Getting agitated, another cancer? (sorry, venting)

knarrly Member Posts: 24
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
*sigh* I'm muddling through the darn chemo, and now dealing with Neulasta injections to save myself another week long hospital stay with Neutropenia. And to add to it all, I have to sit and talk with another oncologist (this time a urologist) tomorrow. Before I even had the darn ovarian cancer, I had a pretty large cyst on my kidney. Well, now they don't like the looks of it. It has grown to over 12cm...and since the "cyst" on my ovary was supposed to have been benign (and obviously wasn't) they now have to get this other cyst out of me to test to be sure. This can't happen until March, because until the chemo is over, they don't want to cut me open again. I'm praying I don't have kidney cancer, too.

On a side note, I am meeting with a lawyer today. Apparently, there is a suspected cancer cluster in my neighborhood... A company that once owned the land my neighborhood was built on dumped stuff about three doors away from my house, and the groundwater is contaminated! An abnormal amount of people have gotten cancer lately, the majority being people who, like me, are young for the type of cancer they had. Three of my neighbors have died within the past year. A former neighbor is suing the company that dumped. A friend whose mother works at the law firm that represents them contacted me, hoping I'll get in on a huge lawsuit...they're tracking everyone down. The worst part? The town knows! I bought my house here, and no warning was given that anything is wrong. It's bad enough I have to deal with this, let alone have my kids and husband get sick, too! And unless I get lucky with this lawsuit, I can't afford to move. (Plus, I'd feel really guilty about selling the house to someone else, and them getting sick.)


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    So sorry
    That's too bad about the sudden interest in the kidney cyst. How many more chemo infusions do you have to go? The potential law suit could take years if history is any judge. Do you know if the chemo is working on shrinking any other tumors? If it is, then why would one on the kidney be growing? Keep us posted and we will be there to say an extra prayer or what ever you need. (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • knarrly
    knarrly Member Posts: 24
    saundra said:

    So sorry
    That's too bad about the sudden interest in the kidney cyst. How many more chemo infusions do you have to go? The potential law suit could take years if history is any judge. Do you know if the chemo is working on shrinking any other tumors? If it is, then why would one on the kidney be growing? Keep us posted and we will be there to say an extra prayer or what ever you need. (((Hugs))) Saundra

    Saw the doctor today
    I have three more rounds of chemo to go. The doctor said it definitely needs to be removed with surgery, but will have to wait until after the chemo. And apparently, with the last test it is actually on my adrenal gland. (Previous tests showed it was on my kidney.) But, he said pretty much the same as my gyn/onc, that even though it "looks" like a cyst, so did the one on my ovary. He won't know for sure until they go in to remove it and do pathology. So far, I have no other tumors. Thankfully the one on my ovary was it. But they hinted along the lines that this one was not something that chemo would work on anyhow. I think I'd have to go through radiation for this, if it was cancerous. At this point, I need all the prayers I can get! :)

    As for the lawyer, we signed the paperwork. It will be a class action, with me being one of the primary ones on the lawsuit (along with a relative of one of the partners.) Who knows what will happen with this, or how long it will take, but there's an awful lot of stuff against the company that dumped... Maybe if our houses are deemed unsafe, it can be pushed along faster?
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    knarrly said:

    Saw the doctor today
    I have three more rounds of chemo to go. The doctor said it definitely needs to be removed with surgery, but will have to wait until after the chemo. And apparently, with the last test it is actually on my adrenal gland. (Previous tests showed it was on my kidney.) But, he said pretty much the same as my gyn/onc, that even though it "looks" like a cyst, so did the one on my ovary. He won't know for sure until they go in to remove it and do pathology. So far, I have no other tumors. Thankfully the one on my ovary was it. But they hinted along the lines that this one was not something that chemo would work on anyhow. I think I'd have to go through radiation for this, if it was cancerous. At this point, I need all the prayers I can get! :)

    As for the lawyer, we signed the paperwork. It will be a class action, with me being one of the primary ones on the lawsuit (along with a relative of one of the partners.) Who knows what will happen with this, or how long it will take, but there's an awful lot of stuff against the company that dumped... Maybe if our houses are deemed unsafe, it can be pushed along faster?

    I'll be praying that the pieces of the puzzle fall into place quickly. You will probably have to recover some after the chemo before having surgery...blood counts all back to normal, for example. At least there are prior cases that have addresses this dumping issue, which should speed things up. I know this must be anxiety producing for you, added to the ovarian issue.
    Today I am dealing with a hot water leak under a concrete slab foundation that is giving me fits. There is a hole 3 foot in diameter in the closet in a bedroom and tunnels two feet into another closet. Four plumbers have been working on this problem since 9 this morning and are not near thru. Yikes! What a mess there is. At least it is not toxic, just a ranch pasture before development.
    I think there will be a lot more findings of toxic waste causing cancers and other diseases in the future.
    The evidence will have to build for a long time though. Meanwhile we do what we can when we can to fight each day. (((HUGS))) Saundra
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    knarrly said:

    Saw the doctor today
    I have three more rounds of chemo to go. The doctor said it definitely needs to be removed with surgery, but will have to wait until after the chemo. And apparently, with the last test it is actually on my adrenal gland. (Previous tests showed it was on my kidney.) But, he said pretty much the same as my gyn/onc, that even though it "looks" like a cyst, so did the one on my ovary. He won't know for sure until they go in to remove it and do pathology. So far, I have no other tumors. Thankfully the one on my ovary was it. But they hinted along the lines that this one was not something that chemo would work on anyhow. I think I'd have to go through radiation for this, if it was cancerous. At this point, I need all the prayers I can get! :)

    As for the lawyer, we signed the paperwork. It will be a class action, with me being one of the primary ones on the lawsuit (along with a relative of one of the partners.) Who knows what will happen with this, or how long it will take, but there's an awful lot of stuff against the company that dumped... Maybe if our houses are deemed unsafe, it can be pushed along faster?

    Sending up prayers too
    Sending prayers your way too, lots of stuff going on for you. :-( Do you know when the surgery will be? Keep us posted adn we'll keep you covered in prayer. Buckets of Teal Hugs come along with those prayers. Bonnie
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    BonnieR said:

    Sending up prayers too
    Sending prayers your way too, lots of stuff going on for you. :-( Do you know when the surgery will be? Keep us posted adn we'll keep you covered in prayer. Buckets of Teal Hugs come along with those prayers. Bonnie

    Prayers To You
    I am sorry about what you are going through. Yes I would say lawsuit is in order. Why the government can't control this poluters is beyond me.
    Prayers and Hugs as Always
  • knarrly
    knarrly Member Posts: 24
    BonnieR said:

    Sending up prayers too
    Sending prayers your way too, lots of stuff going on for you. :-( Do you know when the surgery will be? Keep us posted adn we'll keep you covered in prayer. Buckets of Teal Hugs come along with those prayers. Bonnie

    no date yet
    There is no date set yet, but probably the end of March. (My last round is at the beginning of the month.)
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    Neighorhood cluster
    Wow. That's a frustrating thing to find out about a possible cancer cluster in your neighborhood. One more sign that society still needs to change in significant ways.
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