Cytoxin and Taxotere - first treatment

Sporty10 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi - just had my first chemo treatment last Thursday and I guess I wasn't really prepared. I was diagnosed late March, IDC, lumpectomy, no margin or node involvement. Did a week of Brachytherapy with no real side effects. I was a 28 on the OncD test, so oncologist decided I should do 4 treatments of chemo, with a shot of Neulasta day after. Worse part was how it messed my system up, constipation, then diarrhea, then constipation again. Last night had terrible low back spasms, finally took Advil and got better, but still with me today. Doc's office thought it might be from Neulasta shot and I've read that could happen. Luckily no nausea, just tired. Have any of you experienced similar side affects you could share with me and things you did to make the next time easier? Thanks & God Bless


  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    Hi. I had the same cocktail
    Hi. I had the same cocktail asyou, I finished in Apr.10. I also had the issues with diarrhea (sp) and some pretty good aches and pains usually everything hitting about day 4-5. I also had the Neulasta shot and I feel that it had a lot to do with how I started feeling bad on those days but I can't be sure. Hang in, I thought I'd never make it to treatment 4 but it goes fast. Also, I felt pretty good by the second week and except for some fatigue, felt very well through the week before next treatment. Lots of luck and good wishes. Take care.
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I was very fortunate that I
    I was very fortunate that I had very little discomfort with chemo, but some tips that I have read on this site: a) drink lots of water before, during, and after treatment to help all the chemicals flush out of the system faster b)take immodeum AD, c)talk to the chemo nurses for tips---they are pros at knowing how to keep patients as comfortable as possible.

    Take care, seof
  • TulsaMomof3
    TulsaMomof3 Member Posts: 105
    seof said:

    I was very fortunate that I
    I was very fortunate that I had very little discomfort with chemo, but some tips that I have read on this site: a) drink lots of water before, during, and after treatment to help all the chemicals flush out of the system faster b)take immodeum AD, c)talk to the chemo nurses for tips---they are pros at knowing how to keep patients as comfortable as possible.

    Take care, seof

    I had the same
    I had the same cocktail on July 2, I experienced the same upset stomach, fatigue and body aches but it only lasted 7 or 8 days then I was fine. I also had a sore throat
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I had C/T and Neulasta also
    But I was very fortunate to not have a lot of bad side effects. I had only slight aches from the Neulasta for a couple of days, so I didn't really take anything for it, but I have read posts from others on the board who took Claritin and it seemed to help them with the pain.

    I did have constipation, and it took a while to resolve. My sister-in-law recommended Activia yogurt, and eating one of those every day did seem to help on the next 3 treatments.

    As others have already said, drink LOTS of water before, during, and after your treatments to help flush your system out. This became difficult for me when the "yucky mouth" hit me and even water tasted nasty. I used Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste and also tried rinsing with warm water mixed with salt and baking soda. It helped me a little, but fortunately the taste and yucky mouth texture got less severe with future treatments.

    Even though you don't feel like moving much, if you can get any excercise in it will help. I can't say I took my own advice on this, but I wish I had!!!

    And the best advice I can give you is to come here as often as you like. You will find a great deal of information and support from the wonderful women and men on this board.

    Take care,
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member

    I had C/T and Neulasta also
    But I was very fortunate to not have a lot of bad side effects. I had only slight aches from the Neulasta for a couple of days, so I didn't really take anything for it, but I have read posts from others on the board who took Claritin and it seemed to help them with the pain.

    I did have constipation, and it took a while to resolve. My sister-in-law recommended Activia yogurt, and eating one of those every day did seem to help on the next 3 treatments.

    As others have already said, drink LOTS of water before, during, and after your treatments to help flush your system out. This became difficult for me when the "yucky mouth" hit me and even water tasted nasty. I used Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste and also tried rinsing with warm water mixed with salt and baking soda. It helped me a little, but fortunately the taste and yucky mouth texture got less severe with future treatments.

    Even though you don't feel like moving much, if you can get any excercise in it will help. I can't say I took my own advice on this, but I wish I had!!!

    And the best advice I can give you is to come here as often as you like. You will find a great deal of information and support from the wonderful women and men on this board.

    Take care,

    Sporty don't feel bad, there is no way of being prepared.
    We all have different reactions. I also had C/T (4 cycles). My first week, my first time sounded pretty much like yours including the low back pain. My next 3 cycles were filled with big time diahrrea. In fact I wore Pause pads the entire time until a few weeks after my last infusion. I felt like I had the worst flu in the world. I didn't have backaches after the first time, but my legs would ache for a day. I had vicodin but hate the side effects of that and took tylenol. I always take Claritin so don't know if that helped or not. Food tasted disgusting the entire time. No mouth sores. Fingernails got ridges and one nail got loose, but 7 months later, they are now pretty much normal.

    If you lose your appetite, eat whatever you can. I liked dill pickles and tart fruit.

    Be sure to call your onc with symptoms, they are there for you and have all kinds of wonderful Rx's to help with so many things. I was told to call 24/7 if I needed to and one time I did.

    Many here have had very lite side effects, others, like me, had pretty bad ones. I hope your next three go by quickly and are easy for you. But everyone here has a ready shoulder for you to lean on and advice for whatever symptom you get. The Big D is a pretty common one. Yucko.

    Don't forget some Gatoraid to replace those electrolytes that you lose with diahrrea.

    I could (and do) go on and on but I know you'll get lots of good thoughts and advice from many others.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    side effects
    I recommend talking to your oncologist about the side effects. I had a horrible headache after the first C/T infusion and they ended up changing some of the anti-nausea drugs and the steroids and I had very reduced side effects and no headache in the remaining three infusions. Sometimes they can change other stuff around to help.

    Good luck.

  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member

    side effects
    I recommend talking to your oncologist about the side effects. I had a horrible headache after the first C/T infusion and they ended up changing some of the anti-nausea drugs and the steroids and I had very reduced side effects and no headache in the remaining three infusions. Sometimes they can change other stuff around to help.

    Good luck.


    side effects
    I had the same cocktail you did for the first time on 6/28. I had an horrific headache starting about day 4-6. It got worse each day. I talked to onc who said she didn't think it was related to chemo or anti-nausea drugs (I stopped the anti-nausea drugs 2 days after chemo since I wasn't nauseated). I finally figured out it was sinus related and treated it that way.
    I had (and have) tingling of my tongue and yucky mouth. The strangest side effect I had was similar to what you referred to as low back pain, but it was more like a throbbing, pulsating ache in my low back. It would actually make my body bow forward when it hit. Very strange and evidently was related to the Nuelasta. It only lasted a few days.
    Other than that (and now at day 15 the hair loss) I haven't had much in the was of side effects. It is peculiar how the identical cocktail affects each of us differently. I was tired day 3-5, but can't call it the debilitating fatigue some have described. I have my next cycle on Monday the 19th, so we'll see if the cumulative effects are worse.
    Good luck and hang in there! I, like you, have 3 to go!

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    I am sorry for your
    I am sorry for your problems. I just finished 4 rounds of CT. I know it may not seem like it now but it really will go fast. I did not have as severe of problems as you. I was really tired for a few days and did have the constipation and diahrea both at times, never knew which it would be. One thing I was told was no advil only tylenol. I know every Onc. is different this is just what my treatment center said. As others have said drink lots and lots of water it really does help. Prayers being said for you God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    I didn't need chemo
    I didn't need chemo Sporty10, but, want to say good luck to you on it. So many here have taken chemo and can offer you so much help and advice.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    had 6 rounds of cytoxan and taxotere
    have to say the first one was the worst, i had a pet scan the day before, had all that crud in my system and did not know about drinking lots and lots of water. got through chemo okay, but the next day i thought i was going to die - had the worst constipation ever! but then i started researching and found out that water (and eating) were important when going through chemo. the other five chemos were rather uneventful, never had the horrible constipation again, the neulasta shot was what did me in - got it on friday, by sunday after church i could barely move. but on monday morning i was on my way to work. no nausea, just some "queasiness" - be sure to take your anti-nausea meds - they are important - take them even if you don't feel sick. being tired is a bummer, and going through chemo starting in december and ending in april was rough because it got dark so early. as the days got longer i felt better.

    advil, gingerale, and toast became my very good friends. i am totally a fruit and veggie girl, but found myself craving ribeye steaks.

    i also learned to sleep when i was tired, no reason to fight it (except at work).

    i hope the remainder of you treatments go well, without the digestive upsets or back spasms. it will be done before you know, so hang in there!
  • GSDlover
    GSDlover Member Posts: 4
    heidijez said:

    had 6 rounds of cytoxan and taxotere
    have to say the first one was the worst, i had a pet scan the day before, had all that crud in my system and did not know about drinking lots and lots of water. got through chemo okay, but the next day i thought i was going to die - had the worst constipation ever! but then i started researching and found out that water (and eating) were important when going through chemo. the other five chemos were rather uneventful, never had the horrible constipation again, the neulasta shot was what did me in - got it on friday, by sunday after church i could barely move. but on monday morning i was on my way to work. no nausea, just some "queasiness" - be sure to take your anti-nausea meds - they are important - take them even if you don't feel sick. being tired is a bummer, and going through chemo starting in december and ending in april was rough because it got dark so early. as the days got longer i felt better.

    advil, gingerale, and toast became my very good friends. i am totally a fruit and veggie girl, but found myself craving ribeye steaks.

    i also learned to sleep when i was tired, no reason to fight it (except at work).

    i hope the remainder of you treatments go well, without the digestive upsets or back spasms. it will be done before you know, so hang in there!

    Just finished first round
    Had first round of TC two 13 days ago....onc thought I would have very mild side effects... instead diarrhea started day 2 and lasted 12 days. Nausea lasted 8 days. Lost 15 lbs in 5 days. Three IV infusions (with fluids/ antiemetics) later, I was finally able to leave the house yesterday.

    My doctor said this was a very severe reaction and thought she got the dosage wrong? How could that happen? I think I added to the effect because I wasn't able to keep fluids down and DIDNT drink much.... finally got in the habit of drinking 2 quarts of SF gatorade a day and that finally broke the cycle.

    If this happens once, does that mean you're likely to have the same effect the next time? My onc. is giving me Emend this time and we are scheduling the second treatment so that I can come in on second day for an IV if needed...

    As for the Neulasta... it gave me incredible low back spasms, but they only lasted about 6 hours. Hair is tingling, so I have an appt with my hairdresser sister for Friday -- to do the buzz cut and wig.

    I've always been a pretty easy-going person... had lots of trials (knee replacement, removal, re-replacement, closed head injury, etc) but I have to admit this chemo thing, mastectomy, oncotyping, all that.... has just about gotten to me.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    GSDlover said:

    Just finished first round
    Had first round of TC two 13 days ago....onc thought I would have very mild side effects... instead diarrhea started day 2 and lasted 12 days. Nausea lasted 8 days. Lost 15 lbs in 5 days. Three IV infusions (with fluids/ antiemetics) later, I was finally able to leave the house yesterday.

    My doctor said this was a very severe reaction and thought she got the dosage wrong? How could that happen? I think I added to the effect because I wasn't able to keep fluids down and DIDNT drink much.... finally got in the habit of drinking 2 quarts of SF gatorade a day and that finally broke the cycle.

    If this happens once, does that mean you're likely to have the same effect the next time? My onc. is giving me Emend this time and we are scheduling the second treatment so that I can come in on second day for an IV if needed...

    As for the Neulasta... it gave me incredible low back spasms, but they only lasted about 6 hours. Hair is tingling, so I have an appt with my hairdresser sister for Friday -- to do the buzz cut and wig.

    I've always been a pretty easy-going person... had lots of trials (knee replacement, removal, re-replacement, closed head injury, etc) but I have to admit this chemo thing, mastectomy, oncotyping, all that.... has just about gotten to me.

    Welcome to this site, although I'm sorry for the reason you're here. You'll find a lot of great support and information from the women and men here.

    I think that getting your hydration taken care of should help immensely in not having the same problems the next time, but everyone is different, so unfortunately there are no guarantees. Since you had digestive problems (I had the opposite problem you did), I would suggest eating some Activia yogurt every day. It certainly can't hurt (unless you're lactose intolerant, of course).

    I'm glad to hear that your doctor is changing the timing of your treatments so that any negative effects can be addressed more quicly also. Don't hesitate to contact your doctor about the nausea, pain, or any other problem. If the Emend doesn't do the trick, there are other drugs they can try as well. You should not have to suffer in silence.

    Good luck with your haircut. Glad you are taking the bull by the horns and choosing the timing of your hair loss. It helps to take control of what we can, since going through these treatments it sometimes seems like we have little if any control over our lives.

    You will get through this! Come back as much as you like to ask questions or just vent.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Oh, the closer I get
    the scarier things seem.... Sporty hope you're feeling better soon. I can't tell you if the next treatment will be better because I start TC next Tuesday. I already like to drink water so I plan on drinking a lot of it the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo. My onco dr is giving me Emend prior to infusion because I told him I have a tendency to get nauseous. I was nauseous for 6 months for each pregnancy. I have lumbar spinal stenosis and moderate to severe osteoarthritis so I'm a bit concerned about the Neulasta shot the next day. Oh heck, I'm prepared for every side effect but really hoping they'll be minimal! There are several of us starting TC this month so for sure we'll be chatting about it online.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Oh, the closer I get
    the scarier things seem.... Sporty hope you're feeling better soon. I can't tell you if the next treatment will be better because I start TC next Tuesday. I already like to drink water so I plan on drinking a lot of it the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo. My onco dr is giving me Emend prior to infusion because I told him I have a tendency to get nauseous. I was nauseous for 6 months for each pregnancy. I have lumbar spinal stenosis and moderate to severe osteoarthritis so I'm a bit concerned about the Neulasta shot the next day. Oh heck, I'm prepared for every side effect but really hoping they'll be minimal! There are several of us starting TC this month so for sure we'll be chatting about it online.

    I had lots of GI symptoms
    I had lots of GI symptoms and lost lots of weight, and developed a rectal fissure. that required surgery. I foound out after the fact, that zofran is constipating so take stool softeners. I also found even low doses of things affected me. so start small. adding fiber can help, I did and still do take benefiber. The good thing is you can take it with constipation and diahrea so you dont have to play that guessing game. Now its been 6 months and I have gradually gotten better/more normal eating, and tolerance. I was pretty bad though, but my doc said You are the worst patient I've had this year. Well have to be good at something I guess....
  • GSDlover
    GSDlover Member Posts: 4

    Welcome to this site, although I'm sorry for the reason you're here. You'll find a lot of great support and information from the women and men here.

    I think that getting your hydration taken care of should help immensely in not having the same problems the next time, but everyone is different, so unfortunately there are no guarantees. Since you had digestive problems (I had the opposite problem you did), I would suggest eating some Activia yogurt every day. It certainly can't hurt (unless you're lactose intolerant, of course).

    I'm glad to hear that your doctor is changing the timing of your treatments so that any negative effects can be addressed more quicly also. Don't hesitate to contact your doctor about the nausea, pain, or any other problem. If the Emend doesn't do the trick, there are other drugs they can try as well. You should not have to suffer in silence.

    Good luck with your haircut. Glad you are taking the bull by the horns and choosing the timing of your hair loss. It helps to take control of what we can, since going through these treatments it sometimes seems like we have little if any control over our lives.

    You will get through this! Come back as much as you like to ask questions or just vent.


    Thanks so much for your
    Thanks so much for your encouragement! I just posted my hair-cut-newly bald pics... Went Friday and had my sister give me a buzz cut while my niece held my hand... had a hard time holding back the tears but, but glad I did it! Those wigs sure are hot in this Texas heat, though!

    Yes... from everything I've read... I think drinking more water this time should help. I'm going to make a huge effort -- and I'm hoping the Emend will help.

    I've got a question.... I'm stage I-II borderline...but have never had a PET can or CT scan. Should I get one of those done just to make sure there's no metastasis anywhere? Have had partial mastectomy, oncotype DX of 28, doing chemo now and plan 3 months of daily rad after this.... but as I was reading, I noticed several people who were just recently diagnosed with early stage BC and already had metastasis. My tumor was VERY close to the chest wall and, even though they got clear margins, I'm concerned. I went to MD Anderson for the surgery, and had an oncologist there... but I really didn't get along with the guy they assigned me (definite personality clash). I asked for a different dr but, after a month of waiting, found a dr in the Woodlands (closer to home) and transferred. MD Anderson has such awesome protocols I suppose, if they thought it necessary, they would have done the PET scan? My dr. here is basically giving me what MD Anderson was going to give me-- and we're having the BRCA test done... I just feel she is watching over me better (hydration, etc.). Anyway... just thought I would get someone else's opinion.

    You guys are SO great....and so very helpful!
