Pre-op today and more discouraging news.......
My CA125 was 4,000. I called an oncology RN - daughter of my husband's golfing buddy - and she affirmed that that was VERY high but next week brings what it brings. I have no control over anything at this point, so I am trying to just put one foot in front of the other and telling myself that maybe tomorrow I won't, but…
Chemo done
Was supposed to have my final chemo round on Wed but the Dr. decided to not do the last round of chemo due to some hearing problems. After the 4th round of chemo I noticed my hearing was a little worse my eyesight also got a little worse. After the 5th round I have been getting sharp pains in my ear drums has anyone else…
Six days and counting
It is six day and counting until surgery at the James Cancer Center, where they will remove a mass on an ovary, they will test for cancer. I am a three year survivor of Colon Cancer, this could have metastasized from colon. Did not need chemo for colon, but will if this turns out to be cancer. I am getting very nervous.…
GI problems
Hello ladies, I have been having lot of issues with my insides not working lately. It has been just about a year from my surgery. I finished carbo/taxo amd 'am doing a maintenance dose now. Lately, I can't seem to control the constipation and have been sick to my stomach a lot. I did have a recent CAT scan that showed…
My mom's results.
My mom's appointment was today at 8 am. I am taking some of the information from the papers that I received. Multiple sclerotic lesions throughout the clavicle, sternum, spine, and pelvic bones. There are osseous lesions in the bony thorax. The doctor had mention there is a significant amount in the bone. My mom has had no…
Bluerose- not gallbladder or a stone or cancer related
Hi Bluerose, I read your post about your latest trials, and I sympathize with your ridiculous attempt to get proper medical care. I wish you good luck, the stress must be intolerable. Regarding your comment about my health coverage and the ER, I have excellent medical coverage. I'm on Medicare and have a second private…
gall bladder attack or virus?
Hi ladies, I'd love to get some input or ideas about this: Yesterday morning I awoke with horrible belly pains from the breastbone down to the pelvis, and around to the back on both sides. I began vomiting and couldn't stop until I took a Zofran. I broke out in a cold sweat as well, and the pain was so bad I was moaning…
need a latino person ...expert in ovavian cancer for someone i met this weekend
this is Paula's letter to me...she is 39 single...she went to doc was told she had disease and woke up with complete hysterectomy....i think maybe a language barrier..cause we know we all sign for complete hystewrectomy...she is scared..has no clue where she stands and the doctor is telling her options and telling her to…
IP Port
Hello Everyone. I am new to this world of cancer and these boards have really helped with great information and postive thoughts. I was dx in July of this year. I have had all the surgery (Stage IIIC) and getting ready for chemo. I am wondering who has had carboplatin via IP (6 rounds every three weeks) that can share…
3rd. Annual Ovarian Cancer Survivors Celebration
Ladies, I hope you all have the opportunity to attend such an uplifting meeting as I did Monday. We had 2 hours of great uplifting hopeful speeches and a wonderful lunch. The main speaker way Fran Di Giacomo, arthor of " I'd Rather Do Chemo than Clean out the Garage: Choosing Laughter Over Tears" who is a survivor of…
Crazy dripping sweating
Many of you already know that I have a cyst and node that was discovered by accident in Nov of last year and I have been struggling to get a biopsy. It's small anc the cyst is filled with clear liquid that my docs think is a good sign, the node however is solid. My question at this point is I am wondering if any of you…
Is it normal during/after chemotheraphy? I know that my mom is on blood thinners for a blood clot, but .. she's called her nurse at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance about it and made an appointment for this coming Thursday. I was just wondering, do/did any of you ladies experience any bleeding?
Recent study from Japan re: late stage ovarian cancer
I am trying to locate an article, supposedly came out in the last few days from Japan's Journal of Medicine or a similar agency. Heard it was in a Health Day or Health Care magazine but can't seem to find. If anyone knows of this information or source please share. Thanks.
starting second round
Well my numbers have gone up more, from 11 in June, 20 July 27 and 112 in Aug. So the dr said am now stage IV as will be on and off chemo. Have a bulge on abdomen that is growing, a small spot deep in left pelvic area, a spot on liver an spot on lung. Said was a candidate for clinical study, so trying that. Will know on…
Double post.........sorry
HE4 test
Hi everyone! I was at my Gyn/Onc yesterday for a 4 month follow-up. I'm happy to report that my CA-125 is 5.5 after 2 years out of chemo. I feel very fortunate, but still waiting for that other shoe to drop, if you know what I mean. For my next blood test (in another 4 months), for the first time they will be doing an HE4…
Is anyone from the Dallas/Ft Worth area?
The oncologist I have been referred to - actually he is an OB Gyn Oncologist - is named Mark Messing. He is with a big oncology practice called Texas Oncology. I was just wondering if anyone has heard of Dr Messing, what kind of rep does he have, etc? I'm sure he's a good doctor, and I may be totally jumping the gun here,…
My wife Linda's counts: SFSG
After a brief (and admittedly small) rise in CA-125 from 8-9 to 25, my wife's "antenna" were up in August. You know how that goes. But her September counts came through at 17. So we're dealing with a hernia and such but so far no indication that the cancer is back. We'll keep praying that's the case and be thankful for the…
I am new to OC and the forum
I was wondering if there is a way to message other members, and does my story sound remotely like anyone else's? I am 62 with no risk factors for ovarian cancer, other than my age. I had my uterus and cervix removed 30 years ago. Recently (approximately 2 wks) I developed some bothersome symptoms: pain in my midriff area,…
doxil side affects
new to message board, 6 years with OC, stage IIIc , surgery twice, Taxol/Carbo twice, starting Doxil next week. Any info with the side effects of this chemo would be greatly helpful to me... Dr. says less invasive then Taxol with very few, if any, side effects, possible skin reactions but not always , but I am still…
New user
Hello I am new to this site and not sure what to do Would like to learn how to use the chat room but can not access it Anybody have any recommendations? Are chats better than discussion boards or vice versa Sure would like to connect and make some friends
3rd Recurrence
Scheduled for a PETCT tomorrow as CA 125 has risen to 121. This is the 3rd recurrence in 10 years. I am very anxious and going through lots of emtotions right now. Reading all of your notes and letters gives me strength that I am not going through this alone. Keep me in your prayers. Jean
How much do you want to know?
My sister diagnosed with PPC on 8/10 and had surgery on 8/13. Since then, she had complication after complication and hospitalized still as of today. She hasn’t got any chance to read anything about her disease herself. So my question is, as family member, how much should I tell her? Do you want to know everything? Y
Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Hello All, I am 54 yrs old and have been fighting PPC since June 2005. I have had 3, 10 month remissions. This is a very sneaky disease. It is always very advanced before it is detected. The symptoms are so subtle. I was very lucky I was diagnosed and had debulking surgery within a week. 3 weeks later after incision had…
Finally Going to See Gyne/Oncologist next Tuesday - What to ask?
After a long battle trying to get in to see an oncologist before I am diagnosed yay or nay I am going in to see one next Tuesday. Many of you know my story of NHL diagnosed 20 years ago and only one recurrance 2 years later and NED since. Lots of side effects from treatments. Because of my medical history when they found a…
disappearing complicated cyst
I was wondering if anyone had a complicated cyst(mine was 3 cm and had it for about 7 months)and had it disappear. I went for my 8 week ultrasound and was told it was not there anymore only thing they saw were a lot of cysts but that they looked just like cysts nothing to worry about.
Does stage of disease effect reoccurence risk?
I was dx with stage IV sereous papillary ovarian Sept.08. I have had 5 rounds IV carbo/taxol IV and 3 rounds of cisplatin/taxol IP. I completed by chemo the end of April '09. I am 42yrs old with 2 young children. I am TERRIFIED of reoccurence. Does the stage of disease determine when a reoccurence will occur?
My Mother is a 3-C, what does this mean?
It's been one week now and she starts chemo Thursday, She sees the surgeon Monday. They are waiting to do surgery until the chemo has been tried and they are hoping it will help to shrink the main tumor and some of the "stragglers" as I call them. The oncologist was wonderful. The nurse was great. I feel very good leaving…
Probably a Dumb Question about Chemo
Ok folks, if the chemo is doing such a good job shrinking the tumors, why doesn't that cure the cancer? Does this question make sense? My mother's is shrinking too. So I think, great, just keep giving her the chemo and it will go away. What am I missing?
Trying to get a grip....
Hi. I was diagnosed back in October of '07 with stage 4 ovarian cancer, already metastisized to my liver. At the time of diagnosis, my CA125 was nearly 23,000 (that's not a typo). They gave me six months to live. The good news is, I'm still here (hoo-ray). The bad news is, we may be running out of treatment options. Since…