Thank you all !!
Thank you all for your kind, warming words. It is so difficult for us caregivers.. not for the burden or stress of taking care of a loved one may cause..(which is I told my Mommy all the time, please dont thank me, I do it for love and you have done so much for me this is the least i can do for you.)What makes it so so…
My first chemo will be Wednesday
Hi friends! My appointment to meet the chemo doctor went well. My sister went with me for moral support. I feel as though our roles in life have changed quickly. As the big sister, I always take take care of the tough things in life, she has really stepped up and it has been a real blessing. My doc said I will be getting…
Getting Concerned
Some things that are going on in my body are starting to concern me, especially since I've been on a chemo break for about 6 weeks. My belly feels stuffed and I get pains occasionally, my right ankle is swollen again, like it was when the lymph nodes on that side of my body weren't letting the lymph system drain, and I've…
On and off mini anxiety fits as only 4 days left til plans for investigation
Anxiety fits have started - just lasting a couple of minutes so far - as the day grows closer for my first visit with the Gyno since she received the results of the pelvic ultrasound and the radiologist advised removal of the ovary. No idea what way she will go or what she thinks of this 'node' found in my ovary as she has…
Feeling Depressed and Guilty
It's been 2 months since my Mom is with God..My Mommy was never told by the Doctor that she was dying.. he said that profesionally he is allowed to say when the patient asks..and my Mom didn't. He said as Dr. her must always give a ray of hope. When we got to the hospital she had 3 weeks left due to bowel obstruction but I…
Starting Chemo Again
Ladies, Had my followup today. My CA125 went up 80 more points to 193.5. CTscan of pelvis and abdomen was inconclusive, but physical a week later still felt 4 cm mass in colon area. So I will begin gemzar/cisplatin on Monday, followed by Neulasta shot on Tuesday 24 hours later, then chemo again 2 weeks later, and so goes…
CA 125 still rising
My CA 125 continues to rise. Now up to 212 but my oncologist does not want to start chemo until it shows on a CT scan or physical. I will see what the gyn/onc says next Wed. as to his thoughts. I have take off to Colorado to see my daughter and family while I can in the meantime. Funny how we all seem to be going in the…
my mom had reaction to carbo -platin and she had to stop.Anybody can tell me if there is a similar chemo that works as well. thanks julia
chemo and cancer vaca
Good morning ladies, I have finished 6 cycles of gemzar/cisplatin. My CA seems to have leveled off at 16 or 18. (My NED norm is 5 to 8) My Japanese doc recommended I take a break, do a PET, maybe femara and see..... I was having a hard time thinking about stopping for many reasons. I think this cheno stuff is awful but can…
questions for first appointment
Dear friends, I have my first appointment with the chemo doctor this Friday. I am sure I will be taking in a lot of information at my appointment. Are there any specific questions I need to ask him? Special123
1 year or less without Cancer
It`s been 7 mths since my last chimo treatment. So far so good,My 3 mth, 6 mth,all good ! I`m scared everyday it will come back.I wonder what the normal reacurance rate is ? My Doc says I have 70-80 percent chance to live 5 years.
waiting with chemo
Hi ladies, I saw my oncologist this morning, we agreed to hold off on chemo at this time, considering the very slow rise in the CA and the clear CT scan done last month. He said there's probably microscopic cancer there, but not a reason to use a potentially important chemo drug we'll need in the future. We'll repeat the…
Libby's update
Good Evening Ladies, Had my appointment this afternoon with Dr. J. She was somewhat surprised that my CA125 was up. She did a pelvic exam and said there seems to be about a 4 cm mass on my colon (actually said something else but that is the general area). I had one April 17th and it was negative! Long story short again.…
Shout out to Caregivers - Thanks
Hi, everyone! I just had chemo yesterday, and I was sitting next to a lady with lung cancer who was having a very difficult time with her chemo. Let me just say that she was less than kindly to her best friend. This caregiver never flinched and never lost her cheerfulness and cheeriness. I was greatly impressed with her!…
Missed my last Gemzar Treatment
Well, my blood count was too low last week for chemo, so my final Gemzar treatment was cancelled. And, they do not make up these Gemzar treatments for some reason (anyone know?) I'll get a CA done on July 13th. Meantime, my last CA was 1 off of being "normal". I was able to get 1 chemo treatment in after that. I don't have…
Need surgery - no health insurance
I work part-time and my husband is on permanent disability receiving SSI. All his medical care is covered by the VA. I have no health insurance. I'm a post-menopausal woman who has just received a diagnosis of ovarian cysts, 30 to 50 percent chance of cancer. MRI at local hospital showed 5cm ovarian cyst on left side,…
As I recall, today is the day Sue is having her cytoscopy. Let's lift her up in prayer as a teal body and pray for great results!! Have a wonderful day, lady friends! In His Service, Libby ☺ ♥
I finished my 3rd round of chemo on April 6th, had a CT scan on April 13th. The scan showed that I have a Liver Dome Lesion that is enlarging. My ONC wants to put me back on Chemo starting June 1st. My old Chemo was Abraxane, the new is Doxil. I am stage 4 ovarian cancer. I was wongering is anyone had been on Doxil. The…
Gemzar and rash
My wife has taken 2 treatments of Gemzar, and has a bad rash on thighs and chest. What is the best medication to help with this rash. She has had over 50 treatments with different chemicals, but this one has given her the most severe side affects.
Did anyone have period-like low back aching before diagnosis?
This is the big stress for me as I wait for the beginning of my diagnosis process to take place, this dull low back pain. It is always there, for the last month or so, but isn't super severe - just this dull overall low back pain that is just like the kind of pain you get before your period. Sometimes I want to put a…
What size grid is standard for the CT?
Ladies, I have another question. What is the standard CT grid size (is that what it is called?) used in the US/your doc for follow up in treatment? I know that there are different settings that will detect all the way down to several mm and then there is the 2 or 3 cm size. Maybe there is no standardized CT and it depends…
Questions about Ultrasound
Hello all, I was wondering if someone could clear the fog for me.A week ago I developed a pain in lower left abdomen. My stomach swelled and I was very bloated. It seemed to be brought on after intercourse, though I am not sure if that was a factor or coincidental. Today, I visited my OB/GYN with very mild, discomfort in…
Well, I arrived home at 3:00 AM TODAY from my 4:00 PM appointment yesterday. But, that's normal. My doctor is not 'too concerned' about this lung nodule. He said that it may not have picked it up before because of the 'slicing' measurements of the CT scan. Sounds like he was referring to what everyone was talking about in…
My mom (she's right next to me on a laptop as well) has been experiencing diarrhea from 3 pm yesterday to early this morning. She received her 3rd round of chemo (carbo platinum and taxol) yesterday at Cancer Care Alliance. She asked the nurse if diarrhea is normal from it, and the nurse said that it isn't. HUH?! I thought…
My Mom
Hi there! I am new to the board. I ran across this board while looking up Ovarian Cancer on a search engine. First off, my name is Brittany and I am 22 years old. My mother is 51 and is battling Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. My mom went to the ER on April 20th complaining of having a bloated abdomen and swelling in her legs. A…
Somewhat surprised!
I could say I am LOL but I am not. Guess I do know my body more than what I think. Long story short - aches & pains. Did pick up CA125 and it is now 113.5 up from 13.5 six weeks ago. I am scheduled to see Dr. J. Thursday, so we will see what she says. And I did pick up my report from ER with thymus gland mass. Will keep…
My name is michelle and 1981 had a hysti overies left in had three surgerys in the past to remove cyst so any way about 5 yrs ago i went for my pap the found a cyst on overies but just wanted to watch it i don't follow up to good but any way 2008 i had a cat scan done of my frontal area and the report said something about…
posting photo
Hi gals, this is a really stupid question, but I have tried now for an hour to post my pic and can't seem to figure it out. I can't be that hard! Where do I go for that info? Thanks! kathleen:)
Help needed with right questions to ask - starting exploratory
I have posted on this board before as I was just told that they have found a 'node' in my right ovary and was looking for some help in it all. I am just at the exploratory stage but have a history of non hodgkins lymphoma and so this node is worrisome. I have had the pelvic ultrasound and an internal exam was done (nothing…
Question for the day
Hi teal ladies, I just have just finished 6 cycles of gemzar/cisplatin as my second line chemo. My CA125 is at 18 which is a very good number, although it is not my "normal". My Japanese doctor's opinion is that I should stop at 6 and not continue. My feeling has been that I just want to BURN IT ALL OUT OF THERE and go for…