Where Do I Start?

BrotherBear1976 Member Posts: 3 Member

I'm trying to support the most important person in my life and for the first time I'm feeling helpless. I'm so afraid for her and I have spent my whole life trying to be the best big brother that I can be. I have always wanted to protect her and keep her safe but now I am feeling like a failure. I am trying so hard to be strong and give her everything that she needs and deserves but I am struggling to find even the right things to say to her. Today she was given her first real "Gut" punch when over half of her hair fell out in the shower. What can I possibly say to make it better for her? I can't even imagine what that's like! She is going to need more than I think that I can help her with now.. Can anyone give me information or help guide us through this journey?


  • AndreaSulli
    AndreaSulli Member Posts: 1 *

    I don't, unfortunately, have information as I am new with a newly diagnosed loved one. But, I am here and wishing you and your sister the best. I think you're on the right place. If you go to American Cancer Society's main page, there is some helpful information for caregivers.

  • BrotherBear1976
    BrotherBear1976 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you... I want to give her everything that I can. She has been through so much already and just needs to focus on treatment and getting better without all of the other BS life deals us.

  • Cancerexerciserehab
    Cancerexerciserehab Member Posts: 3 *
    edited February 2024 #4

    Great information can be located in America cancer society website as mentioned by Andrea. I am an exercise physiologist and a cancer exercise specialist in Colorado Springs [Edited by CSN Support Team] Exercise rehab had been know to help patients going through cancer by preventing isolation and decrease long term effects of cancer and it treated.