I know a lot of you said you use mirilax I could only find it in a powder form to put in a drink. My question is for those that have used it is what drink do you suggest and does it have a bad taste? I have had problems with senocot and the others I have used.
My Mom´s time has come
I`m so so sad, frustrated, don´t have words to express the pain I feel right now. My Mom has been in the hospital the past 14 days with an intestinal blockage due to the cancer implants. She has a tube from her nose to her stomach to drain the fluid accumulated, Her abdomen is bloated like if she were 5 months pregnant.…
Monday is the day that my mom goes into the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to get her CT scan done. She has completed 6 cycles of chemotheraphy and this scan will determine if she needs more surgery done. Her abdomen has gone down A LOT compared to what it was back in April of this year. It has been a long, hard road.. these…
My News
Hello Ladies...I have my latest report to share with you all..... My labwork is back and my CA125 level is at 15. I have also been switched from Evista to Tamoxphen, because of the terrible leg cramps I had. I am pretty excited about this! We will be doing a CT scan to check on my hernia in a month or so. And also, my…
Waiting for the comparison Pelvic Ultrasound results ....
My begging and persistance paid off yesterday when I called to see if they had set a date for my second pelvic ultrasound so they could check to see if the cyst and node had grown or not - please let it be 'not'. Anywho I was told it wouldn't be til mid Oct. WHAT????????????????? that I could have the pelvic ultrasound but…
High CA125
This week's CA125 was 166 after the false report of less than one. I have appointments with doctors and new tests in July and we'll wait and see what the tests show then. Could still be the imflammed bowel that is causing the higher numbers. Hopefully, with the new probiotics and no wheat or dairy products that will calm…
i dont even know which cancer my mom has...im really scared and i feel alone
I am an only child. I'm twenty two now so you would think i'm strong enough to handle such things but i feel like as time gets by i get more and more scared of what might happen to my mom. when she first got a call from the doctor, the said it was just a lump and that it was close to cancer but it wasnt and it's good that…
Has anyone tried alternative treatments here in U.S. or Mexico?
Please let me know whether the treatment made a difference and include the name and address (if possible) of the treatment place. Thanks
leydig cell tumor
I had surgery a week ago today to remove a leydig cell tumor that was growing inside one of my ovaries, had both ovaries removed. The oncologist said that there is no treatment for this kind of tumor is necessary. I am a three year colon cancer survivor. I go back in two week for a follow up visit with my gyn/oncologist at…
CA125 anxiety
Good morning Teal Warriors. Tomorrow I go for my three month check up with my oncologist and find out my CA125#. Today I can hardly breathe, I am so anxious and teary. I know you will tell me this is normal but I want to know if the fear ever lessens? I am taking an anti-anxiety medication but I don't think it's working.…
Found out today and need to know what happens next please...
I am 48, pre-monopausal and have been having bleeding and ovarian problems for a few months. My GYN said my ultrasounds are of concern so did a uterine scope and biopsy and it was ok although lining very thickened. Toda I saw the oncologist and my CA-125 has doubled in 2 weeks and now is right at 90. I have a blood…
They are gone
My ovaries and fallopian tubes are gone. No cancer. great news. Mom's surgery is the 15th. Her doctor seemed very happy at her response to chemo. Yeah. The Twins win! Overall it's a good day. Never thought this is what would constitute a good day. Best wishes to you all. I think of you everyday.
Question on Neuropathy
I don't think this subject has really been discussed, but I am wondering if anyone else suffers from nueropathy of the colon. I was diagnosed with this back in 06, or I think that is when I had another colonoscopy and he said that and recommended a colostomy. My oncologist said "if you decide to that lets get a second…
More good news
My oncologist called yesterday with the CA-125 from Thurs' blood test. It is down to 71 after two chemo's. Started in Aug. at 434, Sept. at 288 and now 71. He was really excited and now I am too. Maybe I can get another chemo vacation to celebrate my Golden Anniversary in January with a cruise!!! Saundra
after chemo ..Is it common? any help?
I had chemo carboplatin& taxol on 9/21/09. that was my first chemo. I am staged at 1c for treatment purposes. bad tumor, bad ovaries, uterus, cervix and some other tissues are removed 6 weeks back by total histerectomy. I had mentally prepared myself for fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hairloss, muscle and joint discomfort &…
after chemo ..Is it common? any help?
I had chemo, carboplatin & taxol on 9/21/09. that was my first chemo. I am staged at 1c for treatment purposes. bad tumor, bad ovaries, uterus, cervix and some other tissues are removed 6 weeks back by total histerectomy. I had mentally prepared myself for fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hairloss, muscle and joint discomfort &…
Can you ladies please remind me again......
Hello Ladies Well it's me again, your long lost friend Linda......if anyone remembers. For those of you who don't let me refresh your memory or give you a brief history. It's fast approaching the dreaded two year mark of my diagnosis while at the time living in Hawaii. I was diagnosed with stage III ovarian. After of…
Leydig cell tumor
I got home from Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital yesterday after having an operation on Thursday of this past week to remove a leydig cell tumor that was growing inside one of my ovaries. They had a pathologist to test a biopsy of the tumor while I was in the operation. I came back that I did not need any…
I'd like to know
My mother began chemotherapy less than a month ago. We recieved pamplets and added information concerning affect of treatment, but I would like to know the hard truths about the side affects. Aftethe first treatment she had severe diareah and nausea. Her hair has alredy begun to fall out and she has short spells of not…
Neumega and Neupogen shots for Gemzar/Cisplatin treatment
Just a quick update. Could not have chemo Monday due to counts (what's new ☺), so had 5 days of Neumega and 2 days of Neupogen shots. Never thought I'd be shooting up so much. ☺ Nor going to the doctor everyday for shots. But if it works (and it should) I will just be grateful. Will get CBC Sunday and will have results…
Finally successful in getting a gyne/onc and now TOTALLY CONFUSED HELPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!
What a mess I am. Help anyone, please. I have been battling to have a gyne/onc handle my biopsy of a node and cyst on my right ovary since June and finally have been successful in meeting with this kind of specialist rather than a reg. gyne - I have a very complicated history of non hodgkins lymphoma and many side effects…
Taking care of Mom
My Mother survived breast cancer 7yrs ago. In April she found out that she has Ovarian cancer stage 3C. She had a hysterectomy and they were supposed to take her stomach lining at the same time, but the surgeon found more than what he expected. The stomach lining had more cancer than they had thought, she has a tumor on…
Question for you all...
Hi. My user name is Outdoorgirl and I will be a 2 yr. breast cancer survivor in September.I usually post on the bc board,but I have a question for you all. I know that having had bc ,there's a possibility that I could get ovarian cancer also. No,it doesn't keep me up at night,I'm just aware of it. Here is the question.…
My CA after finishing Gemzar
Well, I got my CA done today. Mine is on a scale of "normal" being 3.5-17.0 Naturally I am still at 18.1 and my treatments are finished. I'm not scheduled to see my Dr. until September, and I will wait until then to find out what he suggests our next move be. I will certainly be asking about a possible PARP research study;…
My Mother has Clear Cell OVCA...Does anyone else have this? Does this mean she's doomed? I am depres
I spoke with my mother's oncologist this week, and she expressed concern that they found "clear cells" when they analyzed her ascites. Apparently this type of OVCA is highly treatment resistant. So of course, I have been totally depressed, sad, and eating only junk food. I have surgery Monday but seem to be mostly very sad…
Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer
Hello, I am new to this site. I am a 3 time breast cancer survivor and am currently being treated for Ovarian Cancer. My CA-125 post surgery was 10 and now my CA-125 is an 8. I have 1 more treatment. I was a stage 2B. I would like to hear from anyone else out there that has been in the same situation as me. I am currently…
Hello from the Chick in the Sticks :-)
God's morning to all! I know a couple of you visit my caringbridge page but thought I better post an update here also. It is wonderful to be able to share good news with you all. My ca125 held, it was a very pleasant surprise and usually doesn't happen once it starts the upward climb. Last visit it had started heading back…
I am doing great!
I haven't been on in quite awhile. So I just wanted to give a quick update. My last CT scan was great and the pathologist even suggested the tumor may be scar tissue. God is wonderful. I am still on chemo, but now every 4-5 weeks. My CA is at 5! I hope all of you are doing great and keeping positive. God Bless You, Barbara
Escaped from the Steel City
Hi to all, My husband and I left Pittsburgh on Tuesd., Sept. 22, just as things were really getting geared up the the G20 Summit there. We hadn't expected to be there past Saturday. My surgery on Sept. 16th went very well, but I did have a bit of a heart problem that I'm going to have to watch, probably for the rest of my…
I am amazed. Amazed at myself, my mother, and the women that are fighting ovarian cancer. I have come to realize, that behind my mother's words, there is strength. Since I was little and my parents divorced, she has always told me through the hard times, "Don't worry, we will get through this." My mom hates to see me cry…