Stevens Johnson Syndrome
Has anyone taking arimidex suffered from this? Thanks ~ Chrissi
Sister Study
I ran across an article recently about a current research study being undertaken by the NIH and thought some of the rest of you might have sisters would be interested. It's called the "Sister Study" and it's a 10-year study being conducted by the NIH's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences that's going to…
Mother's Metastatic BC to hip/back/bones
Community this is a difficult situation, so I am seeking information- I have used this forum before with great results from the input from you. So here we go again, my mother's BC has spread and two years ago the doctor's discovered a tumor in her hip and she could not walk at all. But with her determination, doctors,a nd…
Use of Gemzar for Breast Mets
I've just started my seventh chemo... gemzar...as a result of additional spread to my right lymph tissue. I started with inflamatory breast cancer three years ago and it spread to my bones, brain and now lymph tissue (area of original cancer spread). Has anyone been on gemzar (gemcitabine) that can tell me of its potential…
da with br ca June 2005, estrogen posative, lumpectomy July 28, with replacement of existing implant, which the orginal stopped the ca from binding to my chest wall it binded to the implant. Dense dose chemo through the last week of Nov 8 treatments in all 33 radiatiion treatments which ended the 8th of Feb, also had total…
DCIS and path report
In November '02, I was diagnosed with DCIS / stage 0 (single tumor). Lumpectomy, radiation, tamoxifen. The tumor was kinda large (4 CMs) and margins were clear though one was very narrow, so the radiation and tamoxifen. Had / have virtually no problems with any of the treatments. I'm fine. (I did have a biopsy this past…
bc on shoulders and neck area
had bc on 2003 and second bc on 2005. went through 5 months of chemo and now on my second week of radiation. my lymph nodes on the neck and shoulder area. has anyone gone through this.
Is any one still staying tired since only three years
Hello out there is any one still staying tired this month makes three years since I had my second surgery and I went through a total of 4 Chemo treatments April of 2003 through June of 2003 and I still stay tired . Nothing helps I try to take my dog for two mile walks and I still get tired very easy. What is the best…
Checkin' on LindaTN...
Has anyone heard from Linda? Her last post was Jan. 13th-Just wanted to make sure she is okay.Linda if You are on please reply . Miss Your posting...God Bless You (((HUGS))) Sue
atypical cells
Last week, during my follow-up visit with the surgeon, she felt a small lump under my arm. She thought it was scar tissue & did a fine needle aspiration. The results came back today - it showed atypical cells. What does this mean? She said I will need to have another biopsy to test more. Has anyone had atypical cells as…
Did you have an S-Gap operation?
If you had an S-Gap operation, please let me know if you had any complications, difficulty when sitting, pain, numbness or difficulty walking. What doctors performed the surgery and what insurance did you have? Did it cover the surgery? Sarah06
Hasn't been my day or weekend with this machine. If it wasn't for sites like these I probably wouldn't want to put up with the frustrations this PC gives me. Sure I can buy another but I would still have to put up with virus scares and so forth some getting through it seems. I just wanted to say how nice it is to still…
Bra/shirt for radiation
Hi there, I'm on my 2nd week of radiation and getting a little burnt. Does anyone have advise for what to wear? I can't imagine not wearing a bra to work! Does anyone have suggestions for comfy bras? thanks!
Taxotere/Taxol leg Pain
Anyone else gone through T/A/C combined? I'm at 7 months and leg pain and walking worse some days. Yesterday I could hardly walk. A friend told me to "BUTCH UP!" and I hated hearing it but I got MAD enough to tell myself FIGHT BACK. But Thank God I had extra Pain meds at my desk at work or I'da gone home sick. What do you…
New study on herceptin
I am a 2 round cancer survivor - both times same side, stage 1, no nodes (actually 2nd time it sneaked up so fast that it was borderline stage 2, but still no nodes and no evidence of disease after bone scans and CAT scans). Anyway, because of the very promising studies on herceptin, my doctor has talked me into doing a 1…
Anyone besides me having trouble accessing email today?
second time breast cancer
this is my second time with breast cancer. they found some lymph nodes on my top right collar bone and chest. went through chemo for 4 months and finished on 4th of jan. now on my right and left side of my shoulder there are lymph nodes that are about 17 to 19 mm.showing so they are doing radiation.has anyone gone through…
Do you feel saline implants?
For those who have saline implants, do you feel them inside of you? Do you feel them sometimes and not others? Do you feel it more at night, or feel them more at different times of the day?
Breast Reconstruction with GAP Flap
I wanted to know what your experience was with a GAP (butt tissue and skin tranferred to the breast) surgery. Did you have any complications? When did you have the surgery, and who was your doctor? Would you recommend your doctor, and was your operation covered by your insurance company? Was your operation a success?…
Sausage fingers from IVs
I just got a break from chemo (taxotere) about a month ago. I was on it for 7 months for bone mets from bc. This is my third time going through chemo so I'm able to deal with it, but my middle and ring fingers are swollen like little sausages. My doc says it's from IVs since we can only use one side as I've had lymphs…
I had chemo dose dense, radiation, lump ectomy and complete hysterectomy why would i have to go on any meds, tamoxifin, or anything since i am not producing estogen, i was estrogen pos
Has any of you ladies undergone Taxotere combined with A/C at the same time? I still haven't found anyone who has gone through this type of treatment (6 chemos every 21 days/ then 5 weeks radiation. I'm at almost 7 months after my last radiation (June 1st 05) and have trouble walking. My leg bone and nerve pain causes me…
I would like to know any side effects related to chemo, especially taxotere. I have had 4 cycles of A.C. 2 weeks apart. then 4 cycles of taxotere 3 weeks apart. I am 39,a mom, ER/PR negetive,2cm tumor with no nodes involved.
Feelin' Bummed
I feel a little ridiculous submitting this since it isn't life or death-just aggravating. I made an appointment for a six month checkup and the medical receptionist guilt tripped me that I should wait until it was time for my yearly physical and then get it all done at once. Then I went in to the doctor and told her that I…
Jaded - How you doing?
How are you doing?
Thanks for the advice
Thanks to all who replied to my previous post. Does each chemo make you feel sicker than the previous? I am currently on the Adriamiacin/Cytoxin 4 rounds then the Taxol/Herceptin 4 rounds...please tell me I won't get sicker, I just can't handle it!
Afraid to Die / Physical Pain
I'm in so much physical and emotional pain. I had my CT scans [abdomen, chest, pelvis] on Saturday. Onc. is pretty sure I have mets. Results not in yet. I have severe pain in my right abdomen. Pain meds don't help. I was dx in 10/03 w/ stage 1 hormone negative BC. I'm also HER2/neu negative. I was told that my prognosis…
going for
tonight I will be going for my yearly mammogramm I am kind of scared, please pray for me that it will be fine. Cant help but have those fears everytime i have a test to take since diagnosed. Thank you all so much
Chemo induced menapause!!
I got diagnosed in Nov. of 04 just after my 42 b'day. I went thru the mastectomy & chemo's & I am taking Tamoxafin. Will I ever feel right again? Is this medicine making feel crazy? I cant remember stuff anymore. I get "weak spells" which I have had checked out, everything seems to be fine, all tests are clear. I just feel…
what do you do
what do you do in case of an accident to make sure that the emts do not stick the side where nodes were removed