Found out today and need to know what happens next please...

VegasQ Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am 48, pre-monopausal and have been having bleeding and ovarian problems for a few months. My GYN said my ultrasounds are of concern so did a uterine scope and biopsy and it was ok although lining very thickened.

Toda I saw the oncologist and my CA-125 has doubled in 2 weeks and now is right at 90. I have a blood clotting disorder, and hve had 2 pulmonary embolisms, so the oncologist has recommended a complete hysterectomy asap. (they only want to go in once since I am at risk of clotting) My question on this is naive but I just got this info today, and thought the next step would be a biopsy or something. Question: how and when do they find out if it's ovarian cancer? When do I find out and how long does it take? Hysterectomy is scheduled for 10/27!!! Thanks fo reading and replying!!! Suz


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    They did the biopsy's while I was in surgery. They checked the tumors, surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. They took everthing out including one lymph node and part of my colon. The surgery lasted seven and a half hours for me. My surgeon said it was better to check everything while they were in there, so hopefully they won't have to go back.
    I was told right after surgery, but didn't remember, so had to be told again.
    I don't know if every hospital works this way, but I was glad to have it over all at once.
    It sounds like they caught yours early if it is ovarian cancer. That is very good!
    This is a good place to come with questions or concerns. The ladies on here are wonderful!!!
    Please keep us updated. You'll be in my prayers! Kathryn
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Welcome, Suz
    I know this is a lot of information to digest in a relatively short period of time. It seems to me that your doctors are on top of this and they are getting to it quick. Believe me, my CA125 reached 2999 and I do wish they had done the blood test and surgery when my bloating and vague pains in the abdomen started. In about 9 months when I finally had a CT scan the tumors had reached my liver and everywhere in between. I never had any bleeding. Hysterectomies are easy to deal with in comparison with late stage cancer, and our prayers will be coming your way for a quick recovery and a clear pathology report from the surgery. We all know how scary this time is. Take a few deep breaths and don't buy trouble before you know something for sure. Saundra
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Ditto and Welcom
    Hi Suz, what an amazing team of Drs it sounds like you have. The hysterectomy is the best route, or so it appears by your post. Do you have a gyn/onc doing the surgery? Sometimes it is apparent right away that it is ovarian cancer, and they well let you know right after surgery or let your family know during surgery. Other times it can take a week or so to know if they have to wait on pathology to tell them. If they are waiting for pathology the odds of it being ovarian cancer or a very low grade are better. Sending lots of prayers n hugs your way. bonnie
  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    BonnieR said:

    Ditto and Welcom
    Hi Suz, what an amazing team of Drs it sounds like you have. The hysterectomy is the best route, or so it appears by your post. Do you have a gyn/onc doing the surgery? Sometimes it is apparent right away that it is ovarian cancer, and they well let you know right after surgery or let your family know during surgery. Other times it can take a week or so to know if they have to wait on pathology to tell them. If they are waiting for pathology the odds of it being ovarian cancer or a very low grade are better. Sending lots of prayers n hugs your way. bonnie

    Hi Suz,
    Welcome to this site. Great support found here. I was DX in June of 09. They could not tell from the CT scan if the tumors on my ovaries were malignant or not. I had a full debulking surgery at John Hopkins. What I mean by a full debalking surgery, is a full hysterectomy and they look around for anything else. I think it is better to only have 1 surgery. The pathology report took about 10 days to come back. I do not think the doctor can make a real diagnosis until the report comes back. My surgery took about 2 hours. I was a stage 2. Very lucky. They will check your lymph nodes, ascites, washing, and your other organs. When this first happened, I was terrified. Things are better for me now. I am taking 6 rounds of chemo, as a percaution. I have 2 treatments left and I am doing okay. This site has been a great source of support for me. These girls will rally around you and make you their own. If you have anymore questions, let me know. I have done tons of research and the surgery is still fresh in my mind. Well, Good Luck and remember you are not alone. We will all help you.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Welcome! This is a wonderful place for information. We each have a different story, but yet similiar.

    My onc/gyn gave my family the results after my 3 1/2 hour surgery. Then my husband told me. Ovarian Cancer is diagnosed after surgery.

    Sounds like your doctor is moving along quickly and that is great!!

    Keep us posted.

    In His Grip,