What now??????
Hello everyone. I understand that we all are going through a very hard time in our lives and with Gods help we will all make it. While I was going through CHemo and radiation I worked 60 hours a week as a 911 dispatcher and took care of my 1 year old child and my 6 month old grandson. I managed ok. I also lost my…
Knocked down again
It's been a while since I posted. Kept waiting on good news from scans. Bad news came instead. After three months of Taxol and aredia, no improvement was seen. If anything, things looked worse. In case you have forgotten, I was a Breast Cancer surviver for nearly 5 years and it came back in Feb. in the bones with swollen…
Back to the Source
Hello all, It has been a long time since I've been back to this site. This site helped me so much in the beginning. I will be two years cancer free this August. I have gone through a lot with medications, depression, therapy and still working on trying to come to terms with how being diagnosed with breast cancer has rocked…
Taking a closer look at soy
Today's LA Times say some want FDA approval of soy as an anti-cancer health claim. I strongly feel soy DOES NOT prevent cancer. I am asian and had eaten moderate amounts of tofu before being diagnosed 6 years ago. Some oncologists have even spoken to my support group and said to avoid soy if you were estrogen receptor…
not so good news
I posted a few days ago about possible bone marrow mets and unfortunately, the bone marrow biopsy confirmed that the cancer has spread to my marrow. So I will be doing Taxotere now (every 3 weeks). I did Taxol the first go around in '01 and was wondering if anyone else out there has done Taxotere. What were you side…
Mammograms AFTER Reconstruction
I have a question for everybody.After reconstruction with implants have any of you had mammograms?Ive been told by several they didnt have mammos after implants.I had reconstruction with tissue expanders,then silicone implants about 3 months ago.Im confused,My onocoligist said I didnt need a mammogram but my surgeon wants…
Who's on navelbine? Any success? I've been on it since January and the herceptin from Dec. Then herceptin dropped end ofMmay and all treatments temporarily. Last Thursday navelbine again and also tom'w. My markers had gone down and blood work was good but in those few weeks off treatment, progression set in again -…
news today 6/24-how SAD
Some more news on biopsies - modern , faster, amd cheaper. Add JER2neu and here sit me and many others who MIGHT have done better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Health - Reuters Needle Biopsy Linked to Breast Cancer Spread NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Having breast cancer tissue sampled with a needle seems to increase…
Skin Questions...Help!
I'm eight months out of chemo...Hooray!!! I'm thankful for making it through the fire. I've noticed that whenever I'm in direct sunlight I break out in small water blisters on any area that is exposed to the sun. Has anybody has this happen? I live in Texas and not going in the sun is really hard. I'd appreciate any help…
Joint and bone pain
Hi, I am looking for others that since chemo have on going joint and muscle pain. Mine has become debilatating and I need to show my doc. proof that i am not alone and that this is not in my head. If anyone is suffering with this or knows of medical articals etc... they could lead me to i would be most appreciative. please…
low potassium
I have been on chemo for 5 mos. and was just hospitalized for low potassium levels . I have never had this problem before. Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this and if this problem goes away after treatment is finished.
Mouth sores
Hi. I finished chemo treatments in Jan of 2003, and I have recently been getting mouth sores. I feel fine otherwise. I had a blood-marker test in Feb and everything was fine. Plus I went back in Apr to have more blood tests done to confirm a lowering of cholesterol, and everything was fine then, too. I go back in Aug for…
Breast Cancer
I have a good friend who has been struggling with Breast Cancer. I found an article that helped me a lot in regards to understanding the problem and natural treatment options much better. http://www.drlam.com/opinion/cancer_and_hormonal_balance.cfm I hope this can come to use for many others. I know that it gave me a…
I'm 44 now and have been taking Tamoxifen for 8 months. I haven't had a period in 14 months because of chemotherapy. My gynocologist is pretty sure I won't start menstrating again. My issue ... for about a month I have been having low abdominal aches and mild cramps like a mentral cycle ... I've had constipation off and on…
Herceptin (52 week study)
Currently in 6th month of Hercepitn, with 6 to go, after 12 weekly Herceptin/Taxol treatments. Has anyone had any side effects from Herceptin? I have had joint stiffness, muscle soreness. Can anyone confirm similar effects? Now my eyebrows and lashes are starting to thin after they grew back. I currently take Arimidex.
Breast Cancer Postage Stamps
I went to the post office today to get some more of the bc postage stamps and the person who works there told me that as of last month, they had raised 37.7 million dollars for breast cancer research and cure. I think that is fabulous and if you are not aware of these stamps, because they are not really advertised, ask at…
what you all think
Afrer this round of chemo if it doesnt work iam thinking of looking into alternative medice just wanted to get everyones oppiono on that.What does everyone think about alternative medice.I have too be honest iam not a big beliver in it but i figrue if the chmemo isnt working i really dont have much too loose right?please…
arm mobility after mastectomy
I had my right breast removed on March 15. I still cannot lift my right arm up straight up or straight out from my body without excruciating pain. I probably did not excersise my arm like I should have after surgery. What can I do now? When I do stretch it out to the point where I can handle the pain, I see & feel what…
Hi everyone, I just wondered if anyone had their period to come back. I finished my chemo in Feb,and I stopped having my period with the 2nd round of chemo.Last friday night I had a mini period and after that started spotting and I am still spotting now. Basically, I feel fine just get tired easy. .............Shirl
question about bone marrow
Hello, Recently I had a CT scan that showed a spot on my liver. So my onc ordered a MRI to get a better picture. It did not show the spot that the CT showed but found 2 new spots. He also ordered a MRI on lower back since I was having some back pain. It showed that "something was infiltrating my bone marrow". What does…
After numerous test to determine where my the pain was coming from in my groin area my doctor decided to perform a MRI on my brain. Well that test came back showing that I have scattered white matter in my brain, she said it is not a tumor. But never the less, I am worried. On June 15 at 2:00 I have a appointment with a…
Last chemo!
I'm so excited! I'm receiving my last out of 6 cycles of TAC on Tuesday! Yippee! Victory number 2! First surgery, now chemo! Just 5 and 1/2 weeks of radiation to go! Piece of cake! Have a great week! I'll be trying to enjoy my last week of inactivity:-) Love, Michelle
Does any one still stay tired like I do
I had my last chemo treatment in June of last yeat and I still stay tired are their some good vitamins to take if so had your oncologist recommened some if so what kind of vitamins are good to take. Marilyn
to biopsy or not to biopsy...??
I've had a lump in my breast for probably 6 months. found it myself during self exam, gyno found it during annual exam. sent me to surgeon because she felt it should be biopsied but after doing mamo & sonogram surgeon said it looked like nothing to worry about. & that there was no need to biopsy. (even though I told him my…
couldnt make it too work
Hi all well last friday was my first round of taxol and it has kicked my butt.yesterday had lots of joint pain and a hard time breathing could barley walk and then today i wasnt able to make it too work.Iam hoping to make it tommorow.Iam so tired of doing chemo this is the third time in a year that i have done chemo iam so…
Thanks for the Info
Watercolor and britches, Thanks for the information. I knew you ladies would be able to give me some answers. I have printed out your replies and hope I don't have to use the suggestions. Will keep in touch. Thanks so much. Janet
I could use some information
I hope there is someone out there that can give me the information I need. I am a Reach to Recovery volunteer and I have a lady who is going for a mammogram Monday because she found a large lump. We are in Illinois and she has no insurance. The Illinois Breast and Cervical program will pay for everything until a diagnosis…
beginning Adriamicin
I will begin 4rds of Adriamicin every 3 weeks. What side affects have you experienced. What have you done to keep yourselves comfortable?? Please advise. Sue
Does anyone seem to get sores in there mouth even though you aren't going through treatments any mo
Hello I seem to be getting sores in my mouth lately and I wonder if it is due to the chemotreatments that I took last year that ended in June of last year. I went to see my dentist about it and he said it is because I'm run down .I find out that I still get tired very easy and worn out I just can't keep up with people any…
On a lighter note, be careful with the "Puffer salad"
Well, it's big chemo day again. A combination of Herceptin, taxotere and Carboplatin. I started the dexamethasone steroid last night, so my eyeballs popped open at 3:17 AM this morning, and here I am. Good news. I had my midpoint chemo MUGA scan yesterday. A 68 EF versus a 73 EF, prior to starting the chemo. Good to go for…