Clustered/Fine Microcalcifications

kars1995 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi! I'm new to all of this and I've been reading as much as I can. A little background: I'm 38, adopted (no family medical history), and just went in for my first mammogram 2 weeks ago. The day after that mammo, I got a call to come back in for a magnification/compression mammo for a group of microcalcifications found in my right breast. Had the other mammo yesterday and the Dr. said that they are indeterminate/suspicious with irregular shape. Wants me to get a stereotactic biospy asap so that if it turns out to be malignant, they can get it before it spreads. Met with a breast surgeon Monday for the course of action which will be a stereotactic biospy a week from Wednesday. This is all happening so fast! The Dr. told me to read as much as I can about clustered microcalcifications. What worries me is usually the outcome with clustered microcalcifications is DCIS. Do a of you have any advice or experiences you could share? Anyhow, I'm hoping for the best but want to be prepared for the worst, just incase. This is like being in a whirlwind.


  • amazinggrace
    amazinggrace Member Posts: 8
    I was called back for the same thing after my first mammo. I am glad to report that it was only calcifications, no cancer! 6 years later, I was diagnosed with IDC in the other breast, which had absolutely nothing to do with the calcifications.

    Be prepared, but remember that it might not be cancer!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    I hope you will be lucky and find out the the biospy will show no problem.... but if does find a problem, you have caught it early and there are many of us here... who have beat cancer... and are moving on with a full life. So we will pray that you will not have to take the trip of treatments... but if you do... it will turn out just fine. I found the waiting for a diagnose to be a very hard time for me. So try to stay busy and not let it drive you nuts.

    Take Care.. God bless....

  • Future
    Future Member Posts: 133 Member
    Best advice I can give. Take someone with you to your follow up appt if possible. Ask questions - there is no stupid question. For me, they said I had so many microcalcifications that even if the biopsied ones came back negative couldn't say I was cancer free. Because I had Stage IIIa in the other breast I chose a simple mastectomy. But again made that decision based on personal history. Waiting is probably the hardest part. I'm an information hound so I did web search and made list of questions for doctor. Let us know how it goes, we all wish the best for you, that everything will be negative
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Wow! Congrats for being on top of things, my dear! I am no expert...clear cut (????) case of Invasive BC, Stage II here...but I'm pulling for you!
    Please let us know, Hugs, Kathi
  • katcam
    katcam Member Posts: 83
    the waiting is worse than the diagnosis! i have had several biopsies - most of them have been nothing, but waiting for the results is horrible!! i will be praying that you get the best news! :-) kat
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    I was 36 at diagnosis with IDC stage 3 breast cancer with 11 out of 21 positive nodes and had a lump that was dx'd as fibrous cyst only to be dx'd in another province as cancer 6 months later. At that time 9 years ago they believed I was too young for breast cancer glad that has changed and aren't waiting for us to be sick like I had to be before would be taken seriously and had family history they were not concerned about at the time.
    I am very happy to hear they waste no time to try and catch at the earliest stage and that is what is helping this fight. I too will be hoping for a negative reading.
    Be good to yourself and try not to think yourself crazy,
  • Sarah06
    Sarah06 Member Posts: 30
    Keep a close eye on it. I had a calcification, and then a breast MRI, which showed several positive spots in both breasts. Rather than have a second lumpectomy and radiation, I chose a bi-lateral mastectomy. I just finished Stage 1 of bi-lateral tissue reconstruction using my butt tissue and fat. NO muscle was used. The doctors I have are absolutely amazing, and the hospital was great. I had it done in New York. Dr. Levine is my doctor and he who works closely with Dr. Allen, the person who developed the procedure. Dr. Levine has relocated to New York. Even though Dr. Levine is my doctor, both both doctors are needed to do my procedure. You get two top notch doctors, so you are was in excellent care. If you are interested in more information, let me know. For me, real tissue for breast reconstruction was the to go.