Anyone been on Xeloda?
After the failures of Gemzar, Doxil, Avastin, Carboplatin, Taxol, & Arimidex (did I forget any?), I am now starting on Xeloda. Anyone out there have any experience with this? Thanks for your info! All the details: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/caroleseaton/journal/view/id/55396c2bab28b91f769b7494
Etoposide and Y90 procedure
good evening teal sisters. Treatments for the past several months have been a little tough to take, but sometimes I think that as we continue year after year every treatment will be tougher. Diagnosed in November 2011 with 3c. I've had pretty much all the standard chemos for our disease plus 26 rounds of chemo. The last…
Lorraine needs a blood transfusion tomorrow,platelet level is low.Anyone have to have to have this done? Wondering if this will tire her out.It's a 5 or 6 hour process.Just looking for any tips or advice.
CA 125
Lorraine's ca 125 was 8,000 before first treatment, it was 4,000 before round 5, last week. Wondering what people's thoughts were on this. Of course we're happy it's been cut in half, but the number is still high. Any similiar numers for you ladies?
This can't be menopause...right?
hi all, i was diagnosed with stage IV OC in December and since I may have had one period that was ultra short. My body has tried to have one a couple of times with no luck. I'm having mood swings and the last three days I've felt like crying a lot for no apparent reason. I have also been waking up at night covered in…
my wife Lorraine had her head shaved yeasterday. She didn't enjoy doing it, but it was coming out so rapidly, she decided to get rid of it allat once. I guess it could be a coinicedice,but, right after that, she has felt worse than ever, physically. Chest pains, trouble breathing, can't get comfortable. She'shad 4 rounds…
New to the club
Just diagnosed and feeling a bunch of emotions. It is stage 3a and it's the most common type and it started in my falliopian tubes (and I am 44 yrs. old) and I was virtually without symptoms. I just had a hysterectomy and I am so worried. I start IP chemo next week. The internet has been blessing although I get bummed…
anyone familiar with this when they were doing chemo? My wife, Lorraine was supposed to have it yesterday, but because her stomach wounds haven't healed enough, they delayed it until she's healed. She was very nervous because she heard the side effects were pretty brutal... nosebleeds, paralysis, etc. Was just wondering if…
Dear Zenmama
I just saw your reply to my post and hear that you're having troubles with cisplatin. I had....... Drumroll please! ....... 39 rounds of the stuff. I would have Cisplatin/Gemzar one week and Gemzar the next. My Onc's office keeps telling me that I've had the most of any of their patients. It is indeed a tough chemo, but it…
Lymphedema long-term
The back story: I was diagnosed in March 2012 with stage 3c, started chemo right away, and had "optimal" debulking in June 2012. I have been on chemo ever since, with a progression of different chemo drugs. They all seem to work for a time, and then the CA125 starts going back up and scans show tumor progression. For three…
Hernia operation
As part of my mastectomy and reconstruction surgery, the plastic surgeon repaired 3 hernias. He used a sheet of mesh (my husband and I joke, he went to Ace Hardware and bought window screen). I thought I was told the mesh dissolves. I had the surgery June 2013. I am having pain across my belly by my lowest rib and across…
Hi teal sisters! Last several months have been rough
I haven't been on much lately but the last several months have been interesting to say the least. From what I read mom with 2 great kids and wolfmeister must be about where I am in my progression with this disease, only we all seem to have slightly different problems. I was doing pretty well till October and my ca125 went…
Am I on the right webpage?
I'm not a survivor yet. I just had surgery for stage 3 ovarian cancer and will be starting chemo shortly. I'm looking for someone who can tell me something about what's in the future, if anything. Really scared
New York Times Article about exercise during treatment
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/25/how-exercise-may-aid-cancer-treatment/?comments&_r=1 I made a comment to the article about the difficulty in doing exercise when you can't walk up a flight of stairs. Somebody replied that essentially whatever exercise you can get to challenge your body aerobically is helpful. So…
Keep your hair during chemo: is it worth it?
Saw this story today in the NY Times describing a method to keep your hair during chemo: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/09/keeping-your-hair-in-chemo/ Frankly, it sounds like a lot of trouble and discomfort, to say nothing of the expense. Not sure I'd be up for it. I've lost my hair twice in the last two…
Angelina Jolie has ovaries removed
Angelina Jolie faces the threat of ovarian cancer after dealing with it in her family: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/24/opinion/angelina-jolie-pitt-diary-of-a-surgery.html
hi loves, anyone been on this regiment? I've been very fortunate to have been able to tolerate cisplatin/Gemzar for the past 3 1/2 years for my recurrent OVCA and knew it would become less effective with time. My Onc is changing me to this new regime and I wondering if anyone has had this combo and could tell me how it…
2 primary cancers
I have 2 primary cancers - Ovarian stage 3c and Endometrial stage 1-2... anyone else?
brca1&2 genetic testing results
Hi all Vey excited we saw geneticest today for results. I DO NOT HAVE MUTATED GENESFFOR EITHER OF THESE. verey happy as I have 2 daughters & 2 grand daughters 1 sis - 2 nieces & 1 great niece. as it was explained. - the general population risk without the mutation for ov & breast ca is 2-5% or with the mutation - could be…
There are so many different schools of thought on good nutrition after cancer treatment I can't decide which way to turn... I am currently doing weight watchers and that is working okay, except when sugar cravings overcome me. I read an article yesterday I should be eating all raw fruits and veggies. I can't believe I…
Parp inhibitor
I was in a clinical trial with a parp inhibitor but as soon as olaparib became available i switched to it. So far so good! Anyone else start the new parp inhibitor? I'm BRCA 1 so i'm glad i have the opportunity to take the drug. Kim
NED the Movie
just finished watching this movie..it is on PBS stations....really hits home about all gynecology cancers...focus a lot on ovarian . A groups of Gyn/Onc Drs have a band Called NED to spread awareness about below the belt cancers. I encourage all you to watch with daughters sisters..husbands. One lady said she wished she…
Feeling good
Hi everyone just a quick update, been on Avastin since 1st line chemo finished in sept 2014 , numbers rising very slowly 33, 39 , 42,48, ect I'm now on 80 . My oncologist thinks it is avastin playing with my numbers and has had other patients with the same thing, I'm hoping that's true as results from last 2 ct scans dec…
Bindweed = natural anti-angiogenic treatment
I got a new book today (Defeat Cancer, by Connie Strasheim) & learned about bindweed used by Dr. Julian Kenyon in his integrative cancer clinic in London, England. The herb is available online in the US & is called VascuStatin. Here's the link to more info (I think it is expensive but nothing compared to the cost of…
Looking for LMP/Borderline OC members
Hi, I am new to this network and am looking to connect with others with similar situations, experiences and history. As I read through the posts under Roll Call, I didn't see any LMP/Borderline diagnosis listed, and feel uncertain whether to introduce myself there. I feel very blessed and fortunate my cancer turned out to…
saw gyne onc yersterday CA upalittle - now at 218 - she's not worried as I feel fine & present with
Hi all as said above we had a good talk about CA # in all this. I found her very logical and she pretty much matched what we've learned about CA# I asked if anyone would ever have a zero reading for this specific Cancer Antigen NO even a perefectly healthy woman will have a reading & she suspected even testing Wayne could…
Iron is not always your friend, and why you should be very careful in regards to cancer growth.
Hello, Carolen read this post on the Uterine side and asked that I post it here also. Hope it helps. california_artist Posts: 964 Joined: Jan 2009 November 17, 2011 - 5:53am More info to help you figure things out. You might want to go to the Nutrition Science News site to view this article. This is a url for a slew of…
Amazing cancer treatment result from gene sequencing
Was struck by this story. . . http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/26/health/fast-track-attacks-on-cancer-accelerate-hopes.html in the NY Times. My doc has sent samples from my abdominal tumors away for DNA sequencing; waiting now for results, which should be in soon. I'm not expecting any miraculous results, but wouldn't it be…
Dental decay
I had my firstline chemo from May 14 to Apr 15 last fall I began dental repairs for quite a few cavities asa well as 2 teeth having to be rebuilt totally filled with the white stuff pois - posts root canals & crowns did anyone else have a dental wreck after ov ca tx? I blame part oif it on not being able to go to dentist…
BRCA testing
I had the BRCA testing done and just received a call from my oncologist that I am positive. My family history at first unknown, I had breast cancer in 1983 (age 28) and again in 1985. That is when I learned my maternal grandmother died at an early age from breast cancer, and my mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer…