Has anyone had a plurex catheter? Something weird just happened.
Warning, if you have a weak stomach please stop reading now, this is gross and not too much weirds me out. OK, so my mom has had the plurex catheter installed in her right plurel cavity maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I set her up and do the draining which has steadly been decreasing over the past week. Yesterday, we only got about…
Teal Toes and Fingers for OVC Awareness month
Teal toes and fingers
Mixed Results
My mother had her CT scan last week and we finally got the results today, which were not that encouraging but could have been worse. The scan shows that most of her tumors have remained around the same size. The only one that grew was the one they initially thought was a cystic tissue but now appears to be a tumor. We were…
Avastin tough
Hi all had chemo no 5 with avastin added and it has been awful the side effects that i seem able to cope with when on chemo alone are magnified , neuropathy , constipation , headaches , decided to get some fresh air 5days after treatment and passed out ! Blood tests being done now to see whats up , needless to say I'm not…
6th Chemo Today, but May Have to Endure a 7th
I was diagnosed with an ovarian cancer and have gone through Taxol/Carboplatin chemo over the past 4 months, 6 rounds so far. My CA 125 jumped after the first chemo from 170 to 446. It has gradually been coming down after each chemo session, but my doctor is concerned as to why it has remained high (even though it is…
Can some one please give me some advise
Hi: I am new member for American Cancer Society. Last month diagnosis and doctor told me I got ovarian cancer stage III. I done the surgery last month, Removed the tumor and both of my ovarials. Doctor told me I need chemo as soon as possible. (I don't think I am fully recover yet! only been 5 weeks, still not feeling…
Bad couple of weeks
had my last chemo August 15th....while recouping I developed two rectal abcsesses and other cheek rectal fistula acted up....had surgery one week after chemo. I was supposed to go visit my son in Atlanta. Very painful and will probably come back...surgeon says it's probably from chemo...these are very life threatening to…
Had my post chemo scan with disappointing results
After 6 miserable rounds of carbo/gemzar/avastin my ca125 is 5...good, no? The scan, however, still shows tumors. While smaller by half, they are still there. The 64 thousand dollar question is....are they cancer, are they scar tissue or are the tumors still gonna shrink? The answer is...don't know, come back in 3 months,…
How to cope with Taxol and Cisplatin ( for IV and IP Chemo )
Hi: I am new member to American. I am going to start my chemo next week. Doctor told me I need IP and IV both (First IV for TAXOL, Second day IP for Cisplatin) I am super norvious. I read so many side effect may happen. Can any one tell me how to cope with them ? Thank you so much
Ascites for the 1st time ever. I gained 5 lbs. of fluid weight in 3 days. :(
I guess each of us has something that frightens us, and for me it has always been ascites. I too vividly remember Linda Dorian and Nancy and the ascites they had so bad at the end. I guess I associate sudden weight loss and ascites with the 'end of days', so to have ascites for the 1st time myself..... I gained 5 pounds…
Anyone have sister or sisters that are BRCA positive if you are negative (or vice versa)??
I was diagnosed in 1/2013 w/stage 1c OC. My mother's family - at least the one's I know of have a big history of Breast Cancer - 2 of her sisters died young 37 and 50 years old -- the one that was 37 died back in the early 1970s, the other one in the early 1990s. I also have 2 cousins who are sisters (their dad is my mom's…
Carboplatin real allergy
I have a real allergy to Caboplatin and have tried desenitiazation twice and both times failed. I am told that this is the best hope to go along with my taxsol for stopping my recurrance and giving me more time. I am finding it hard to believe that all the doctors in the world put all their eggs into the one basket of…
My birth brother died today from brain cancer. He is now free. Free from the pain. It is a blessing.
YAY ??????????? Good Petscan report
A little background: Feb. 2009 diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Biopsy.Chemo.Neublasta. @ 6 months Total hysterectomy with debulking. Chemo. Neublasta-like drug. 12 months later in remission. Woked for first 6 months of treatment, Hours cut due to failing economy (enough hours to pay my weekly insurance premium)…
Need ideas for supplements ASAP, please help
Greetings, this is my first post here. I am looking for support/ideas. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 3 years ago. They removed her ovaries and she has been doing chemo on and off. There was a time she was cancer-free but then it came back with a vengeance. She had to suspend chemo for a while due to…
Eh, who likes cartoons?
Hi Everyone: I was just wondering if there was anyone planning on attendng the camp in September at Camp-Mak-Dream in Montana.
5th Annual Ovarian Cancer Symposium
Sep 22-23, 2014 Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto This annual two-day ovarian cancer research symposium focuses on new developments for improving prevention, detection and treatment of ovarian cancer. I am going; if you are in or near Toronto - please join me. If you have questions you want me to ask - please PM me.…
Great news, Alexandra!
I'm so happy ot hear that your ca125 is 8 and your scans are clear...what a miracle! I've just finished chemo, my ca125 is 7.8 and I haven't been scanned yet....hoping it's clear too. The last 4 months have been horrible. I am sick of feeling sick all the time. I hope to have some remission time. Will you just stay on the…
Good News for a Change
So, when last I reported my mother had just had her ct scan and it showed a decrease in most of her lesions but a study rise in her ca-125 values from 1247 at the start of the trial in late March to 3042 at the end of June which was a little dishearting. At the end of July we really got a blow when we saw the number rise…
It's been awhile...
Hello everyone, it's been awhile so I figured I would check in. It's actually been about 2.5 months give or take! I made a post back in May freaking out about the possibility of cancer. My doctor reffered me to a gyn and I wasn't able to get in until June 9th. On June 9th the doctor I visited did not do any furture testing…
July check in
let's us know how you are...me had chemo two weeks ago...next one August....hanging in there.....Val
Just checking in
I left this board last year, due to harassment, and I am not back to stay. But I miss all of you ladies and hope things are going well. I just wanted to share that it is the 5 year anniversary of my debulking surgery for stage IIIc papillary serous adenocarcinoma. My surgery was suboptimal. I received conventional…
Three days before my daughter's wedding, and guess what? SHINGLES!
So far, just some minor itching and discomfort. They're going to be calling me in some medicine later this afternoon. They're on the right side, along my waist. Over night a few more came up on my stomach. Well, nothing's stopping me from enjoying my daughter's wedding Friday night. Carla
Dr. appt.
I have an appt. this morning with my gyn. I forgot it a couple of weeks ago and had to reschedule. I am hoping for just a routine check up. In 5 days from today four years ago is when I heard those words you have cancer. It sure has been a emotional roller coaster but I do feel that I have been blessed. I have noticed in…
I found this website helpful
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/categories/ovarian_cancer http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/275129.php For ovarian cancer, disease-free survival estimates improve over time The probability of staying disease-free improves dramatically for ovarian cancer patients who already have been disease-free for a period of…
My book on OC awareness
I was the caregiver for my sister, who died from OC March 20, 2014. I am broken hearted, but I am determined to write a book about her journey. First of all, I am not a writer. I am a retired school teacher. I am going to attempt to write a book about my sister's journey with OC. Two reasons: 1. I want to honor my sister.…
Good news and bad
Hi everyone , when I reported debulking surgrey went well think I was jumping the gun a little , my surgeon said all visible cancer was removed , I had a ct scan 3 weeks after and then to see oncologist the scan reports still show significant abnormalities and what looks like 2new areas of concern ca125at 77...all that in…
4 month check up NED
Went to my wonderful oncologist today and I am NED! August I will hit the two year mark for NED.
venofer therapy
Has anyone had Venofer with their chemo? I just completed chemo #5 today, bloodwork showed anemia....and I told the Dr. I slept most of last week, constant fatigue. He thought it was time for some iron, so I will be getting Venofer weekly: Week 1 cisplatin and Taxol; Weeks 2 & 3 Taxol. Then Week 1 starts the cycle all over…