Hi there
I was informed 72 hours ago by my doctor that it was " extremely likely" I had pancreatic cancer in the tail of my pancreas. I had been given an urgent referral to UVA in Charlottesville VA and having spoke to them have been told I should have my first appointments with them later this week, I'll be honest I'm still…
Dad with esophageal cancer
Hi I am here to ask for some hope since my dad has 74 year got diagnosed with esophagus cancer on mid of june he will have the surgery in aboutvtwo weeks his cancer hasnt spread to any organ per last diagnosed have any of you had a surgery at that age my dad has never smoke or drink alcohol i am scared my soul in now in a…
Prostate contained cancer but one positive margin
I had a radical prostatectomy five weeks ago and just now found out from my doctor what was meant by "tumor focally extends to the inked/cauterized margin in the left apex." Meaning: one positive margin. It's got me very spooked, I have to say. I know that a positive margin increases the chances of recurrence. The cancer…
Should I get an biopsy?
Hi, I was on therapy for low testosterone for several years until my annual exam with my urologist showed my PSA had risen to a 2.91 from 1.75 within a year. So we stopped the testosterone therapy to see if my numbers would go down. My PSA went down to 1.93 in September of 2022. I caught a bad uti in October of 2022 and…
Endometrial biopsy
Hello. I am new here. I am scheduled for endometrial biopsy tomorrow that I have put off for far too long. My mom passed from uterine cancer. I had some bleeding but I was barely perimenopausal. Ultrasound showed the lining was enlarged. My question is, I asked for a paracervical block. I am wondering if anyone had a block…
Hello everyone
Hope theirs someone that remembers when I was on here few years ago.I have had several Cancers.Now been dignosed. With Perapeneal Cancer.I remember a few of ones still on here.Vicky sams how are you.
Had stage 1 prostatectomy and 3 AUS procedures - best absorbent underwear?
Hi, I went with prostatectomy and have had terrible experience with incontinence. Just had my 3rd AUS procedure. 1st one went ok with more control than not. 2nd to make an adjustment and improve brought back to square 1 with 0 control. 3rd procedure was 2 days ago so wait and see. Anyways, best underwear for some…
HIPEC Questions
Hi, I’m looking for more information on HIPEC surgery. My mother was diagnosed in 2020 with appendix cancer we found out because her appendix had ruptured. The mucin from the appendix got to her colon. So now they are calling it colorectal/small bowel cancer. She was cancer free after they removed her appendix in 2020 but…
it is not my boday anymore
I have a very long treatment of breast cancer, with 5 tumor in my breast I should remove it completely after doing mastectomy and Implant I lost the symmetric with the other breast completely my look is ugly and I don't feel this is my body anymore, can anyone give me any advice to accept this **** as my body again, I used…
What’s next
I just got my results yesterday for invasive ductal carcinoma and my feelings are all over the place. First visit with doctor is today and my mind is already spinning.
Sevondary Cancers
Just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge of secondary cancers which may have been caused by their treatment for Lumphoma.
Survivor Guilt
This is my first post. I was dx in March with HR+, HER2- cancer in my left breast. It was from my first mammogram, and I was shocked because I have no breast cancer history in my family and am sort of young (42). We initially thought we'd get away with lumpectomy and radiation only, but pathology showed a tiny infiltrate…
Breast Cancer Survival Rate
Hello, I was diagnosed with BC this month. Wanted to know do people with BC live long lives? Mine is Stage 2, Estrogen - Positive, Progesterone Positive and HER2 negative. The doctor mentioned people do live for 10 years and beyond.
Unfortunately RADIATION TREATMENT Causes Short And Long Term Side Effects
Here is a communication and study I have come across from a Doctor, Dr. Itzhak Brook MD about radiation's short and long term side effects. There is a link that takes you to a Pdf. He has covered the subject of radiation effects very well and it is good information for our H&N group very interesting and well-covered.…
Insurance is PAINFUL
anyone else have sooo many issues with insurance that it delayed your treatment? How is this the best healthcare systems?! It blows my mind how what my doctor deems is best for me won’t be done because of some jerk at an insurance company. I have United Healthcare and for everything else they have been fine but for my…
CEA rising with No Evidence of Progression (Covid related maybe)
Good Afternoon Everyone, I just returned from my regular 3-month lab work, CT scan, and Appt. with Oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The lab work had a very wonky CEA reading. Back in November, I had one lesion on my liver that was growing larger despite being on Folfiri + Erbitux. Doc decided to ablate…
Lanitis plastica
Hi my friend was just diagnosed with Lanitis plastica , given the option to remove stomach or start chemo looking for info from other folks that have had this situation
ACC , Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
Anyone else recently been diagnosed/treated? I live near Seattle and seem to have great doctors at SCCA who "have a plan". I had surgery then stereotactic radiation and now getting insurance approval for mitotane with hydrocortisone. Sounds like it is usual treatment. This is tier 5 drug so UHC only covers 75% . My cost…
Hi. Has anyobe recieved financial help from government, or organizations?
hi. Just wanted to see if anyone has had help to pay for co pays. I have a pretty high deductible which has been met. But miw i have to meet out if pocket another 3600 before they cover 100% i did find organization to help. But i am not sure i qualify. I have stage 2 breast and in lymph nodes. So doctor says stage 3 but…
Up all night
Hello. I am a mess! I am 64 and am scheduled for a cardiac ablation on the 18th for svt. Went to the hospital today for pre admission testing ...blood work and ekg. Tonight I get a. Email stating my test results were ready. When I went online, all tests were there Nd looked good. However, one tedt for cbc with automated…
Latest in research for small cell lung cancer
For those patients and their families affected by lung cancer. This is a free Zoom register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIldOirqzMjGtQH1QTLsTksmiyFrtDgAl1j#/registration
Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
This cancer affects about 1-2 people per one million. I was diagnosed with stage 3. Anyone else have this very rare cancer?
Surgery, radiotherapy and a marathon
It’s been one year and three months since my last radiotherapy treatment, and yesterday I ran my first marathon. PART 1 Hi, my name is Simon. I’m 47 and was diagnosed with pT2N1 ORL cancer. I received the news on the 28th of February 2022. It was a sunny day. I was on my way to the bookstore with one of my daughters to buy…
Tirads 5 and pregnant
I had an ultrasound in January and multiple nodules were found. I didn't see the report but was told to follow up with another ultrasound in 6 months. I found out I was pregnant in March and am due in December. Last week, I had my follow up ultrasound and the results showed one tirads 4 nodule and two tirads 5 nodules on…
Well meaning relatives
Just spent a week with a relative who proceeded to tell me, that there was no cure for my cancer .This was such a depressing conversation and I am struggling to shake it. She took away my hope and I told her so. She says she is just being real.
Am I a horrible caregiver?
I’ve been giving care to my mom with lymphoma this past year. For the most part, it’s been an honor to provide support. It has been a lot of appointments, calling providers, getting medications, managing side effects, talking through issues, all of it. Now I am burnt out. I have the small kids including a newborn. I have a…
New Dx -- Reaching Out For Support
Hi, I'm Tom, and I'm very scared. So, I've just got the initial diagnosis of CLL yesterday, and I'm reeling. I'm alternating between depression ("what's the point? I'm just going to get sicker and sicker, until I die...") and anxiety ("oh god, every new ache and pain is the cancer taking over!"). I am not religious, but I…
Modified Appleby Procedure
Husband is a Stage 4 pancreatic cancer patient. Currently going through treatments. Drs are now recommending the Appleby procedure. I have read about it but looking to connect with anyone who has had this procedure.
Prostate cancer returned twice
My husband had his prostate removed (RRP) in 2004. In 2010 his PSA increased and he had radiation and hormone therapy. His PSA has been very low or undetectable since then. Now in 2023, thirteen years later, his PSA level has doubled in the last six months. What are the chances that it has metastasized? Twice we were told…
Early PSA Results
I usually get my PSA test once a year in late February or March. Also, I go for my semi-annual check up with my Primary Care Provider around every 6 or 7 months. Prior to this check up (Sept) I have to get several panels of blood test. Well, this time they went ahead and did a PSA test also. Here are the results: PSA,…