Hello from the Chick in the Sticks :-)

BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
God's morning to all!

I know a couple of you visit my caringbridge page but thought I better post an update here also.

It is wonderful to be able to share good news with you all. My ca125 held, it was a very pleasant surprise and usually doesn't happen once it starts the upward climb. Last visit it had started heading back up but this time to hear stable was a good thing.

So yesterday I got Abraxane #6 and my Dr said we'd continue with this one as long as it keeps working. Once again ~ thanks for all the prayers :-D I have said this before but worth repeating "we know the prayers are the extra power the chemo needs". Yes this was a very pleasant surprise. We always remain hopeful but yet try to stay in the reality of it also.

The reality stays close especially the past few months, as women I have gotten to know and call friend have recieved their angel wings. One of them made it almost 7 years (we were diagnosed a few months apart) another only 3yrs and last Friday another passed that survived 5yrs. I rejoice in their friendships and that they are now with our Lord, but weep in the loss of yet another special and courageous teal warrior.

I pray that soon something better comes along for detecting this disease earlier, for a cure for all cancers, for all those dealing with this disease including all their family and friends. The word cancer is such a blow to so many and so many types of it are found late that it makes it hard to survive. I pray for all those in research that the doors open wide for finding a cure, for those in the position of allowing drugs to be FDA approved, for those struggling with all the options and what ifs. Yes lots and lots of prayers!

Love Ya Bonnie

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    So good to see your post this morning - PTL for Miracles and Blessings! I'm sure you're thankful for the 'breathing room', able to move forward with renewed hope and strength.

    I'm also acquainted with a lady who is now with the Lord. I knew when I hadn't received email responses from her that something had to be up. So sad to hear. Oh Lord, how we need a cure, better diagnostic tools, etc., etc.

    Have a blessed day, Bonnie. Thanks again for sharing your good news!


    'The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!'
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Thanks for sharing and being such an encourager. God is faithful.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thanks for that great report
    How great is that number!!!! You are just a joy to hear from with that good news. Thanks be to God, the giver of all things good!!! Have a good rest on this chemo and bounce back soon. Love you! Saundra
  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    saundra said:

    Thanks for that great report
    How great is that number!!!! You are just a joy to hear from with that good news. Thanks be to God, the giver of all things good!!! Have a good rest on this chemo and bounce back soon. Love you! Saundra


    What great news! I'm so happy for you as all of us are!!!! You deserve this good news! Your case gives us all encouragement and inspiration. Luv and hugs, MM
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Bonnie, so wonderful to read your entry on CB this am!! I am rejoicing with you. Have you used abraxane in the past? I know you did use taxol, and isn't that the same family?
    I have also had a few friends get their angel wings lately, and I am with you on the the reality hitting close to home. And I have a very close friend nearing the end, and going into hospice. Hitting me a bit hard today....
    THanks for always staying upbeat and encouraging at the same time very real!!! And that fact that you continue to share your life is sooooo encouraging for those of us who are still in the fewyearsurvivalstage.

    God bless you, and may the side effects be minimal!
  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103
    Hi Bonnie
    I am so happy for you with the good news. It is so wonderful when that CA125 stays put.
    My thoughts and Prayers are with you

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