My scans are next month
I have my scans next month
Wherefore art thou ?
I must admit to visiting the PCa Site a lot less often over the last year or so than in previous times. One thing that I have noticed fairly quickly, however, is no recent posts from Vasco.... Does anyone know his status of late ? Max
Triple Neg Breast Cancer
TNBC people we are in need of our own chat room. We have started one already and would love to have join and share your experiences with us.
Need surgeon advice
Good evening, im sorry if this is on here already. I couldn’t find it when I searched. My husband was just diagnosed with T2N1 EC. I have worked I radiation therapy for 25 years so I’m no stranger to this disease but it’s very different when it hits home. Based on my experience, I feel he will have pre-op chemoradiation…
My son has MPNST, need info please
My 14 year old son has recently been diagnosed with MPNST. Neurofriboma runs in my family on my side. I have it as well, but I have never had a malignant tumor that large. His is located in his neck and upper chest area, about 4.5". It is pushing his trachea to the side slightly and has completely encased some major…
mTNBC - newbie
Sorry this is so long... I am a 66yo who has just been diagnosed with mTNBC. Funny, it has been ten years since my last cancer treatment for a ductal carcinoma in my other breast. The sentinel node was clear. Now I'm dealing with a polymorphic cancer that has "exploded" in my other breast and has metastasized to my lymph…
Essential Thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis
Hello. I am a regular visitor in the breast cancer forum. Now my husband has been diagnosed with cancer. His report reads "The differential diagnosis mainly includes essential thrombocythemia and early stage of myelofibrosis". He is scheduled to see the oncologist/hematologist on March 15th. I would like to know some…
I am 58 years old male and diagnosed with Base of Tongue Cancer last month. After series of tests, the oncologist decided to treat me with 4 chemotherapy and then 33 radiation therapy combined with a mild chemo. I heard about Immunotherapy that can help fight cancer. But some doctors said it is good and some said it is not…
Advice on post radical prostatectomy, radiation ADT Therapy
I turn 69 this month. In early 2021, I discovered I had advanced prostate cancer. . The biopsy detected cancer in every sample In almost all of the samples, I had a Gleason score of 9. The few remaining samples had a score of 8. I had a radical prostatectomy in June of 2021. The surgeon found that it had metastasized to my…
Loss of taste after RAI
I had RAI of 100 mCi on 10/28/09. As of last week, I have slowly been losing the ability to taste things. Has anyone else experienced this? How bad does your lack of taste get? How long did it last? I can't taste sour things anymore. It's kind of freakin' me out.
Protocel 23
HAs anyone tried or taken Protocel 23? Any success? Its quite expensive ($108 for a bottle, month supply, liquid you take up to 6 times a day with a lot of water) It is supposed to flush out cancer cells and reduce the size of tumors alos, quick update, I have decided to do the recommend radiation and chemo treatmants by…
I am starting radiation treatments this week, 35 total plus chemo. I am concerned about what I read about bone death due to RT, called Osteoradionecrosis. A friend of mine just developed this after five (5) years after her last RT session. Does anyone know the statistics on having this reaction after RT?
Newbie. First post but I’m sure there will be mor
Any insight appreciated. Definite prostrate cancer diagnosis. Psa levels 5 yrs ago 2 and now 6.8 or higher. Gleason 3+4 only on right side and other gleason scores all 6. Next week Bone scan, mri. Met surgeon and he recommends surgery. Meet radiation folks next week. Im age 59! Alone. Not alot of support. Keep to myself.…
tongue cancer
hi. I am new to this . I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in early August. 2023. I had surgery to remove a lesion of my tongue Sept. 14th. I am still, after almost three weeks, having a lot of pain on my tongue, especially when I eat (I lost weight and need to gain weight) I cannot toleratel meds so for now I just can take…
Robotic prostatectomy surgeon recommendation Atlanta GA
I have asymptomatic 6X.9 pi Rad 4 mri lesion of left central prostate not involving capsule or nodes. I am awaiting biopsy but PSA 5.0. I am mid 60s & prefer robotic surgery. I want a surgeon who does many cases & can travel but live Atlanta area. Any help?
Liquid food replacement whilst recovering from cancer
Hello My 84 year old father was diagnosed with bladder cancer last April. He had his bladder removed and his left kidney was found to be cancerous and was also removed. He has been told that there is still cancer 'floating about' but he is waiting to see the consultant to find out where it is and what treatment is advised.…
Oncology appt.
I'm going for my annual oncology this week. I'm over 5 years out now and so far the blood test have been good. I get really bad anxiety every year when I have to go see her and get blood work. I've had oral thrush for over a month now and that gives me high anxiety. I hope and pray this is my last time to see the…
Radiation cystitis
Hello everyone i am James, this is the first time i post on this forum after I join CSN. I have prostate cancer and undergo radiation treatment summer 2016. I am doing very well until March 2018. I found blood in my urine. It happened for a few days and I was hoping it gone away. But it become more serious in 3/17/18. I…
Have very thick uterus
Hi, I have not been diagnosed with anything cancerous. But I have 3 children all were born by c-section. My last child was born in Oct. I never stopped bleeding after I had her. Sometimes it was heavy sometimes I spotted and other times just a wierd discharge. I went to the doctor and they done a transvaginal sonogram.…
Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma Recurrence - Starting Chemo
Hello - My 3 year old grandson was recently diagnosed with a JPA in December 2018. The surgeon was able to resect what she felt was 100% of the tumor. 10 months later, the MRI show a recurrence of the tumor and his oncologist wants to immediately put him on a chemo regimen of Carboplatin and Vincristine. We were told that…
Newly Diagnosed and Alone/Widowed.
I am 65, otherwise incredibly healthy and active for an older guy. I am widowed, live alone, so sharing my thoughts with someone is awkward b/c no one is here. My Sons and their wives (even though in their 40s, seem removed and uninterested... so that's not an option. (I will share that their mother died at age 44 from…
Head and neck cancer-food
My father who is 70 years old has been suffering from head and neck cancer , we have done the laser ablation for right buccal mucossa and cancer has metasized to lymph nodes as well. right now it been 2 weeks since laser abalation, he doesn't feel like eating anything which and felling nausea everytime he sees the food,…
it is it true that you cannot get cisplatin if you are over 70yrs old
Kidney Lesion
So I'm not actually diagnosed with kidney cancer. I'm 21, fixing to be 22 in October and a little over a month ago I was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Done the ultrasounds and fna's. All that fun stuff. About three days after my first biopsy I had my first ER visit for ear pain/pressure that was…
Second Breast Cancer
I was diagnosed and treated for stage IIIB HER2 positive breast cancer 14 years ago. I had a complete pathologic response to the ACTH chemo, but was left with permanent side effects, several of which are quite painful. I have just been diagnosed with stage IIIB triple negative breast cancer in my remaining breast. My…
Well I am back after 12 years clean post surgery. I am a 61 year old in shape relatively healthy man and had a robotic prostectomy in 2011. Was good with a very slow rising PSA. Just recently hit .3804 and doctor wants to do radiation and hormone therapy with the Relugolix pills for 4 months. Anyone have experience with…
excessive mucous production in throat following radiation
Last year my 82 year old husband underwent 6 weeks radiotheraphy twice daily for squamaous cell cancer of the epiglottis this proved unsuccessfull and in Jan this year had lazer treatment to remove the tumour, ever since the radiation he has suffered with excessive thick mucous whwich seems to be getting worse Dr's just…
lower dose chemo for the elderly
Was just reading about lower dose for the elderly some say it has no effect on outcome and others say it does have a negative effect on outcome . Idont want to do anything to affect the outcome.
Resource for latest NLPHL studies
I stumbled across a Twitter feed called GLOW (Global nLPHL One Working Group), which is a community of hem/onc docs who treat and conduct research around Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin's Lymphoma (or whatever you want to call the disease now). Here is the link: https://twitter.com/glow_nlphl. It seems to be a good…
Any new treatments available for Kidney Cancer?
Has anyone hear of any promising new treatments or research studies for Kidney Cancer?