diagnosis method of H Pylori?
I was wondering if any of you have been diagnosed with H Pylori, or acid reflux disease. What method was used for the diagnosis, a blood test or a breathing test? Jane
Just an update
God's morning to all! We are up early and ready to head to the cities for my clinic appointment and then chemo. :-) My ca125 did drop another 7pts so that is good and means we will continue on the abraxane treatment. I am going to ask about a ctscan or pet/ct before my next appt with him, havent' had one since March. I am…
doxil question
Hi ladies, I am posting a doxil question for a friend who is in the hospital and has no e-mail access. She had three cycles of doxil with no side-effects. At the end of the thrid cycle, she started to throw up and that lasted for 3 days. When she did admit herself to the hospital, the doctor said it could be the doxil…
a thought
I'm not sure where I read this, but I think about it once in a while. "Sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child." Have a pleasant day, Jane
Not sure what to say
Hi. I was diagnosed back in October 2007 with stage 4 ovarian cancer, metastasized to my liver. At the time of diagnosis, my CA125 was near 23,000 (that's not a typo). I was given six months to live. It's been almost 2 years, and I'm still here. Unfortunately, my cancer seems to be the kind that's very good at getting…
It's been a while...update
Hi all, just so you remember my beatuful Mommy is now living with Our Lord. It has only been 4 months and I miss her terribly. I'm often deppressed, sad, angry; normal I guess. It seems that every day that passes I miss her more. And to add to my confusions...I just found out I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby. I;m happy…
Phase 1 Clinical trial/complications...Immpower as antioxidant???
I've posted before...at hospital all day - finally, received decision the docs would postpone going further with clinical study and administering meds due to low white blood cell count. Specifically, the differential count - components of the white blood cell. Neulasta is not part of the study, so if my body cannot rise to…
Radiation Over--CA125 Up
Hi, just thought I would give you a quick update as where I'm at. I finished 18 treatments of radiation last Friday, right after they did a CA 125. I saw my oncologist today and they did another CA 125 , he said it went really high and they don't know why. I didn't want to know what it was, before I started radiation it…
confusing symptoms
Hey gals! I have had some strange symptoms the past few days. It has been a week and a half since my last chemo and I am usuallly blessed to have no nauseaa. The past three days I have been having HORRIBLE cold sweats and nausea. I talked to my gno/onc because I thought my hormones might need adjusting. I don't sleep…
Two down, two to go
i had my second chemo last Wednesday. I have been blessed that I have not had a lot of side effects, except after that darn shot....can't think of the name of it. Oh, and of course my hair is gone. After about three days of watchings it come out, I went to my stylist and we buzzed it. I was brave...NO TEARS. I suprised…
Clinical Trial vs. standard chemo
I found out yesterday that the treatments I have been receiving consisting of Paclitaxel & Cisplatin didn't work. After four treatments my CA125 went down to 21. After treatments 5 & 6 it began to rise. It's now at 44. Dr. wants to change the treatment. I had surgery in March and had hoped the first treatment choice would…
fertility and cancer
Is anyone out there struggling with fertility/cancer? Obviously, since both my ovaries are gone , there is little I can do, but has anyone else found themselves in my position with no kids and no ovaries? thanks sherise
Prayers Needed
Hi, I need some prayers. I’m having my 1st radiation treatment for the 1 ½ inch tumor on my vaginal cuff. It is in between my bladder and colon. My CA had gone from 241 to 865 in a month. They stopped my chemo. I will be having radiation everyday for 4 weeks, except Sat. and Sun. I heard that the side effects can be worse…
Getting to the bottom of it
Hi all, My saga continues. I had a CT/Pet scan on Aug. 5th, and found there is indeed a tumor that now measures 3.8 x 3.8 cm, up from 2 x 1.8 cm in February. Today I got the results of my CA-125 that was drawn on Monday; it's 47, down from 61 last month. My oncologist is on vacation this week, so I won't hear from him…
My CA125 test makes me really nervous...
i got my CA125 number today, this is the first since I started chemo, and it went way up-like from 488 to 1000. everyone keeps telling me things are going well, and my oncology nurse said the DR is not concerned at this juncture, But Hell...I AM!!! when he did the hysterectomy and took out the masses in my peritoneal…
Sharing Ned
Hi Everyone.... I also have to share the news about my latest checkup. All is clean and good on my top half. There is not even any evidence of scar tissue! I am so pleased by this it's hard to put into words. Still taking the Tamoxie, and it seems to be doing okay with me...no huge side effects. My labwork also shows my…
Hi I wrote in about 3 months ago asking if anyone had been on the chemo Doxil. I got some good responsives. I started DOXIL in June. I have had 3 treatments and have had very bad side effects. Everything from a bad rash, neasua, muscle spasms and depression. To name a few. Had a CT scan July 29th and the DOXIL did not even…
1 year down
Hi Everyone, I haven't been here for awhile, but stopped by tonight see how things were going. I see some names I don't recognize, which means more have joined this group. It's such a great source of friendship and information. I also saw names I did recognize, and that's great! I passed my one year cancer free mark in…
Blood Clots in lungs from surgery
Hello everyone: Many questions, but first is the blood clots in both lungs from surgery. I am new to this discussion board and just had good results of 1st cat scan. I had complete Hysterectomy and lymph nodes eight months ago which put my into full menopause etc. I have been on warfarin for 8 months and the last reading…
Curious About Something
I just stumbled across this board as I was looking for support groups and love to read all the encouraging notes. I am curious though as to how many of you who have ovarian cancer went to their gynocologists for regular annual exams? I just had mine in April (nothing was foudn) and now I have a 10cm tumor on one ovary and…
Scared Newbie
I 've been reading this site for several days and it has been a big help. I went to a gyno last week for the first time in way too long (yep I'm an idiot). He found a large mass when he examined me. I went for an ultrasound and he said he can't be sure, but there's a good chance it's ovarian cancer. He said when a woman is…
New here and a lot of questions
My sister just had a CT last Friday, here is what the report says: "lesion in the left hepatic lobe lateral segment appears as a metastasis. while the bilateral ovarian cystic neoplasms described below. likely metastatic ovarian cancer. the lesion at the tip of the pancreatic tail is non specific" We will have the first…
Lost and Confused
Hi.. My name is Sarah and i am 22 years old. This past January I was diagnosed with Stage I Ovarian Cancer. My cancer was a hypercalcemic small cell cancer and due to the sever nature of my cancer i was underwent 4 sessions of chemotherapy. I am happy to say i am now 3 months cancer free. Despite having healed physically i…
New to this site
Hello. In reading all the posts on this forum for quite a while now, I have found that everyone's personal stories, theirs or family members courage and willingness to overcome this disease to be so uplifting and reassuring, I thought I would post my own questions regarding my mom who was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian CA…
My wife Linda got a little jolt a month back when her numbers rose ever so slightly from 5-8 CA-125 to 21. The last (current) blood test was 25, which her G/O assured her was still normal. So, like many of you, we are floating...On a small sea of general relief but also anticipation. Because we all know this disease and…
Remember my relief over finally getting a Gyno/Onc? FORGET IT
Bummed doesn't begin to discribe how I feel. I feel like I am in some bad nightmare that just keeps replaying back to the start. I called today to see what date they had for me to see the Gyno/Onc I fought so hard to get an appointment with and was stunned to find out that they got it and looked at it and sent it to…
Keeping it "real"
I just want to thank everyone on here. You have been a huge source of support and inspiration while I await my surgery and diagnosis. You girls keep it "real". You tell the truth (even when it's ugly) and honestly share your experiences. If the biopsy comes back as cancer, I feel so much more equipped to deal with it after…
My Mother's Cancer is Everywhere...I think I am heart broken
We met my mother's surgeon today, and although I liked him personally, I hated his news. Apparently they like to "debulk" first and then do chemo. The reason they are doing chemo on my mother first is that the cancer is everywhere in her abdomen and around the small intestine; and he doesn't think he could get it all at…
Whew, finally got my Gyno/Onc. referral and other tests being requisitioned
Update on my quest for getting this cyst and node biopsied. My doc came back from holidays today and she agreed to get me a referral to a Gyno/Onc instead of just a Gyno - apparently it was quicker to get me to a Gyno than the Gyno/Onc she felt here, sigh. We will see. I also requested another pelvic ultrasound for…
I will start Doxil on Thursday. Looks like every four weeks. No cisplatin with it. I asked about that and my oncologist says it causes so much nausea that he wants to try Doxil alone to start with. May add it later. My colon is involved and I have to really work to keep it working so I will have a double time of keeping…