
I have one more chemo to go on Aug. 24. I am 61 and a resource teacher three days a week. Staff development begins Aug. 26 (won't make that) and classes on Aug.30! I seem to be more tired with each chemo treatment and my dilemma is I have radiation to face in mid Sept. I understand from some people that chemo exacerbates…
Got the courage to go topless last night--not exactly as expected!
I have less than 1/4" of hair all around, but I got the courage to go topless for the first time last night. To compound the anxiety, I colored my hair yesterday afternoon with some natural henna rinse from Whole Foods. The colored was called "chocolate" so I thought--okay, sort of a medium brown shade. Silly me--I…
Susan G Komen Walk
My 19 year old daughter is finishing up her 60 mile walk today for the fight again breast cancer. We are heading out to berea soon to attend the cheer stations. She has sores all over her feet and every muscle in her body is hurting. She said if we can fight cancer she can make it to the finish line. What strong people we…
You say there's no such thing as a dumb question, wanna bet?
Are we naked during radiation?
I am either a Crazed Optimist or a Delusional Lunatic, but I'm doing it anyway!!!
So, Kindred Spirits~ many of you know that after an almost 8 year clean and clear run, I am battling the beast again with mets to my liver, spine, lining of my lung and lymphnodes. I am responding to treatment, and remain upbeat and taking it and Life in stride. I mean, really~ what else is there to do?! So,I registered to…
Sturgis Rally -
SORRY - I know it has nothhing to do with BC but we are all so diverse - I was wondering IF anyone was planning on coming to the Rally? (For those who have never heard of it - it's kind of the Grandfather of motorcycle rallys in Sturgis, SD) No - I have no plans (at this time anyway) of going but I live in the area so…
Cat scan today
Yikes...I am up early drinking my banana shake, so I decided to stop in to say hello. I do not know how anyone gets up at this hour in the morning! I will not get the results until later this week. I feel good and i am positive this willl show good results from my chemo. I hope that every one stays strong in their…
4 down; 4 to go
Fourth AC was today; done with AC!!! Although the affects of round four won't be over for a week and a half judging by the first three rounds. Next Donna starts her four rounds of Taxol which will hopefully by easier on her. Bob
Anxiety is getting the better of me
I start chemo TC next Tuesday and think I'm prepared for whatever side effect I might have but are we ever really prepared? I already have pre-existing conditions which may make side effects worse. I've been having dreams about my bilateral mastectomy incisions splitting open and getting an infection like I did 3 years ago…
Hi I am recovering from bilateral mastectomy and will be having reconstruction when chemo is done. I will be having tram and I would like to hear from people who have had the tram for comments. Thanks mb.
What's the difference between a 'radical' and a 'modified radical'
Joke of the day ...
Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into a path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs "give me your money," he demanded. Indignant, the affluent man replied, "you can't do this – I am a United States congressman!" "In that case," replied the mugger, "give me MY money." Vicki Sam
Have you heard? - Bald is HOT!!!
Just read this quote from Jennifer Hudson: "I am actually thinking about shaving my head," the singer/actress reveals to InStyle magazine. "Because I feel I've got a good structure ... My cousin's a beautician and she's always saying, 'You could wear any hairdo.' So I'm thinking, what if I shave my hair? Not completely…
My turn now--sending thoughts and prayers this am
I know your surgery is today and just wanted to let you know that I am sending pink power to help you through it! Please let us know how you do!
I'll take a bilateral mastectomy, please...............................
Well, this is the week for my surgery. I'm looking forward to once again getting the beast out of my body. This time I am opting for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, well, reconstructuion started that is. I will have a dual latissimus flap and an axillary node dissection. My surgeon and plastic surgeon…
Joke of the Day ...
Hope you enjoy .. On a plane bound for New York the flight attendant approached a blonde sitting in the first class section and requested that she move to the coach section since she did not have a first class ticket. The blonde replied, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to New York, and I'm not moving." Not wanting to…
My name is Thomas Reyes and my wife was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) in October of 2008. My wife has been through the initial chemo (TAC) and had a bilateral masectomy and 7 weeks of radiation. Once the radiation was over, my wife requested for more chemo and even through the oncologist was resistant…
New pic of me on the beach!
I thought I would put up a vacation pic of Hubby and me with my hubby's grandson. We had a great time. The salt air and water is very healing. This was before i lost my hair.
Last day of Radiation wasn't what I expected.
Yesterday I was soo excited to be going to my last day of radiation. I was so happy and proud of myself. The center was so amazing. They gave me a certificate and clapped for me. I also had a gift for them becuase I wanted to show my appreciation. Then I left to go home. I wanted to do something specail with my family to…
I must have been hit by a bus while I slept last night...
Wow did I wake up in some pain this morning! It's 15 days since my bilateral mastectomy, and 4 days since port surgery, and 2 days since my fill on my expanders. Don't know if I did too much yesterday or what but MAAAAN did I wake up hurting today! Chest sore & bruised feeling, armpits felt like I was dragged by them for…
I went to see my onc today because of severe joint pain and insomnia. I told her I feel worse today than when I was going thru treatments. She was concerned because my ankles were swollen. She switched me from tamoxifin to arimidex. I know some of you take this so I thought I'd ask how you have felt while on the arimidex.…
why am i so nervous!! Help!
I was so excited when they finally scheduled me for my reconstruction, but now im getting so nervous about it im sick. Its going to be on the 12th and just coming closer. Why am i so scared this time? I feel like something bads going to happen. Ive had four surgeries in a year and this one will be the fifth. Just had my…
I'm 'puter 'tupid!
As I said - I'm really 'puter 'tupid! How do I send a private message? Thanks! Susan
Need Your Inputs
I haven't been on for quite a while until yesterday. I have been treated for triple negative bc. I have had the ac (one treatment because my body could not take this type chemo) and seven Taxel treatments. Neither shrunk my tumor at all. I decided to go ahead an get the tumor out so came the radical mastectomy last week.…
Oncologist Needed??
So, I have a question for you guys. I got a notice from my insurance company yesterday stating that starting Sept.1, my oncologist will no longer be accepting my insurance. Great. Just wonderful. Thank goodness I'm not in active treatment!! What would happen then? Anyway, I do know that my pcp will write my prescription…
hi everyone.....
I want to wish a grand "hello" to you all. I've been learning from you and listening to you for several months now. I found my lump at the end of October, 2009. Double mastectomy two days before I had 14 people for Thanksgiving dinner. Things flew really fast. It has been my grandma, mom, aunt, sister....so it was "when"…
I did it I shaved my head(well my husband did). I actually feel great about it. Now the question is how do I care for a bald head?