I am writing this as a therapy of sorts. I am struggling secretly as my wife family and friends do not know the pain I truly am feeling. My wife age 38 was diagnosed at the beginning of February with squamous cell carcinoma (never smoked a day in her life). In that instant our lives changed over night. The treatment for…
Pain medication/personality changes
Hello. My husband is stage IV and has responded well to chemo twice, with the last time including treatment to 30-40 bone mets. His oncologist wants him on a chemo break for 4 months - we are at month 2 and his pain is so bad that he takes 240 mg of oxy a day. It creates personality changes, he becomes like a drill…
I am not the strong one.
This is my second round of becoming the caregiver. The first round was May, 2016 when my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He had cryoablation (froze the tumor) at that time and he was sick for awhile, but it "wasn't that bad". In his followup the end of June, 2017 we discovered the tumor has regrown and the cancer…
Feeling Lost
I went to a local support grp & it was too much. I hate crying in front of ppl. The r/CancerCaregivers sub on Reddit isn't very active & it feels wrong to vent in the r/Cancer sub on Reddit. I don't even feel like venting would change anything, rly. I just need ways to cope so I can be strong for my Mom. She has leukemia.…
I'm the daughter in law going nuts as I witness denial and suffering
I just posted about my 83 year old father in law in the esophageal forum. Wanted to cut and paste here but feel free to read here's the facts he was diagnosed a year ago with esophageal cancer no one has ever mentioned type or stage due to age and previous stroke surgery is out one round of chemo radiation the entire year…
Caregiver for Dad
Hi everyone. I'm the new kid on the block. My name is Amanda. I'm 28 (for like another thirteen days..ahh) and I'm from Indianapolis. My dad (age 57) was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer. Adenocarcinoma. He has mets in his brain, liver, and lungs. He was diagnosed in May. His only initial symptom was…
Great to connect
It was so gratifying to see responses to my first post. I have really needed to connect with other caregivers for awhile, and this is helping me deal with the constant stress. Right now my husband is going thru a "delirium" phase....I think it is called Sundowner's Syndrome. Too many pain and other meds, and now he is…
32 year old daughter diagnosed with breast cancer
My daughter was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She's a single mom of my four year old grandson. I will be going to the doctor with her this week so for now I don't have a lot of information. She is going to have a lumpectomy but they are giving her some heavy duty meds for a month before hand. I don't even know what…
Mom's First Day of Chemo....
Today is my mom's first day of chemo. She was diagnosed with Breast cancer and had a mascetomy last month. I've felt really detached from the whole process, she is doing fantastic and in good spirits the chemo is just preventive but i dont know what to expect next.. Looking for some good words and experiences of someone…
Father w/Multiple Myeloma, Dementia, and Peripheral Neuropathy
I have a difficult time asking for help, even as I write this I probably have deleted and retyped 100 times. I'm not even sure where to begin, I know this cancer is incurable, my Dad's future is inevitable. However, to look at it negatively is silly, because we all have the same future and none of us know when not even my…
Extended Family Advice
My father was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer a year and a half ago. Previous to this diagnosis and increasingly more persistently afterward we encouraged and pleaded with him to move from Ohio where he lived alone to North Carolina with my husband and I. Understandably he resisted and wanted to live independently for…
When you live a thousand miles away...
Any tips for what family members can do to be supportive, if they live a thousand miles away? Also, i wanted to visit, but they think chemo might make my father's white blood cell count go down, and so since I have a 4yo and 6yo they don't think we should visit (kids being germier than adults and all that). Do a lot of…
When you feel unappreciated/taken for granted by a parent with cancer
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I give up what would have been the start of a new career to move back to a state/city that I absolutely hate to be there for her. I have been there from the beginning of chemotherapy to surgery. I am an only child so it has been me doing it all. What bothers me the most…
Mums cancer diagnosis
Hello, My mum (65) was just diagnosed with stage 2 HCC. She's never really drank and to get this diagnosis has been a shocker. I am so angry and so confused. I don't know what the future holds. She wants me to move back home. I just finished college and was looking forward to working and applying to graduate programs. I…
My Story
Hi all, Just joined the forums today, looking for some help with questions (posted elsewhere). Long and short of it. My father has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer with bone metastasis. He is 71. I am 45, and the only daughter in the family. Parents divorced when I was a baby. Lost my wonderful step-father 9 years…
Won't eat or drink
Hi, I've just discovered this forum, and have been reading about others experiences. However, I haven't found any posts that are similar to what I'm currently experiencing. My Mom has stage 4 lung cancer, she is EGFR+ and is currently on afatinib. Since her diagnosis, her appetite has been poor, but in the last few weeks…
I'm a college student and my mom has cancer
So, my mom has cancer. She hasn't been fully diagnosed with a particular type but it is cancer. While she was in the hospital, there wasn't much I could do. I am trying to maintain my classes, help my family, and maintain a semblence of a life. But more and more, I feel like im slipping away in all of the daily living.…
Hi....need to vent.....too much going on...(long rant)
Hi, I'm relatively new to the caregivers field. The wife was diagnosed with 1st stage, triple-negative breast cancer about 6 weeks ago. since then, she has had successful surgery, just completed her localized(internal) radiation, and is set to heal for around 3-4 weeks before starting TC chemo(4 doses over 12 weeks) All in…
My Best Friend Has Cancer
On Monday (3 days ago), my best friend in the entire world -- who is like my big brother, my protector, my confidante -- who I have spoken to daily for years now...found out he has Lymphoma. The same cancer that killed his aunt last year and is currently killing his father. I feel like a selfish idiot, because I am falling…
Dad's Feeling Sorry for Himself... Advice?
Hi, so my dad had his third major surgery in three years March 31, he was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma (liver bile duct cancer) February 2013. This surgery he had a 21" incision from sternum to below belly button, made to perform exploratory searches to find whether or not he had more cancer or scar tissue causing…
Hello! I'm New To The Group
I'm a newbie to this fabulous forum! My husband, just 48 years old, was diagnosed with colon and omentum cancer in August 2016. We started off with our best foot forward, knowing we would beat this thing, and now have hit a brick wall and seem to be at each others throats. Just when I thought no one could possibly…
My wife has stage IV endometrial cancer, and I cannot stand her
I have been with my wife for 16 years. Together we raised a blended family (I have one son and two stepsons). I raised her kids, shopped, cooked and cleaned. I helped the kids with their homework, and tutored one with a learning disability. He is a good boy, and he is graduating from college next month. All this, while…
What to Expect?
Hi there - My mother (55) was diagnosed with Stage 3 Stomach Cancer. She also has cancer in the lymph nodes around the stomach. I am 35. My dad and I are now her "caregivers" She had her porta-cath put in yesterday. Today the radiologist said that we will do 5 days per week for 5-6 weeks, and the chemo as well. My mom…
Support/advice needed- my father's battle with pleural mesothelioma
I'm on the brink of mental collapse. I don't know how/if this will help but even temporarily, I just want to offload in the form of written word vomit.. The backstory: My dad was diagnosed with advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma in July 2016, despite having never worked in construction or served in the military. He is…
Orange County, CA
Hello, I'm 43 years old and my husband has stage 4 lymphoma. We have been battling it for 3 years and it just keeps spreading. He is very sick. Our life consists of immunotheraphy and Dr. appointments. He sleeps a lot and I don't leave the house much because I feel like I need to be here if he needs me. I don't really have…
His family hates me!
I have been here for 2 years, a yr. seeking a diagnoses, 7 Rad/Chemo weeks, and now 6 weeks post, he is way sicker now than he ever was during treatment. His Ex-wife of 8 yrs, took over all medical care, and even went on vacation with him, prior to starting treatment, his adult children have come and thrown me out of his…
What to do (cook?) for someone recovering from chemo?
Hello everyone! I hope I'm posting this in the right section. Anyway, my best friend's mother has been battleing cancer (lung cancer I'm fairly certain) for some time now, and she just finished her chemo maybe a week or so ago. She actually finished one session early because the treatment was taking its toll on her (she…
So tired and feeling bad for feeling that way....
Hello, I am turning 51 tomorrow and my husband is 47. We have a 14 yr old and an 11 yr old. My husband was diagnosed with rectal cancer on December 12th. He just finished chemo and radiation and will have surgery around April 26th and then four more months of chemo (pump 2 days a week). Doctor's anticipate him to be…
Joining your group
My husband has metastatic esophageal cancer and is quickly losing the battle. We have 3 children, and I am truly at my wit's end. Between trying to work, caring for him, being a mom and having my heart break every single day watching my husband fight yet not winning (when he was never sick a single day in his life prior to…
Please don't judge me - a caregiver's story
It has been nearly 6 months since my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that has metastasized to his lungs and ribs. My parents were not prepared for this...they had no insurance and no idea what to do. I worked tirelessly to get them covered on Medicaid, get them to the right specialist, and arrange…