ct scan
I finally got the results from my ct scan of my lungs today and everything is fine.I thought I would post here so as to let everyone know and to thank all of you for your prayers.Thanks again,Teresa
Chemotherapy roller coaster
I couldn't find much in the male breast cancer discussion area, so I thought I'd try this one. I am a 56-year-old male that was diagnosed in January of this year. Had a modified radical mastectomy in February, and am now in chemotherapy. I asked my oncologist for the most aggressive chemotherapy plan that he can provide,…
Hi iam currenty taking dexamethosone along with my chemo i take it two tablets the day before two the day of and two the day after.I went on ine this morign to try and find side affects becase iam woneringif it is causing isnomia it seems like when iam on it i have a harder time sleeping anyway i didnt find anything on…
Mild fever during taxol treatment
I have breast cancer. I have just finished 4 cycles AC chemo treatment and started with taxol for 2 cycles. I have been having mild temperature around 99-100 degree since I started the taxol treatment. My whole body feels very worm especially on my back and on my head. Since it does not reach 100.5 degree, my doctor does…
liver question
My liver count was higher than usual so my doctor is having me come back in a month to check it again. I was wondering what anyone could tell me. Should I be worried or is this normal?
Hair Loss due to Surgery alone
I started a topic a week or so ago about losing my hair and not having had to have chemo. Well, they ran tests and I am severely iron deficiently anemic. That, plus the ten hour surgery that I had, caused my hair loss. It will most likely all come out and as my iron levels recover will return. There is no new growth now.…
Finding Information
I was wondering where do most people look for information after completing treatment? Also, what do most people want to know about after finishing treatment? I work for a company that is currently making a software program for Breast Cancer Survivors. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Do you ever stop thinking about it
I want to know if you ever stop thinking and reliving your experience with breast cancer. I was diagnosed in sept of 2002. I had 5 surgeries including a mastestomy. I have been done all my treatments for a year and I still relive what I went through and get upset over it all of the time. I question why it happen and if I…
Having your marriage survive a Cancer diagnosis
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (stage 1) in June of 2000, 2 days before my 37 birthday. After Radiation Therapy and 6 months of Chemo, I am now cancer free. Since my treatment ended, my marriage (19 years) has suffered. My husband supported me through my treatment but then had a meltdown. We had a very strong marriage…
need your prayers PLEASE
Hello everyone, tuesday i will be going for an ultrasound of my liver the oncologist thinks it my be my gall stones acting up (been having several of them for 18 years) but i've been having a discomfort , pulling /tugging at my right side below my mastectomy kind of into the ribs, hard to even explain but i am so petrified…
all ready worrying
Hi all i know i shouldnt be but iam already worry when this ugly creature is going to rear its ugly head at me again i still have two more treatments left.This is the second time in a year that i have delt with cancer and chemo and quite frankly iam tired of it.like i said i try and not dwell on it coming back but it is…
curly hair
How have you all handled the curly hair thing? My hair is about 3-4 inches long but so curly that it looks shorter It's been too long for a wig for awhile and I got extensions but now they are coming out and it is so damn curly that I'm not happy going without the extensions, but if I tried to wear my wig again it would…
Does any one find out that they still stay tired
I finished my treatments in June of last year and I go for mile walks or two mile walks and still find out that I get tired very easy still is that normal. I also come home from work and all I want to do is sleep because I'm tired still. Marilyn
Has anyone had treatment for lymphedema and what did they do and the outcome? Did you wear a compression sleeve----just a t nite or when? Thanks Buffy(Marge)
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
Sorry iam posting another message tonight but i just read a web page that upset me.I cant get over how many spouces or senific other abbondens the ones they love in this time of need.I just gets too me.what happens?Iam so lucky that i have a very loving husband sometimes i wonder how he puts up with my mood swings.but i…
well here i go again with the scans. why do i get sooooo nervous when it get's near? my doc want's me to have ct-scan of everything, bonescan and pet-scan. i so am going to be glowing at the end of next week. wish me luck and prayers please!!!!!
After 6 years, recurrence
I wrote several weeks ago about how scared I was to have my mammogram -- my best friend of 18 years was diagnosed in Oct w/2 primary brain tumors (both malignant); my husband went through prostate cancer and surgery on 2/6; and my sister, a 3 year cervical cancer survivor, was diagnosed last week with advanced lung cancer.…
Headaches & Disorientation!!!!!!
Hey Friends, As some of you may know I had a large portion of my brain removed the beginning of Jan 2004. Lately I have been sufferring headaches that feel as if I am going to explode {my head} ...... I zig when I should zag & you may ask yourself why I am putting this on the breast cancer board? I have friends here & this…
Hair loss without Chemo???
Have any of you experienced hair loss without having had chemo or radiation? I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruct and my hair is falling out in handfulls. I try to not comb it and to wash it seldom, but, when I do it is horrible. What at first looked like just accelerated hair loss maybe due to dyeing or…
research on plant
hi ladies, I found out the name of the plant that my friend was telling me about that helps (she says cures?) with cancer. It's aloe arborescens. Has anyone ever heard of it? It's from Brazil. I'm going to do some research on it to see what I can find out. Just wanted to let anyone know if they were interested but I'm not…
just wondering
Hi all iam currently taking Xeloda And Tazatear.My question is that it is making my food taste like sawdust but iam not sure wich one is doing it and i keep forgetting to ask wich one is making my food taste like that the only reaspm iam really asking is becase they are wanting me to stay on the xeloda probally for the…
vaginal atrophy
This is my second go-round with breast cancer (new occurence), and I experienced menopause with the first episode 9 years ago. Now they have added Tamoxifen to my 'diet', and what little strength I had left in my vaginal lining is gone. Intercourse is out of the question, even with copius amounts of lubricant. My gyn wants…
Effects from Chemo...Need Advise
I've had a double mastecomy in Sept. 03, and have finishced a very agressive treatment of A/C plus taxol in Jan 04. To date, scans and tumor markers are disease free, Thank God. So believe me i know how blessed i am. However, even though my blood count is building and i am getting my energy back, i really have problems…
3rd surgery and I'm tired
Had my 3rd surgury for a lumpectomy yesterday... they haven't gotten clear margins yet. I know my surgeon is doing a good job trying conserve my breast but this is exhausting. DCIS Dx in February, 10 weeks of testing and waiting to find out it was just a lumpectomy. This is my 3rd surgery in a month. I know I'm blessed and…
I had reconstruction done, but Im having shooting pains (like muscle cramps), but no muscle as such was used, fat was taken from my tummy. Has anyone had a similar experience to this?
for Isaiah4031
Hi Jayne, I've tried to e-mail you lots of times but all my mail comes back to me. Please tell me if you have a new address or should I keep trying with the old one. Hope you are well and the move went well too. Thinking of you. Love, Marie
Hair Regrowth?
Hi all, I finished chemo on April 16 and I will be starting radiation next week. I was wondering if radiation will inhibit my hair growth? and also wondering about how long it will take for my hair to grow to a point where I don't have to wear a wig anymore?
2 New Boards on CSN
We now have a Young Survivors Board if anyone knows a really young cancer patient to share that with (teens and such) I know we are young too...but younger. LOL Also a Current Events Board I still say we need a Patient Advocate Board. I want to talk to someone who can tell me where the research is primarily focused and why…
Revlon Run/Walk for Women
I did the 5 km walk yesterday and it was such a wonderful victory for me. I realize that 5 km is nothing for walkers, but I'm not one, and I was thrilled at finishing! It was so wonderfully symbolic of finishing the race!! SO many people walked in support of others and in memory of others. IT was a very emotional day but…