Anyone have sister or sisters that are BRCA positive if you are negative (or vice versa)??

Vickierph Member Posts: 12

I was diagnosed in 1/2013 w/stage 1c OC. My mother's family - at least the one's I know of have a big history of Breast Cancer - 2 of her sisters died young 37 and 50 years old -- the one that was 37 died back in the early 1970s, the other one in the early 1990s. I also have 2 cousins who are sisters (their dad is my mom's brother) also had breast cancer in their late 40's early 50's --and both are doing well. They have not been tested for BRCA .  I was BRCA negative, much to my surprise. My younger sister is facing a possible breast cancer diagnosis -- she is having a needle biopsy of some calcifications on Tuesday and has been warned by a radiologist it has a good chance of being negative. Is there a chance she could be BRCA positive, even if I am not? She has 2 daughters, so this could be something she needs to find out. Thanks for any input. Vickie


  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    Hello Vickie

    If one of your parents was BRCA positive, it is possible that your sister could be BRCA+ even if you are BRCA-. It is hard to tell without testing.

    In my case my father is deceased, my mother tested BRCA negative. I tested BRCA 1 positive (so my gene came from paternal side).

    My only daughter had 50% chance of inheriting my gene mutation, but she tested BRCA negative.