I have noticed that my mom's skin gets very dry easily. So after she gets out of the showers, I put lotion on her body, because it absorbs better into the skin. Is dry skin a side effect from the chemo? Also, my mom has lost around 60 pounds and she hates looking into the mirror at herself. Her skin is saggy and thats a…
Lauracec update
I knew Laura as we were both treated at Kaiser in Portland, Oregon. She is the one that told me about CSN. I received this e-mail from her husband and wish to share it with the board. I know she had lots of friends on the board. "I lost my wife, Laura Harkins, to ovarian cancer on June 14, 2009. Ovarian cancer is difficult…
First time posting....wanted feedback on others experiences with CA125s. My count has been going down slowly after starting chemo. Cisplatin/Taxal IV/IP. After completing round 4 my count was at 21. After completing round 5 it went up to 36.5. My Dr. doesn't want to change anything yet so I just got out of the hospital…
No real answer yet
After four days of leaving messages on an answering system and getting no reply I got hot today and finally got to talk to my gyn/onc nurse. She copped not plea as to why she was not returning my phone calls but did say their only records was a chest x=ray and not a CT scan. She obviously was looking at wrong records.…
I just noticed that you have fibromyalgia as well as the ovarian cancer. I was diagnosed with fibro in february and am on Savella (a very new med!) and flexeril(sp? I have generic of course). And was doing really well until three weeks ago. Then I started with this major exhaustion. Really it's beyond even what I've felt…
Questions about Neulastin vs. Neupogin
I haven't been posting too much lately because I've been pretty weak with anemia, for which I'm receiving Procrit injections. I haven't had too bad a reaction to the Procrit, just achiness that is relieved with Tylenol and occasionally Ibuprofen. My white count is also very low which lead to bronchitis, which I've also…
Good News
My mom went in for her 4th round of chemotherapy at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance today. She called me while I was at work and told me the news. She wanted me to know. Her CA-125 went from around 600 to 288!! Does this mean that the cancer is dying? I know that the CA-125 is a tumor marker, but I just want to ask to…
New doctor report
I have been scheduled for a needle biopsy (under the CT scanner) next Wed to determine if this mass is a tumor or an infection from the diverticulitis. The CA125 is now up to 290 which could be caused by either. Hopefully, now we will have an answer on what to treat. The local oncologist is on top of it. Thanks for the…
First whisper of trouble?
Hello folks. I track the board, but being a guy I don't always have much to contribute to many of the discussions. My wife Linda ended treatment for recurrence last Feb 08 and has been healthy this whole year and a half. Other than a hernia resulting from the surgeries, she's been active and looking ahead. But our most…
Variances in staging diagnosis
Good Morning friends: I am in need of some information and support as I am very very confused about my current situation. To refresh you , in October I had a hysterectomy and debulking and was diagnosed at Stage 1C. That was followed by six rounds of Chemo. Thankfully my CT scan was clear and my last CA125 was 15. I have…
Bonnie, Sue, Joanne and Sandy
What chemos have you received? My Mom´s Onc has told me she is terminal and there is nothing else to due. She is in the hospital due to an occlusion(blockage)in her intestine. Dr.says it´s due to implants and disease progression. She has received Bristaxol with Carboplat, Cisplatin with Gemzar, Femara, Avastin with…
Hi Brittany, You haven't posted for a while, how is Mom doing? Jane
one down...three to go!
I had my first treatment last Wednesday. I feel better now, because I know what to expect. Does that sound dumb? I have not had a lot of side effects (praise God)! I am having some muscle aches from the shot, I can't remember the name of it. It's that shot that boosts your blood cell production. I do have "medicene head" .…
Out of NED
I saw my gyn/onc. and he felt a mass during the physical. I am scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow morning and they did another CA-125 to see what has happened in two weeks to that number. He is agressive minded and wants to get on this ASAP. I have has pain in my left groin and he thinks that is a growing lymph gland. CT…
Bonnie - visit
Bonnie, I don't know how to email you or tell you anything except through this board (I tried facebook, too). But I did want you to know that we have canceled our trip to Minnesota in August. The wedding is scheduled for Sunday, August 9th and my chemo is scheduled for that following Monday 10th at 7:45 a.m. in…
test results help
Hi, I had a CT scan done a few weeks ago and the found a 4.3 cm mass on my left ovary and a 2mm calcification. I just had a CA 125 done. I was able to get the results but not talk to my Dr. the ca 125 is 7.9. What does all this mean? Thanks for any help.
side effects of gemzar
I'd like a little info as to the side effects of Gemzar, in particular, Hair Loss. Anyone help?
Side effects of Gemzar
I begin Gemzar tomorrow. I would like to know some of the side effects with this med. Do you lose your hair?
UPDATE :They all say ' Don't Wait, Get it Diagnosed Early' - Ya, right. Sigh.
PREVIOUSLY WRITTEN: Shoot me now. I am in Canada so this might just be a Canadian health crisis issue, don't know but I am at wits end trying to help myself. I have posted a couple of discussion topics and covered all my health info but suffice is to say that I am an 18 year survivor of non hodgkins lymphoma with…
hi. i recently had surgery to remove two tumors. i was told that they were 'borderline malignant,' and that i was really lucky that the malignancy didn't spread... but no one ever told me that i had cancer. the only incidents that i've read about and were similar to mine were about people who do have cancer. so i'm just…
Quick Update
God's morning to all :-) I know some of you read caringbridge so this is old news and a bit more. This is the day ~ this is the day ~ that the Lord has made ~ that the Lord has made ~ we shall rejoice ~ we shall rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it. :-) Yesterday's clinic visit was good and I recieved another dose…
Please let us know how your appointment went. If you posted somewhere else about this, I'm sorry. Can't seem to find anything. But I'm very interested to know what the doctor said. Update us when you're able. (((HUGS))) Monika
thank you
I just wanted to say "thanks" for all the info and support I have recieved so far. I am anxious about my first chemo on Wednesday, but I am ready.
Thank you all !!
Thank you all for your kind, warming words. It is so difficult for us caregivers.. not for the burden or stress of taking care of a loved one may cause..(which is I told my Mommy all the time, please dont thank me, I do it for love and you have done so much for me this is the least i can do for you.)What makes it so so…
My first chemo will be Wednesday
Hi friends! My appointment to meet the chemo doctor went well. My sister went with me for moral support. I feel as though our roles in life have changed quickly. As the big sister, I always take take care of the tough things in life, she has really stepped up and it has been a real blessing. My doc said I will be getting…
Getting Concerned
Some things that are going on in my body are starting to concern me, especially since I've been on a chemo break for about 6 weeks. My belly feels stuffed and I get pains occasionally, my right ankle is swollen again, like it was when the lymph nodes on that side of my body weren't letting the lymph system drain, and I've…
On and off mini anxiety fits as only 4 days left til plans for investigation
Anxiety fits have started - just lasting a couple of minutes so far - as the day grows closer for my first visit with the Gyno since she received the results of the pelvic ultrasound and the radiologist advised removal of the ovary. No idea what way she will go or what she thinks of this 'node' found in my ovary as she has…
Feeling Depressed and Guilty
It's been 2 months since my Mom is with God..My Mommy was never told by the Doctor that she was dying.. he said that profesionally he is allowed to say when the patient asks..and my Mom didn't. He said as Dr. her must always give a ray of hope. When we got to the hospital she had 3 weeks left due to bowel obstruction but I…
Starting Chemo Again
Ladies, Had my followup today. My CA125 went up 80 more points to 193.5. CTscan of pelvis and abdomen was inconclusive, but physical a week later still felt 4 cm mass in colon area. So I will begin gemzar/cisplatin on Monday, followed by Neulasta shot on Tuesday 24 hours later, then chemo again 2 weeks later, and so goes…
CA 125 still rising
My CA 125 continues to rise. Now up to 212 but my oncologist does not want to start chemo until it shows on a CT scan or physical. I will see what the gyn/onc says next Wed. as to his thoughts. I have take off to Colorado to see my daughter and family while I can in the meantime. Funny how we all seem to be going in the…