Finding the answer
Hello to all - The cause to the rise in my CA-125 level may be close to being found (I hope). I have an appointment with a urologist on Thursday. There is a spot on my bladder that is suspect, and there is possible invasion to my bladder. I will post when I know more. Love you all, Sue
Reporting in
I am feeling much better and have this to report: The loose bowels and huge amount of gas I had was due to lactose intolerance. I was craving milk products and it just occurred to me one day that maybe I had developed that during this many antibiotics....so having some lactase enzyme on hand, I tried it and had IMMEDIATE…
BRCA 1 and Ovarian cancer
Hi- I posted on breast cancer discussion board too...not sure where this belongs! I am a 50 year old surviving 1 year from stage 4 ovarian cancer. Recently, I was tested for the BRCA 1 & 2 gene. I am positive for BRCA 1. Both my oncologist and internist want me to begin tamoxifen. Unfortuantely, I am one of those patients…
How to use this board
Does anybody know how to arrange all the posting topics in chronolical order starting from the most recent to the oldest? Thanks.
venting I think?
before my diagnosis and surgery I boarded horses at my house for the last 9 years, and I have barn kittys that I adore, and a few pet geese and two dogs. oh yeah and the biggest gernsey steer you have ever seen in your life he is 9 and I have had him since he was 3 days old he thinks he is a horse. anyway needless to say…
Fluid on lungs
Hello, I believe I read a post sometime ago about fluid on the lungs. Is this something that can happen with ovarian cancer? I just had a chest x-ray to try and find why I have a recurring pain on my right side and a hazy area showed up. I have to have a CT scan of the chest now, and one of the possibilities the…
Are there any long survivors of stage III out there?
I need some hope. My Mom is stage IIIB dx in Oct 2005, in remission at the moment. I pray every day that the cancer doesn`t come back., that God let her be one of lucky ones to live a long life so that she can enjoy her coming grandson. Anyone that can share something or giving me some hope. I there anything that you…
Doubts on Ovarian cancer relapse test
Hi Ladies, This is an interesting article...regarding CA125 testing every 3 months or sooner. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/health/research/01cancer.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=ovarian cancer&st=cse ((HUGS)) Joan
Profile page
After trying for a month, me and my chemo diminished brain finally figured out how to find, and fill out my profile page. That's my accomplishment for today! Jane
Please see posting On no remission after all
Sorry ladies should of put a new post for what I said please read it though and I will stay in touch Love hugs and many Prayers to all Sandy
Finally some good news to share
Good morning, Yes, I finally have some good news to share with you, I picked up my CT scan report and after 10 months of Topotecan chemo, my pelvis, abdomen and lymph nodes are stable with no sign of cancer. I guess that means that I'm in a remission, but I'll meet with my oncologist Monday and go over the report with him.…
My Mommy is gone...
I'm so so shocked, sad, tired and frustrated. My Mommy passed away this Monday morning after almost 3 months of the bowel obstruction which made her spend 18 days on the hospital and the rest at home. She ended with a multiple organ failure. Thank the Lord I was with her almost all Sunday and until her last breath at 11:15…
Thank you for your welcome
Hi ladies, I wasn't on the board yesterday, too much going on here and I'll write about that later. I want to thank all of you for your warm welcome, it means so much to me to have found this board and, as ladyjogger Terry says, the "awesome" group of ladies who post here. There's something special about you, and it warms…
New Member
Hi Ladies, I'm a new member to this board, I need your support and help as I go throught this horrible journey, with all of you. I was diagnosed in 2007 and have pretty much been on chemo since then, with only a 3-4 month remission, Optimal debulking surgery, I was staged 4B, grade 3 epithelial OVCA which had metastasized…
Hi ladies
My daughter-in-law found this site and told me about it. I'm so glad to have contact with other women with the same cancer. I wasn't diagnosed until I was a stage 4. I wish I would have been more persistant with my doctor. I look forward to communicating with all of you and getting and giving support.
Waiting game
Hi Everyone, I just saw my gyn/onc since I'm back home. He and the doctor in Florida agree the cancer is back, but nothing showed up definitively on the CT scan in April. So, I have the choice to start chemo now based on the CA125 reading or wait. I'm going to wait and see him again in the middle of July after another CT…
My Wish Came True
Hi Ladies. Had some major computer trouble the last few weeks. A virus blew out my keyboard of all things. So all I could do was read the boards and not reply. But I just got a new keyboard yesterday and now I'm back online. I had a very wonderful thing happen to me last weekend. As I had posted before my big wish for this…
Anomalous behavior prior to diagnosis
My aunt recently passed away due to complications from ovarian cancer, but a short while before she was diagnosed with it, she had suddenly started drawing the coolest pictures. This from a woman who, in fifty years, had hardly ever picked up a pencil to write, let alone draw. I was wondering if others had noticed…
Are any of you ladies from wny or nwpa?
Just wondered.
CA125 up again
Hi ladies, Today I saw my oncologist for my pre chemo meeting, he told me that my CA125 has gone up for the 3rd straight month. He feels that the Topo has stopped working the way it had, and it's time to switch to a new chemo combination of Gemzar and Avastin. I'll be having a CT scan on May 26th, but he said that even if…
Living with Cancer?
Hello, My mom was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2 months back. She has since undergone 3 chemos and the doctors are suggesting an operation to remove her ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes next week. Her CA 125 was 1150 before her chemotherapy began and it is now down to 13.5. The oncologist said that she has…
First Round of Chemo behind me
I had my first round of chemo this week. What a week it's been. I was supposed to have taxol on Monday through my ip port and it went okay. Had a reaction to the benadryl-restless feeling-but they counteracted with meds. Then I had sharp back pains and arm pains with the chemo, but they handled that well also. Tuesday-I…
Farah Fawcett
Hi Ladies, Tonight on NBC TV they're showing a documentary of Farah Fawcett's journey with her cancer. I hope I got this right from the reports, but she went to Germany to have a treatment where the chemo was delivered through an artery, to the cancerous organ and directly received the chemo drug. The person reporting said…
Great news!
Hi Everyone, I'm home from my surgery, and everything went great! My cyst turned out to be just that. Apparantly my original surgeon (not a gyno onc.)missed a piece of my ovary when he removed the cancer. My body decided that it didn't like that piece and sealed it off in a cyst. My new surgeon (who is a gyno onc - thanks…
Genetic Counselor
Update................. Finally I met with a genetic counselor. My sister who is also BRACA 2 went with me. It was a very informative appointment. Since we both have had hysterectomies (mine b/c of the cancer and Karen by choice) our percentage has dropped from 87% to 40% of getting breast cancer because of the mutation.…
Hello all. So nice to find a support group online. I'm making my way around so I hope I post in the correct places! I have OVCA and have just finished #5 carbo/tax but will begin something new on Monday as this last is not working to keep the fluid out of my lungs. We shall see. I am hopeful. My gratitude? I have…
A Difficult Question
Hello Ladies, I just read a disturbing post on another forum. The poster says,"All of us at stage 3 or 4 are going to die eventually from this disease." I am not a big statistics fan, but I thought there were a few lucky ones who were acually cured, not just surviving from one chemo to the next. I don't mean to be…
Any one use alimpta?
I will be starting on Monday to use alimpta. Comments, discussion? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Out of hospital
I came home yesterday, Not well, but no worse either. Medicare days, I expect. Will see my gyn/onc on Wed. Then the surgeon again on Thurs. On oral antibiotics until then. I am taking it easy. Won't post much I reckon...Saundra
for B.Strange
Email me at reinierconst@aol.com. I have something to tell you..I did not know how else to get hold of you. Thanks. Smiles RASUNSHINE