Need surgery - no health insurance

heatherp8 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I work part-time and my husband is on permanent disability receiving SSI. All his medical care is covered by the VA. I have no health insurance.
I'm a post-menopausal woman who has just received a diagnosis of ovarian cysts, 30 to 50 percent chance of cancer.
MRI at local hospital showed 5cm ovarian cyst on left side, several cysts on right side.
No gynecological oncologist in my hometown hospital who could help me. Would you believe I had one physician actually look me in the face and say, "You have no health insurance. I can't help you."

So I went to a major hospital in the next big city and sat four hours in triage, six and a half hours in the waiting room before I even saw one of the ER docs. They did another sonogram. The tech kept asking me if they'd left my cervix after my 1993 hysterectomy. I said they had not, only the ovaries. He asked me twice. Sonogram results showed left ovary is 8cm. Note difference between this sonogram and original one!

I got to that hospital at 3 p.m. I left the next day at noon after being seen at the Women's Center. Found a doctor who could do the surgery usual...the question of money came up.

ER docs had told me there was a card for residents of that county that entitled them to reduced rates or even free car. I didn't qualify because I lived in the next county but that if I contacted my local health dept., I could see about qualifying for the County Medically Indigent Program. I tried. I did all the running around, gathering documents, applying for and being denied medicaid and getting that in writing and guess what? I am over the limit for county medically indigent program. I think the limit is $26,00 annual. I'm over by just under $2g.

So now what am I supposed to do? I need surgery, STAT!

It's so unfair that people who can't afford health insurance fall through the cracks like this. If I were home on the dole, I could get whatever surgery I needed, free. But because I'm out there trying to earn a living, trying to be a productive citizen, I get treated like the red headed stepchild when I need help.

What the is wrong with this picture?!
Each day is a GIFT. That's why it's called The Present.

Tell someone you love them every day. You never know.


  • lnyeholt
    lnyeholt Member Posts: 59
    It's a horrible predicament

    I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you are encountering seaching for assistance with health care. My suggestion would be to contact your state and U.S. represtatives and senators. They are elected to help thier constituants and most will be as helpful as they can be and, at the very least, can direct you to resources you might not be aware of. Research who is working on the health care bill and write to those people directly. Often they are looking for people to testify before congressional and senate commitees at their expense. Since health care is a big National objective at the moment, you might also try writing to the White House. Don't give up just because you've hit one wall. Keep persevering and hopefully you will find the person or agency that can help you.

    Wishing you success in finding the health care you deserve.

  • CellaV
    CellaV Member Posts: 4
    This may seem naieve (sp) but, what if you ask them to bill you? Just assume the costs on a monthly's not like you are trying to dodge the fees. And yes, I know you probably will never be able to your life time. Amazing how things are...
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Payment plans
    I would contact patient advocates or American Cancer society to see if they can help you at all. Also my daughter worked with the hospital financial people for help when my grandson was burned. Once you get the payment arrangements worked out(and you are worth every penny) you'll be surprised how many people will help with fundraisers and such.

    Prayers for peace and assistance. Hugs Bonnie
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    BonnieR said:

    Payment plans
    I would contact patient advocates or American Cancer society to see if they can help you at all. Also my daughter worked with the hospital financial people for help when my grandson was burned. Once you get the payment arrangements worked out(and you are worth every penny) you'll be surprised how many people will help with fundraisers and such.

    Prayers for peace and assistance. Hugs Bonnie

    Your Surgery
    Heather, I am in much the same boat as insurance.At the beginning of this year when it ran out, I tried everywhere to get a job to pay for it. Nothing. So I applied for charity care at the hospital and the cancer center. I also tried for the medical card and got denied. I have charity care at the cancer center. But the hospital bills me. So I pay what I can, be it even $5. Ask the cancer society, the local one if they can help you. They also help me with gas money for getting to my appointments. And ask about working out a payment plan with whoever does your care. No doctor should have to tell a patient they cannot be helped because they have no insurance. That is just wrong. When I had a medical card while I was recovering from surgery two years ago for another problem, my doctor who took care of me in the hospital refused to treat me under the medical card. I thought that was low. If you have any kind of a referral place , call it and explain your situation. Maybe they can lead you to a doctor who will take you as a patient.I still owe the doctors who have treated me since I lost my insurance. And it will be many moons before I ever repay them.

    I wish you well with all this. The worry about treatment is adding to the stress you already have worrying about your illness. I have been there as well as a lot of us here. Please let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Cindy