Dr. John Boik's (of M.D. Anderson and Stanford) 20 top cancer fighting foods
His was the book that got me started in the usefulness of natural therapies and he is a huge proponent of synergy in using foods. Natural Compounds that help fight cancer In 2001 John Boik of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas launched a book called ‘Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy’ It should have been compulsory…
How long did you stay on aromatase inhibitor?
I continue to wrestle with the side effects of the aromatase inhibitor (AI) I've been on since chemo and brachy. It's 3 years at this point and my gyn onc has now asked me to consider going off the AI because the side effects are increasingly disabling despite the fact that I'm very active (most recently, it's causing…
Aromatase inhibitor and tendonitis/tendinopathy
Hi everyone. My uterine cancer is ER+ and I've been on exemestane since completing chemo in September 2018. I was initially on anastrozole and was switched to exemstane in an attempt to address joint pain from the drug. The AI has always given me quite a bit of pain in my joints, particularly feet, knees and hips. I can…
Out Patient DNC
Hi Ladies, I want to thank all of you for your suggestions to avoid getting a biopsy which my doctor canceled today, Yay. I told her that I don't want the oncologist she's sending me to, to miss anything, or need to turn around and do a DNC anyway. She said she suggested the biopsy because it's easier and less invasive but…
Six Weeks Post-Op: My Questions
I took the following questions to my gyn onc who did my DaVinci robotic-assisted laparoscopic TH BSO and partial vaginectomy. He did not want to address my questions, and instead sent his PA in to talk with me and we went through them. Because they had a particular "vibe" going on at the clinic, she was also a bit…
Neulasta Onpro ??
I’ve had my 5th cycle of carbo/Taxol delayed 3 times now due to low blood counts. The first time it was cancelled I had low platelets and low WBCs, but specifically too low of neutrophils along with my platelets being too low for chemo. I was told to come back a week later. 2nd trip showed my neutrophils had increased some…
Got my call this mroning from my GO. Stage 1B Gradec 3. Tumor confined to uterus. All lymph node negative. Shocked at how many nodes were taken and worried about lymphedema risk. I had BC and lymph nodoes removed on both sides 5+ years ago. I was told that I need 25 external radiation treatments to start in about 4 weeks…
Anybody else suffering from extreme fatigue and/or chronic diarrhea?
It's been over five years since I finished my chemo; I never had radiation. There are some days when, as my friend says, I feel like I was "rode hard and put away wet." I know part of it is the chronic diarrhea but this fatigue is just so sporadic. I felt great Saturday and Sunday but yesterday, I could hardly move and…
Finally some relief - neuropathy and diarrhea
I had seen my doctor's PA a few times who was much easier to talk to than my doctor who is from India. I signed the paperwork that I did not want any further testing like mammograms, colonoscopy, etc. I explained that I would not accept any further treatment if the cancer came back. Then she had me go through this…
Pseudoprogression in Immunotherapy
I haven't done an update other than scatter some comments on other threads. I had my second Jemperli infusion last week but because the GO didn't like sounds--or lack ther of--I was scheduled for a CT scan which was today and results were posted within hours. Not pretty. The only good news was I have no blood clots that…
TVUS Result 13mm, Scared to Death
Hi, I am new on here and hoping to find out more about Endometrial Cancer, testing, testing results, questions I should ask doctor, etc, etc. I have spent hours and days researching online and all I can do is cry, Im scared of dying and scared about the pain and side effects like Lymphedema that treatments could cause. I…
How is NED determined?
Hello! My mom just finished 8 rounds of Carbo/Taxol and is in a Keytruda trial. She is going for a CT scan right now (I'm praying hard). I was wondering how NED is determined? At her last CT scan, which was after Chemo #6, there were still 2 lesions. Does the lesion have to go away completely and no new ones to say NED?…
newly diagnosed with serous carcinoma
Good Morning, On Tuesday I was diagnosed with high grade serous carcinoma after suffering with nebulous symptoms for months. I have yet to see a gynecological oncologist, but have appointments with two. One at a suburban hospital near my home and another at a leading university hospital in Philadelphia. As it is the…
Brachy Question - If You Do Brachy Can You Do External Pelvic Later If You Recur?
Hi Ladies - me again - sorry to be a pest. Does anyone know for certain if you do brachy only as initial post-op treatment, is external pelvic radiation an option if you have a local recurrence? I had one RO tell me yes, one tell me yes but at not at as strong a dosage as you would have had if you did external first and…
Waiting of the other shoe to drop?
Hi, Ladies! So, that's my question! I've had 2 rounds of Paclitaxel & Carboplatin and I feel pretty darn good! I asked my GO,"So, should I be waiting for the other shoe to drop!" He said, "No!" Round 1: That one hit me like a ton of bricks. I really felt like my body had been ASSAULTED. Partly my fault...even though I was…
Metallic smell after treatment
I have just finished day 8 of 28 external radiation treatments. I was not prepared for the strong metallic odor I encountered on my person after treatment. Originally, I thought the odor was in the house somewhere at first... my cats, the trash etc. Then I realized it was attached to me.I thought it was in my clothes since…
Very Probable Recurrence (Update about my mom)
Hello all, I'm not sure if there's anyone who still remembers me. My last post about my mom was in 09/28/18 when she went into remission after being diagnosed with UPSC IIIC2 in 08/2016. It's been several years and I'm very sad to see many of the ladies who were a huge support and encouragement to me have passed on. Yet I…
Weight, Exercise, and Gynecological Cancers
Hi, Ladies! i've been doing so much research in the last year and have finally decided I would/should throw something out there for y'all to think about. My main point is that I'm more than a little irritated that I had to discover these things by myself! So....I'm 66 now. I'm tall and large-boned. I'm the opposite of a…
Hyaluronic Acid Gel For Vaginal Stenonis?
6.2. Hyaluronic Acid Therapy for Vaginal Side Effects after RT In Addittion To Dilator Use In addition to dilator use, I came across this study and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of using a gel with HA. I know I have fread about HA causing cancer cells to grow bit I thought that was if you took supplements. I will…
Charweaver47 – Please see this post regarding uterine carcinosarcoma (MMMT)
Your new post was to a very old, very long thread. I've started this new topic for you so that others can see it and respond more easily. I was diagnosed with Stage 3B carcinosarcoma (MMMT) in 2016. You can read about my cancer experience by clicking on my username under my profile photo. Since MMMT is a rare form of…
I'm starting chemo on Thursday and want to try icing during infusion to prevent neuropathy. The chemo is for a reoccurrence and I still have numbness in my feet from the first time. Has anyone tried it? Any tips or ideas? i ordered booties and gloves but I've also heard of using ice bags. Did you wear gloves and socks?…
Brachytherapy treatment
I had to have brachy treatment this time last year along with radiation for a reacuurance that I had. I am still getting diarrhea from it. Doctors gave me medication,I eat the brat diet. How long will this last? Any one else suffer with this?? thank you
Chemo alternatives
Mom is currently in the hospital for pain management , she is 59 years old and was diagnosed in March , she has had 3 chemo treatments carbo/taxol and her main tumor has shrunk by 60% and her lungs are now clear of nodules BUT she also had disease progression and a new growth was detected on one of her lymphnodes cause…
Optimal Time Of Day To Schedule External Radiation If You Work?
Hi All - hop3 everyone is having the start of a nice long holiday wekeend. I am going to move forward with the 25 external radiation treatemnts. I am supposed to do my simulationthe week of 7/12 and start treatements the week of 7/19. Still waiting on insurance preapproval and scheduling. I was told that when I come in for…
Help! Post-Op Follow-Up Exam With GO & Also Exam by RO
The radiation oncologist told me he would need to physically examine me before starting external treatments. I kind of freaked out as the timeline wiill fall around the same time as when I am due for my post-op follow-up with my GO which I am sure also requires a physical exam. I had surgery on 6/10 and my appt with GO is…
1B3 - 2nd opinion slight different about radiation - internal vs external
My GO post-surgery and final path recommended 25 external radiation treatments for 1B3 EC no lymph involvement pelvic wash clear etc. I sought second opinions. I had one yesterday and the GO said to do inernal radiation instead. She acknowledged there is limited data spefically on 1B3 with no lymph node involvement and it…
low BP after chemo infusions ??
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I had my chemo infusion a week ago today. Did pretty well in regards to side effects until yesterday around noon when I had an "episode" where I think I was close to passing out. I had the same thing happen on day 8 after my 3rd cycle of chemo. Ended up in the ED that day because I also…
Blister Pill Packs (and Imodium)
I'm starting this topic after reading a comment on another post. As I've mentioned in other posts, I've been plagued with diarrhea ever since I started taking Metformin for my Type 2 diabetes back in 2014. The diarrhea was far worse after my surgery and chemo treatments. And I continue to have problems today. Loperamide…
Chemo and keytruda
I have endometrial adenocarcinoma, stage 4 and after chemo I am now on key truss for life. I have noticed lately my thinking is off. I confuse dates, times, appointmrnts. Example is talking with a peer and saying I knew we had the program this month. There was a pause....it was LAST month. My mind was blank. Anyone else…
NCCN Guidelines
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has just issued a new version of its Uterine Cancer guidelines. While the patient-centered version hasn’t been updated in a couple of years (see its link in the FAQ), the comprehensive guidelines intended for clinicians are generally updated once or twice a year, with more…