Hi has anyone been on Taxol and if so what can i expect for side effects.They are also doing another drug along with it but cant rember what it is called.Doc said that more than likley i will loose my hair is this true?any help would be apprecated thanks in advance Bunnie
just curious
My dr,said I could take tamoxafan or choose not to take it . She said it raised my chances 1 to 2%. She said she would take it even for 1 or 2%. In my case she said with chemo and radiation I am 95% cured. I think this is great news and I weighed the pros and cons with tamoxafan and I think blod clots and endometrial…
male breast cancer
My husband has just finished his 1st chemo. still have swelling at surgery site & is concerned. Any suggestions?
Discolored skin
This is probably not related at all, but, I have developed a "bruise" looking skin discoloration on the top of my left foot that is now growing and moving up my leg, and over the entire surface of my foot. I doubt this is related to my bc, but, I get scared of everything. I saw my doc today and he is stumped, has me using…
Tram Flap - Should I do it?
I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in March, 2003. At that point in time, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to have reconstruction. Finally came to the decision that it is important to me in order to move forward. Saw the surgeon yesterday. Since I had radiation on my left side, the skin is not good for an implant. My only options…
To Taxol Or Not To Taxol?
I've just had a bilateral mastectomy to remove a 2cm tumor in my left breast and prophylactic in my right. The tumor was classified as a second primary, since I have had the same thing before 5 years ago, but this was a new area, completely new and different type of tumor. Previously, I had a 1.8 cm ER+, and this one is…
just wondering
Hi just wondereing is there anyone out there that has had lung cancer and was told they only had like 6 months to a year to live so choose not to do treatments and are still around after many years?the reason iam asking is the i posted a message earler saying that i have lung cancer and one we get it in remission my doc…
Biopsy results
Yesterday I got my results from my wire biopsy and it came back negative. The califications were not cancer. I am so thrilled. I feel so lucky about it. Now maybe I can start to relax a little. I still have not learned how to do that though. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 5/03. Had a mastectomy on 5/03. I…
just need to know
Ihave not posted for along time but,I do check in often. It is almost 4 years praise the Lord!!! I still need to be reasured that what I feel is normal. Had my 6 month check up this last month and my lab work was fine my onc. is great but need some input from women .I had implants with saline they are under lawsuit for not…
To Cathy Sevey
Hi Cathy, I emailed you last month or so and wanted to know where you are now living. Maybe you did not get my email. If you haven't been admitted to the hospital yet, I sure would like to know what hospital you are going to. If I can find a way to come visit you, I sure would like to. You are in my prayers and thoughts…
My Mom, My Hero
My mom is 3-year breast cancer survivor who has always been my inspiration. She has just written and published her first childrens book and I couldn't be prouder. She is truly an amazing woman who has overcome so much and is still living her life to the fullest. Please visit her website at www.thefairydusttales.com and…
Hope in new drug
Hello All, Heard about a new drug being developed that will cure cancer for good....if it works. It will not be available for human testing until next year. Go to Google and type in ONCOMAX. There is a lot of information about it there. Lets PRAY that this is not "pie in the sky".....Nan
Too soon for oncologist?
I'm having my mastectomy/reconstruction surgery on 7/16. Should I go ahead and set up an appointment with an oncologist for a week or two after the surgery? Should I get a second opinion also? (I know two good oncologists.) Thanks for any comments and suggestions!
Double mast ahead and too scared to read anything...
I can't even bear to read about other people -- I am just six days into diagnosis and even though this is my third bout, the first two were non invasive. Now it's a new cancer, invasive, and I am facing a double mast and reconstruction. I am LARGE -- a 42 DDD but not fat; real hourglass figure -- so this is striking at…
Have you made an appointment with an oncologist yet? Please let us know what is happening - we're all rooting and praying for you. Clara
Puffer Salad
Somebody posted a note a while back about a strange dream involving puffer fish. Just thought it odd today when I ran across new drug info regarding pain medication. Seems they are using a substance called Tectin found in puffer fish. They reported pain relief for up to 2 weeks with just one dose. There you have it!
Lock Jaw a side effect of chemo or meds?
Hi all, has anyone experienced lock jaw during or after treatment? Sometimes my jaw freezes shut, now and then, no pattern, and usually when I am taking a first bite of any food. My onc is baffled and is sending me to an Ear/Nose/Throat doc. am 3 1/2 yrs into nearly constant treatment for breast cancer. I started out with…
losing insurance
I lost my insurance because of divorce (I had just completed treatment for breast cancer). I found group insurance that would cover me, but I recently got word that the insurance company is cancelling the policy. I can't find any other insurance that will take me. I would consider moving to another state if there are more…
I need to make a decision as to how to follow my heart & Lord. I had no right to post a message a while ago regarding alt meds. I am not giving out any medical advice anymore as it is the only option I have; it may not be for others. I did not join this site to do such a thing in the first place. Now I feel like I have to…
Letting you know
I want to thank all of you that gave information for me to pass on to a lady that was referred to me through Reach to Recovery. It seems she won't need to take advantage of it though. Her lump was determined to be a fluid cyst, which was to be drained. I hope the Drs were right. I have't heard from her since and I have…
ok so my gyno sent me to a surgeon 4/5 months ago to have a lump looked at & "most likely biopsied" . surgeon did mamo & sono when they needed further look. he told me that by looking at results he wasn't concerned...it was "probably" non cancerous...shouldnt worry about it. although here I am 4/5 months later & lump is…
Getting 2nd Opinion
I have read some posts and wanted to address the issue of getting second opinions. When I noticed lumps in my neck I went to doc. He said it was only a virus.. and to wait a month before he would do anything. Next week, lumps, and fever, and night sweats... I go back to Dr. He says to NOT WORRY about it.. its fine, and…
One more thing, arthritis!
Hey, has anyone in their 30's had to deal with terrible arthritis from treatment? Having lots of pain in hands, fingers, wrists, ankles, some leg pain. My doc said it's post-chemo rheumatism, I guess after taxotere. Never had after Taxol. THanks!
I just had my mammogram done yesterday and they called me today to say that they want to take more pictures, this time magnify ones because they see some calcifications. I am very scared. I had breast cancer in the other one. I had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation. It has only been 8 months since my last chemo treatment.…
Anyone else feel psycho?
Does anyone else get depressed one day and then fine the next? Lately I have been going through test after test to find out if the cancer has spread to my bone marrow. One day I will be fine and then the next I can't get out of bed because I am crying so much. I fee like I am going crazy. My husband ( who is wonderful)…
Innovative treatments...
Hi Ladies: Just wanted to post some info on two newer treatment modalities. I'm sure that some of you are already aware of them but other's may not be: RADIATION: Helical tomotherapy. This new approach is being used at 9 centers in the US and Canada right now. Contact Info: Dr. Patrick Kupelian MD Anderson Cancer Center,…
Do We Ever Move On?
It's been just 2 weeks since I finished 6 wks. of radiation. I'm 39... soon to be 40. I was diagnosed in 10/03 with invasive ductal carcinoma. 1.2 cm. ER-/PR-/ HER2 negative. Very aggressive tumor grade 3. No nodes; stage 1. Had lumpectomy, then reexcision, 4 A/C, 4 Taxol. Then rads. I have a 7 yr old daughter. My husband…
Info about Mets???
I hate to sound stupid, but, can someone tell me what they are? I have taken it to mean metastasis, but, are they lessions? I am having a lot of pain in my right hip socket area. I have a hard time sleeping at night. Seems as if that is aching and so forth and my ribs as well. When you get bone mets, what does it feel like…
Going into menopause?
Hey everyone, It's been a long while...too long. I ended up doing the rads, hyperthermia and Xeloda for my second local-regional recurrence. Finished in Feb., port out in March with some tissue that was suspect but turned out to be nothing. My big fear now is I'm going menopausal at 37. Haven't had period for 80 days.…
Can premenopausal women take Tamoxifan? If not, are there other options? Am having mastectomy in a few weeks and the doctor has told me he suspects the node will be estrogen receptor positive. But I thought I'd read or heard that premenopausal women could not take Tamoxifan. Concerned that only other options are the "heavy…