Mixed Results

My mother had her CT scan last week and we finally got the results today, which were not that encouraging but could have been worse.  The scan shows that most of her tumors have remained around the same size.  The only one that grew was the one they initially thought was a cystic tissue but now appears to be a tumor.  We were disappointed because the treatment is very hard on her.  She has bilateral plueral effusion around both lungs and a plurex catheter on the right side.  Due to the shortness of breath she has not been able to go anywhere other than the hospital and could barely move from one room to another.  She is on oxygen, though she started to feel better after the catheter was implanted and the left cavity drained.  She has also started taking lasix to help remove the fluid from around her lungs and we believe that is working.  It is still unclear wheter or not this is a function of her cancer, which it could be, as this and previous scans showed that it had spread to the plueral cavity; or if it is a side effect of the doxil which the website says is a possiblity.  It is also posibile that it is partly both, we just are not sure and the doctors tell us there is no way to find out for certain.  I suppose we will know more at her next treatment.  My mother decided today that she will try two more treatments of the trial and see what happens since the one bright spot was that her ca-125 levels had dropped again about 800 points; which was encouraging.  Unfortunately, we did not get this information while still in the hospital, because I really wanted to know how her tumors had grown or stayed the same but her ca-125 levels were down.  Tommorrow we go over to the pulmenary lab to find out when or if she can ever be taken off the oxygen, which she hates.  Well that is my update, still hopeful and thank you for reading. 


  • seatown
    seatown Member Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for update

    So sorry to hear that your mom has not seen much improvement. Just know that we are all hoping for the best for her and you. Take care.