Stage 3 Grade 3-starting chemo soon
Hi, I talked with my Dr. Friday and he confirmed stage 3 grade 3 mixed endometrial/serous cancer. It was contained in the utereous and 1 out of 14 lymph nodes, but I guess it doesn't matter, because serous is always treated aggressively. I'm starting chemo Dec 10th, 6 rounds, 3 wks apart. He originally said no radiation,…
Interesting article about radiation
Mom stopping treatment
So I got the text today from my father about how mom wanted to talk to us , deep down in my heart I knew what it was about , today has been the hardest and saddest day in my 36 years of life ..... even worst from the day the dr said " your mother has a very rare and aggre cancers called Carcinosarcoma which carries poor…
Hope to be a survivor soon
Dear All: I was dx'ed with Stage1A-Grade 2 endometrial cancer in April 2019 when I was 70. I had a total hysterectomy and six brachytherapy treatments. I was just dx'ed with a recurrence on my vaginal wall and will soon start daily intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for five weeks followed by a TBD amount of…
Potential New Treatments Using Covid19 Vaccine Technologies
Hope everyone is doing well. I thought you might find these interesting. Wouldnt it be wonderful if something good came out of this pandemic? https://www.fiercebiotech.com/research/biontech-reports-promising-data-mrna-cocktail-mouse-models-colon-cancer-and-melanoma…
New here-just told this morning.
Hi, everything is moving quickly, saw a gynocologist on sep 30, received news 5 days later that it was cancer, saw my gyno/onc surgeon Oct 21st, had Da Vinci surgery on Nov 6th, today was told I have mixed endometrioid (75%) and serous (25%). Figo Grade 3, one lymph node involved (IIIC1). I guess that means I'm stage 3…
This Can't be good
I received a call from MOFFIT today when I had dirt and dust all over my hands and pants. I had my roomba in pieces as I cleaned everything, removed wheels etc. I didn't get to the phone in time so after I listened to the message from someone named Lindsey that they were wanting to change appointment time. Well I called…
what would you do?
hi everyone! i'm posting for my mother who doesn't speak english very well. this is an amazing space, i've been reading/translating a lot of posts to her and she's told me that it's helped her feel much less alone. thanks to everyone who has posted here and shared their stories. my mom was recently diagnosed with stage 1a…
Full abdominal radiation
I have UPSCALE. I had chemo(6) surgery and the 25 radiation treatments to my abdome. After the radiation I was really sick for awhile diarrhea, nausea etc. then it calmed down. I finished radiation in the end of Januar. But now it's sept and I have bouts of burning pain in my abdomen. This last one was about 10 days worth.…
Really great essay about cancer
https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/08/caitlin-flanagan-secret-of-surviving-cancer/619844/?utm_source=pocket-newtabR Although Caitlin had breast cancer, this essay is invaluable to all of us who have gone through cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. The "Think Positive Police" have been neutered, if we let…
Brachytherapy dilator use
I've just finished my 6 rounds of chemo and am now scheduled for brachytherapy radiation (they had found stage 1A carcinosarcoma (MMMT) and UPSC). I'm now scheduled for 3 brachytherapy sessions. I'm finding that I'm rather anxious particularly about the long term dilator use. I found that research on the effectiveness…
Resonated With Me - Wanted To Share
This resonated with me and thought I would share. I thought there was an option to embed a link so you could just click on it but I guess you have to copy and paste to browser. Happy Tuesday. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/08/caitlin-flanagan-secret-of-surviving-cancer/619844/
S/P TAH BSO= Status post total abdominal hysterectomy bil salpingo oophrectomy
Happy July 19th, my day of discovering I have high grade endometrioid adenocarcinoma FOGO grade 3, what a mouthful! I am 3 weeks postop and my very fisrt surgery ever, at age 69...lucky me. I felt the surgery was easy, almost pain-free too....only took 3 tramadol 50mg once discharged. I just happen to be a RN and wow it…
Partial Vaginectomy
I noted in my surgical report (from the doctor I left behind, as we did not work well together) that my gyn onc performed a Partial Vaginectomy on me, as he was doing the TH BSO etc. Has anyone else had this done? I woke up at 4 am feeling angry at the gyn onc, and I've been dwelling on the fact that I did not sign a…
Pathology Report Part I
So, here I am again writing on this forum because it is so challenging to have anything explained....or to reach my current ob/gyn. Thankfully, due to advice received from ladies on this forum, I have switched insurance, contacted my representative early for my member ID number, and I was lucky to receive an appointment…
Lately I've been adjusting my diet a bit to become more alkaline and less acidic. According to my research, an alkaline diet is healthier for those who have had cancer or those with cancer. Recognizing that many of "us" have had to turn to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast) to just keep food down on…
Foundation One Testing Question
When I first joined this group after initial diafgnosis, someone recommended having Founadtion One test done at the front end after surgery so I reqiested this from GO. This was before I had surgery and final path. I recently messaged their office to inquire about this and they nurse said they had to get my pslides back…
So Many Questions...
First, I want to mention that reading the posts here have been helpful. I initially joined this site months ago to read more regarding my father's diagnosis (he was diagnosed in March of 2020 with kidney cancer). Weeks later, we understood he was Stage IV with mets to lungs and bones. He has been receiving immunotherapy,…
MRI results are in
My MRI was scheduled for the 19th. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I went in feet-first and could see out of the machine and had ear plugs AND headphones so the noise was very muffled. Anyways I got the results the next afternoon and it is a stage 1A. It said it was less than 50% myometrial invasion, and it said the…
I Know I’m Overreacting
Well the latest news is that Dr Whenham MD, MS, FACOG, FACS at MOFFITT, who is the department chair; and WOW theres a lot of initials after his name( I'll probably go bankrupt seeing him, lol); his scheduler called yesterday to tell me he's taking me as a patient and I now have my first appointment on September 14. I am…
Good news thread
We all have so much to deal with, I thought I'd start a "good news" thread. Can be medical, or not. I'll start (since I'm bursting with it). My youngest got accepted to Harvard this past week.
Uterine Carcinsosarcoma Stage 1A
I am new to the board. This is my second cancer. I had anal cancer 9 years ago and I am pretty sure this cancer is secondary to the radiation I had for that as pelvic radiation is a risk factor for this cancer. I have had 5 rounds of chemo and 3 of brachytherapy. I am thinking of skipping the final infusion because there…
My thoughts about chemo and radiation
First of all I had stage 1A Grade 3 cancer, and it was clear cell. Rare and scary. I was diagnosed after some spotting led to further testing. I had an ultrasound and then a biopsy. Yes, the biopsy hurt pretty bad! Then had robot assisted hysterectomy with all the other stuff taken out also, and 22 lymph nodes which were…
Recently diagnosed with Endometrial cancer
June 27 I went in for a hysteroscopy with D&C to get to the bottom of unexplained bleeding I had had since last October. 2 polyps were removed and me and my husband were hopeful that this would increase our fertility chances and I would finally be able to get pregnant after years of infertility. Yesterday morning my doctor…
My Garden Style Cancer is Kicking My ***
Spent yesterday feverish and ill. I am leaking from my backside from the HDR brachytherapy. This is not the most fun I've had in life. On the up side, I am vertical, no longer so dizzy and ill that I can't walk. I'm torn on whether to make the four hour round trip to our house on the Oregon Coast. Daughter, son-in-law, and…
Chemo after immunotherapy
Looking for anyone with this experience. Since starting immunotherapy treatments in May--2 Pembro and 2 dostarlimab--my oncologist is considering moving me to Doxil due to disease progression. I had one X-ray and one chest CT that indicate very rapid pulmonary tumor growth--from 9mm to 3.8cm in 3 months--and now extensive…
Do I Trust Doctor or Look Elsewhere
Hi Ladies, Well I canceled my biopsy last week and my gynecologist referred me to Dr Michelle Cofield to do a DNC to see if I have cancer. Her office is supposed to call me to make an appointment to dicuss the procedure. Well today I googled her online and found good reviews and bad. The bad were about having to wait theee…
Hello, My mom was diagnosed in December 2020 after her hysterectomy. There was spread to her lymph nodes. She started Carbo/Taxol and was in a Keytruda trial. She had her 8th (and scheduled to be last) chemo 4 weeks ago. She had a Keytruda infusion last week. From her 8th chemo and since, she has been incredibly tired. She…
Editing Your Comments & Date Change
Recently I noticed that editing an existing comment that I've made in the past now changes the date to the new edit date. This is different behavior than in the past when editing a comment didn't change the original comment date. There have been times in the past when I wished an edited comment would include the change…
Post Op - Loss of Ovaries Question / Issues / Recommendations
Hi All, So unrelated to UC per se but as a result of surgery I am wodnering about side effects and isssues resukt from losing both ovaries plus all your other ladyparts. I am have been post-menopausal for many years and most of the side effects were behind me except for occasional night sweats and sleep issues. Since…