LVSI grading
Newly Diagnosed-Seeking support-waiting on Cat Scan Results
Hello Everyone, I was recently diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer(Grade I) and had a CAT Scan on Saturday. I am praying for good results. Can anyone share how they coped with waiting? Any positve experiences would be greatly appreciated. I am scheduled for a Laparoscopic Hysterectomy at the end of November. Really scared.…
I am celebrating 3 years NED!
I just returned from my 6 month checkup with the oncologist. We both were gratified that I am still NED, having finished my last treatment in October, 2018. I was dx with 1a serous (grade 3) with LVSI. I had hysterectomy, BSO, chemo and brachy. This is a big deal for me and it was encouraging to think that I may only have…
Three years after UPSC/clear cell diagnosis, and NED
I'm not on here much now, but I found hope here when I was diagnosed, so I wanted to post for those on now, and those to come. I was diagnosed in fall of 2018 (but had had symptoms for a year prior) with UPSC mixed with clear cell, with isolated tumor cells in one of the two sentinel nodes taken, so clearly with lymphatic…
Thank you everyone
Years ago I joined this board with a diagnosis of IVB adenocarcinoma grade 1. This board and especially one that has closed that was called Eyes On the Prize, were a lifeline for me. I know that a great number of people have migrated to Facebook but this site is still extremely valuable. Keep sharing and supporting each…
I'm 35 y/o. Anyone else around my age?
Hi everyone! I have never posted on a discussion board before, but today I got my pathology back that I have Stage 1 endometrioid carcinoma. I have endometrial atypical hyperplasia and had a D&C with hysteroscopy almost a month ago. I had been having prolonged and SEVERE bleeding for months straight, which I know you all…
November Birthdays, anyone?
Let's see -- would you be Scorpio? Born in the month of Thanksgiving, a late Autumn baby? I know you're out there. Who has a birthday? 'fess up! Let's celebrate you!
October Birthdays
Let us help you celebrate! After all, we fight HARD to make it to these dang birthdays, right? If you have a birthday in October, please reply and tell us when it is, and if you plan to celebrate! We ALL honor you, and will be so glad to wish you a HAPPY Birthday! Deb 2
PET CT results
One thing I admire about Huntsman is they get scan results read and posted quickly! Had my PET CT Friday morning and Saturday the radiation oncologist was calling me as results were posted on My Chart. Once again it was a bit of a mixed bag. Larger tumors continued to grow but by mm, not cm. The subcarinal node is still…
Hysterectomy after all
Yesterday was my follow up appointment where my gyn onco went over the MRI. It is stage 1a, with less than 50% invasion into the myometrum but she said it's not a good idea to go forward with fertility sparing treatment. I feel like I have NO say or control and a hysterectomy is not what I want. I am 37 years old. She said…
Hard-to-Treat Uterine Corpus Cancers Increasing
Hard-to-Treat Uterine Corpus Cancers Increasing Uneven impact on racial-ethnic groups * by Diana Swift, Contributing Writer * Among all U.S. women, rates of more aggressive non-endometrioid cancer subtypes have been rising rapidly. And trends show marked racial differences and disparities, with higher rates of uterine…
Survive & Thrive - free online event
Read about this in a newletter and wanted to share this free online event sponosred by Northwestern University on Saturday 10/16/21. Here is the link to register: https://www.cancer.northwestern.edu/events/public/thrive/index.html On Saturday, October 16, the Lurie Cancer Center will host Survive & Thrive, a virtual…
Test Results In
I found my biopsy results on MOFFITT patient portal, I have an appointment in two weeks with the doctor to find out what these actually mean. I am cutting and pasting it here hoping that you ladies can tell Me what these results mean and what should be my next steps. Surgical Pathology Final Report 10/7/2021 13:34 EDT…
My uncle was just dx with melanoma.
Off topic, I know, but we just learned today from our 83 year old treasured uncle that he has been diagnosed with melanoma. I was horrified to learm of the missteps, incompetence and sheer lunacy of what he had already had to endure. Same story that many of us tell. Dermatologist dx melanoma after a biopsy, clown car…
First 3-Month Check-Up All Good!
Good news on my first official check-up with my gynocologist oncologist this morning! While I had a pelvic exam check-up by the radioation oncologist a month ago about 6 weeks after brachy ended and he said all looked good, that exam caused me so much discomfort that I was terribly anxious about my exam and labs today but…
Whether to stop treatment
i was diagnosed in 2015, surgery, chemo, radiation, more chemo. A year after surgery I had a recurrence in my lungs and started taking megace (200 mg/day). I have been on the megace since then, now just over five years. No evidence of disease for several years. But I have gained 25 pounds, had blood clots, and now starting…
Six Years NED from UPSC
Six years ago today I had my hysterectomy. My surgeon thought he got it all even though it had spread. I only made it through three chemos. Lots of side effects I've had to live with, but the important word here is "live." So many wonderful women here didn't make it but, for some reason I did. Thanks to all the women on…
What are the symptoms that led to diagnosis
I am 54 yrs old and considered in perimenopause. I used to have 28 day cycles up until my late 40's. They started becomming more erratic, coming farther apart some months which I attributed to perimenopause. They currently are doing the same although they have gotten much lighter but last longer. There have been a few…
Thank you all but the time has come to say goodbye
The time has come for me to say goodbye to all you wonderful ladies , you are all true warriors and I thank you for all your wisdom and support , I pray and hope all of you live long lives and beat this terrible disease , I for one have let this disease beat me and I don’t even have it , my anxiety and depression are off…
Years before cancer, UPSC, I had a lot of vaginal stenosis making sex painful, and, as a result infrequent. My husband and I tried many things available to us through the pharmacy and by prescription through my ob/gyn, all without much success. Now, 3 years from my dx, and, after 6 rounds of carbo/taxol, 32 rounds of IMRT,…
Update-DNC Biopsy
Hi ladies, I haven't been on here awhile, I've been super busy sewing gifts and decorations for the up coming holidays. Today I had my DNC biopsy done at MOFFIT. I am bleeding and feeling cramps which I hope go away tomorrow. I should have results within 7 to 10 days. I am going to flip out again waiting to find out wether…
My Lenvima/Keytruda experience so far - please share yours
My recurrence diagnosis was Aug 19, 2019. Metastatic UPSC to multiple lymph nodes. Did 6 more cycles of Taxol/Carbo ending 12/30/19. PET scans Jan & Mar indicated some response, but also spread to more lymph nodes. Started Keytrud, 200 mg infusion on 4/6. On 4/7 started Lenvima 14 mg. By day #3 my blood pressure was way…
Sad New from LouDy22
I'm sorry to report that Billy's mother has passed away from Stage 4B carcinosarcoma. Despite conventional chemo, immunotherapy and her previous good health, her cancer proved to be intractable. A very sad loss for Billy and his family, especially since his mom was only 59.
Hair Loss - Not From Chemo - Hormonal?
My surgery was 6/10 and I had brachy treatements in late July/early. Noticed the past few weeks increased hair loss in my brush after brushing or in the shiwer after washing my hair. Is this hormal/estrogen related after having everything removed during surgery and if so, any recommendations besides biotin which I have…
Newly Diagnosed with stage 4b MMMT
I just recently had a radical hysterectomy and the pathology report came in as Edometrial Carcinosarcoma Maligment Mixed Mulleran Tumor Carinoma componet high grade serous type Stage 4B. I have it lymphodes one ovary (removed) and in my Omentum... It takes you back getting a diagnois like this. Makes you want to stop and…
Post-Brachytherapy Inflammation
For those who have had bracytherapy and experienced what feels like a UTI but isn't after treatemnt is over, any suggestions? I finished my last treatment a week ago and had no issues until mid-week last week (a few days after lats one) when I started feeling like I might be getting a UTI. I had been drinking massive…
Stage II endometrial cancer
My husband's cousin just had a hysterectomy last Thursday and they found Stage II endometrial cancer. They are telling her the only treatment is hysterectomy AND they left her ovaries. Do any of you know anything about Stage II endometrial cancer?
Covid Booster
Got a call from oncology scheduler before my last immunotherapy treatment asking if I wanted the Covid booster. Sure. 24 hours later I had body aches, headache and chills. No fever. I had no reactions after first two shots. Today after waking up I felt great--so 24 hours of feeling bad. Probably why I "let" my husband buy…
It's my Birthday!
Happy Birthday to all my September friends also! I was born 9/9/59, which makes me 62 this year. Last year, we were fleeing our home, as wildfires raged nearby. The sky was pink, orange, then black. Smoke was so thick we could scarcely breathe. We evacuated five cattle, two cats, and three dogs--and grabbed our passports…
Initial Follow-Up Exam Schedule Question
Hi Ladies, I had my surgery on 6/10/21 - hard to believe it's been 3 months already. Sorry if below is TMI. I saw my surgeon/medical oncologist for a post-op follow-up exam on 7/19/21 and my next visit with her is 3 months later for 10/18/21. I had 4 brachy treatments that ended on 8/2/21. The radiation oncologist told em…