Plastics not Bad per John's Hopkins
I got the same email that is shown in the prior post. Luckily someone else researched it at Johns Hopkins that was on the email. It is a hoax. I was ready to get rid of all plastics. But rest easy it is a hoax at least per John's Hopkins. I have given the link below so you can read the article from John's Hopkins yourself.…
new cancer info from Johns Hopkins
a friend emailed me this today: Subject: Cancer Update news from Johns Hopkins 1. No plastic containers in micro. 2. No water bottles in freezer. 3. No plastic wrap in microwave. Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Dioxin…
1st time diagnosed....need info
Hi all, My friend was just dx with breast cancer. She is 44 years old. The dr seems to think that it is Stage 1. She is scheduled for a lumpectomy next week. He told her that if she has a lumpectomy then she needs to complete 6 weeks of radiation. And of course depending if the lymph nodes come back positive she will need…
WOW, what a ride!
Had sen. node biopsy on Monday, it was cancer free. The relief was so obvious in my whole being,it was like something was literally lifted off of me. Not the sure what the hell took over all my sences, it must have something to do with one day your life being somewhat normal and the next your waiting on other people to…
Liver Enzymes elevated
Has anybody had elevated liver enzymes after chemo? Specifically, my alkaline phosphatase has been elevated to 162 for the past 6 months. It's been 1 year since I finished chemo and 10 months since I've finished radiation. My oncologist is scheduling me for a bone scan and CT scan of the abdomen. I'm concerned that the…
Colonoscopy 2.5 years after chemo
Greetings, I've just been through an experience that may help others.... October 2002 - December 2003 I did 16 weeks of chemo, a lumpectomy, lymph node removal, then margins bad, then mastectomy, then 9 weeks of chemo, then 7 weeks of daily radiation, then 9 more weeks of chemo. Then I was on tamoxifen for ~ 17 months and…
My first REAL Relay
So, Saturday was the first real relay for life I have attended...last year I was only strong enough to go around on the survivor lap, having been discharged just 4 days earlier from my bowel surgery. I had many people come up to me (I'm still very hairless) and just start talking, wishing me the best, asking when my…
Encouraging Thoughts
My husband and a friend of ours both sent this to me yesterday. I thought it may be an encouragement to someone else as well. Enjoy! ATTITUDE There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she…
Vaginal discharge
I started chemo in January and finished chemo mid March. I have not had a period since the very beginning of February. So almost three months; however I have a constant brown vaginal discharge. Some days heavier than others. Has anyone had this?? I guess I should also include that before chemo I was having very frequent…
staph infections
I recently had an unexplainable staph infection which settled in my left elbow. It was horrible and to this day is extremely tender. A friend told me that if lymphs were tested, as were mine with lympectomy, I should be massaging that arm as the fluids build up due to the inability of biopsied lymphs to move the "infection…
Testing - Not diagnosed
I have been reading various discussion boards and trying to educate myself about how my testing should be progressing. I am a little embarrased to ask those of you dealing with an actual diagnosis, but I am taking this seriously, and am so anxious for answers. I had a mammogram March 1st, I hadn't found the lump at that…
I have'nt posted for a while,but M. my husband's ex-wife who has breast cancer, was wanting me to ask if anyone of you have had memory loss or confusion from oxycontin. The doctor told her because she has the cancer all over, that she is going to feel pain in her bones and such, but she does'nt have bone cancer though. She…
Calcifications in arteries, anyone else?
New here. Had my routine mammogram last Tuesday and had to have a redo. Shows abnormal cluster of tiny micro calcifications not on previous mammogram. The fact that these are in the vein and not ducts or cyst is that a major concern? My biopsy is scehdualed for Friday and I am a wreck! Plus I have had a bout with a bladder…
Eye lashes
I finished high dose chemo 5 weeks ago. I completed 6 high dose (282 mg) rounds of Paclitaxel as a standalone chemo drug on a clinical trial. I am still losing eyelashes. I have about 5 left and about three eye brows. Is it normal to keep losing hair this long after chemo and when do the eye lashes start to come back? I…
I found info for HMO fighting in California
Hey, just got this information if anyone needs to complain about their HMO. Called, and they were VERY helpful...even gave me HIPPA info! HMO Help Center 1-888-466-2219 www.hmohelp.ca.gov Hope you don't have to use it, but good info to keep, all fellow Californians. Hugs, Kathi
It seems I get to have one of these soon. My question to the experienced is this: Do I have to confess my supplement habit before the procedure? Thanks for any advice. Hugs. Lesley
mastectomy WITHOUT reconstruction
Has anyone had a mastectomy without reconstruction? I would like to know how your chest feels, how it looks (is it smooth, bumpy, pressed in), how it is to wear prostetics, and which ones are good, soft and natural looking? Do the prostetics bother your chest and irrate it? Sarah06
Am I a survivor?
Hello All - I'm walking in my second Avon Breast Cancer Walk at the end of the month. I walked last year right after I found out that the cancer had returned to my spine. I wore a survivor cap which was probably a mistake because people would ask me how many years survivor and when I'd tell tham that it would have been 4…
thanks to fellow sisters
Just want to say thanks to all those who have taken the time to give such encouraging words of support and share their stories. I am in a waiting game at the moment with sentinal node surgery on Monday. I was given a 50/50 chance of finding that "the beast" has spread. Mentally preparing myself that it has. Over the past…
Hello all, just found out about this website today - I'm also a new member to this exclusive group. Found my lump in Feb-06, lumpectomy and node removal 1 week later followed by 24 weeks of chemo then radiation. Then during a chest xray they found another tumor in my lung, followed by a painful lung biopsy - Those results…
scared, dazed, & confused
My 24 yr. old son found and signed me up on this site today because I'm an emotional mess. Tears come to the surface way too easily for my liking. I'm 48 yrs. oold and had a 2 cmm lump removed 2 wks ago. It was found to be cancerous (IDC)being ER & Her2 positve. Ki-67 & Progesterone unfavorable. Grade 8/9. This is all…
Something to Bring a Smile
The very first ever Blonde GUY joke..... And well worth the wait!! An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blonde Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building. They were eating lunch and the Irishman said, "Corned beef and cabbage. If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I'm going…
Anyone know what that lady is up to? I am still being treated for the liver mets, if the treatment don't kill me I might still be around for years. I am so tired I can hardly keep going but they say the red and white count are great! Anyone have any suggustions on how to pick up and keep going with this long term chemo?…
TO Lisamcm
Hi Lisa, I saw your post and wanted to respond. I was dx with IDC in Oct of 2002. I finished my treatment in May of 2003 and had a CT and PET scan in June of 2003...all clear. In Jan of 2004 I was devastated to learn that I had mets to lungs, pleural effusion, chest nodes and liver..."extensive mets". I enrolled in a…
Late effects of radiation/hyperbaric oxygen treatment
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a long time. I am almost at the 2 year anniversary mark (since diagnosis). Like the other girl who posted earlier today, I also feel worse at times that I did during treatment. (pain is a constant battle.) I too have a herniated disk and may need surgery. Back in June, my implant (pocket)…
Herceptin & HER2
The needed change in the "war on cancer" will not be on the types of drugs being developed, but on the understanding of the drugs we have. There are already over 100 different therapeutic drug regimens out there, and 400 are in the pipeline. Any one or combination of them can help cancer patients. The system is overloaded…
Chemo Sensitivity and Resistance Assays
Chemotherapy Sensitivity and Resistance Assays When a patient has an infection, doctors often send a sample of infected blood or tissue to a lab where they can grow the bacteria and see which antibiotics are most effective (called Bacterial Culture and Sensitivity Testing). Chemosensitivity testing is an attempt to do…
noticing a lump
im a 47 year old male and i found a lump under my left breast i've had a cat scan,mammogram and ultra sound done and i have to go back to see the surgeon tuesday april 18th.if they are sending me to see a surgeon does that mean i have cancer.i'm a little nervous.please help me to understand whats going on.
I'm Chatty Today - Moving On
Hello All - I come and go from this sight and while I love to see everyone helping each other I also hate the fact that we are all here with this disease. I have been reading the posts about fear. I had so much fear right after my first go round with treatment was done. I have had to stay on anit-depressants in order to…
having trouble moving on
i had bc in 1990 - no chemo, just lumpectomy & radiation. then in oct 2004 it came back on the other side. same procedure but this time i had to start tamoxifen. finished radiation in jan 2005. when i went for my mammo in sept, i had to get a needle/puncture biopsy on the same side i had just finished the treatments on.…