Has anyone been diagnosed with this? uscmom63
What options do pre menopausal +++ women have?
I have read a lot about tamoxifen resistance for ER+, PR+ and HER2+. What options do pre menopausal +++ women have after they have completed surgery, chemo and radiation??
My friend is in her 6th month of fighting breast cancr, she's a real trooper, but the medical bills are rolling in as she has to co-pay 20% of the invoices. Any advice for resources that could assist with help paying the $30,000 in bills that she has right now?
From the colorectal board...use it if you want...
There was a couple who used to go England to shop in a beautiful antique store. This trip was to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both liked antiques and pottery, especially teacups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they asked "May we see that? We've never seen a cup quite so beautiful." As the lady handed it to…
God is good
I just wanted to write about my experience. I am 37 years old, and 10 months ago had a mastectomy with TRAMM flap reconstruction. First was chemo, then the surgery, then radiation. I was out of work about a year. Anyway, my point is, I feel back to my normal self. My hair is growing back so curly, my color is back to…
I'm Scared
Next Tuesday, I'm having core biopsy using ultrasound for a dense tissue mass in right breast. The surgeon yesterday upon exam said the mass moves around freely, which is a good sign? Women I've shared this with have said that they all know others who have had biopsies with no cancer diagnosis. I'm just now going on with…
I am a 1 1/2 year survivor of Inflamatory breast cancer. I have been reading the postings here since I was diagnosed but have rarely participated in the discussion. The postings have really helped me through all of this. I was diagnosed in Oct. 2004, had 4 rounds of taxotere/adriamycin/cytoxin, then a left radical…
Arimidex & Hot Flashes
I have been taking Arimidex for about 5 months. It seems that my Hot Flashes are getting worse over time. I have talked to my oncologist. She has recommended that I first try taking Vitamin E, which I have done for the last month. But it doesn't seem to be doing any good. She also said that if it didn't get better she…
Outsmart Your Cancer
In the resource Library is a book I posted called Outsmart Your Cancer. I learned of a non-toxic alternative medicine called Protocel 50. That is what I took for my vulvar cancer. It has been 18 months since my surgery, and I am cancer free. I took no chemo or radiation, just Protocel 50. I highly recommend this book,…
Chemo question
I was diagnosed with stage IIA, grade 3 breast cancer in Dec 05. Jan 06 had mastectomy with tram reconstruction. Negative in lymphnodes. In March I started chemo, my oncologist recommended a six treatment program. My first two treatments went fairly well. The third treatment was very tough on my body. When I returned for…
Taxol & Herceptin
Hello all - Just feeling crapy today and thought I'd unload a little...Just had my fourth and last treatment of A&C. Starting Taxol & Herceptin every Friday in June. Got really sick over the holiday weekend. But at least from the A&C I kind of knew what to expect, my fear is what should I expect from the new chemo I'm…
In today's paper "New drug promising for cancer Patients"
There is a new drug (of course, not approved for America yet) that will work with Xeloda that is called Tykerb. A backup for Herceptin or possible replacement for women who can't take it... THIS IS WAY COOL!!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Just wanted to share....
Hello everyone, Hope all is well with everyone and I am keeping you all in my prayers!! I just wanted to share that I will be celebrating "LIFE" Five years later !! On 6-6-01 I started on my adventure !! I will be getting blood work today and hoping and praying I hear great news ! What an adventure it was !! But it sure…
physical therapy
Hi Everyone! Has anyone had to have physical therapy due to their arm hurting and the skin feeling sore to touch? It hurts to straighten it, feels sore to touch and is swelling just a little. The swelling is not obvious to others - only to me and by the way my sleeves fit. I had a mastectomy & lymph nodes removed &…
Hematoma after 2nd lumpectomy
Hello everyone, I am just looking for a little guidance. I have had a second lumpectomy which paid off to be the right choice. All my doctors and reports say now they have gotten all the cancer with clear margins. I am happy about this news. I know I still have a long recovery and treatment ahead of me but it is still the…
thyroid problems
Has anyone developed problems w/ their thyroid after chemo treatments?
New lump?
I was diagnosed with Stage I idc of the left breast in May 2002 and finished with my lumpectomy, chemo and radiation in March 2003 (I was ER/PR-). A few weeks ago I thought I felt a new lump on the opposite breast, but it was elusive. I knew I had a check-up with my oncologist and breast surgeon in two weeks so I waited.…
First Annual Mammogram.... CLEAN
I was on top of the world today. I had my first annual mammogram... after beating the beast. It was perfect.... Thank goodness the place I go to read it immediately for me.... I don't think I could have waited for 1 or 2 days for results... I managed not to go nuts before it .... but when I was sitting there waiting for…
I have been thinking about you. I hope you are doing well and the cyst is just that - a benign cyst. Please let us know how you are doing when you get a chance. Hugs. Lesley
Hello all, I've been reading a lot on this site about people getting osteoporosis - Exactly what kind of meds are causing this to happen or does it just come with having cancer? Sounds like a dumb question but I don't know anything about it. I'm concerned of course - I had BC surgery in February, 2006, had 3 treatments of…
Sending lots of good vibes and warm wishes to you, today. Hugs. Lesley
Possible reaccurance
I am 26, I just had my reconstruction done two days ago after having a bilaterial mesectomy. When I went in for my preop they found another cyst, I will not find out for a couple weeks if the cancer returned or not. If there is anyone out there that can be a friend or maybe fill my head with better thoughts, I would…
my first Relay!!
hi all - i am doing my very first Relay for Life in June. My boss is going to sponsor the team & we are deciding on what to do for a fundraiser during the event. i can't wait!! and my father just finished rads for prostate cancer (he's 75) and he & i are going to walk the survivor's lap together. i think he and my mom will…
I have been worried about you all week. How did everything go? Hugs. Lesley
One Year Survivor..... YAHHHHHHH
Well this weekend marks my one year as a Survivor.... It has been a tough year... but I have reached the other side and I am healty again. I will tell you that I look at life differently now. I am planning that trip to Europe that I always wanted to do... but never had the time.... I have finished my Chemo, radiation,…
Oncotype DX ?????
Hello-after 3 appeals with insurance company I've given me approval to get the Oncotype test that my oncologist suggested.My 2 cmm tumor was a stage one grade 3 with Focal angiolypphatic invasion. I am now awaiting the results for this test to see if I would benefit from chemo(it puts tumor in 3 categories). If I end up in…
One down, One to go!
Well, my dreaded colonoscopy is behind me (heheehhe) and I got GREAT NEWS....'normal' colon, no polyps, no lesions, and my reenstemosis (sp?) is normal! So I have BEAT THE BEAST on the colorectal cancer!!!!!!! Now, in radiation for the bc, I am determined to BEAT the BEAST AGAIN!!!!! (one thing I asked, tho, since I have…
finally made it!
Hi everyone, I just want to let everyone know that I finally made it through nursing school! Even though I am 45 now , I feel it is an accomplishment and goes along with my new start in life. anyway, I think I will begin a new goal,that of learning a new language......Shirl
Liver mets
As most of you know I have had liver mets since Dec of 05. All had gone well until I took off a couple weeks for vacation came back and all markers were up as well as the tumor marker. Back to a PET/CT on Monday. Needless to say I am a wreck. So far have been on Taxotere and CarboP it had worked so well. Tired of course…
HELP and support please
Hi Everyone, I need your advice and support if you dont mind.. Im 4 yrs out with BC, finally starting to feel less exhausted and getting my life back after my last surgery in July to remove my implants that were making me so sick. My life is finally starting to improve and im happy... here is my dilema... Osteoperosis has…