severe burning/itching with radiation
Ladies, At the center I go to for radiation, there is a lady who is at the 4 week mark who is having severe burning/itching with tiny blisters which have begun to open. She has tried Benedril, Aveeno, Oatmeal, Aloe vera, and other OTC lotions. It helps for a short time, but Doc. told her not to put anything on the radeated…
Should I be worried??
My mom went for a mammogram last November and the radiologist asked her to come back in six months for a follow-up on one of her breasts (cannot remember which one). Any way, he saw something (very small) but wrote in his report that he did not think it was anything important (not very concerned) but he would like to look…
Last Day Of Radiation
Hello Everyone..Today was my last treatment of radiation.Thirty-six treatments of a lop-sided sunburn.Next I see my doctor in 5 weeks, do a blood work-up in 6 weeks, and then the oncologist in 7 weeks. They told me that it takes at least one month for the radiation to leave my body. At least a couple months to heal and…
I MUST be ok-I'm going to Turkey!
I just booked a 13-day trip to Turkey. I am soooo excited! It's in November, and we will return in time to eat turkey (the bird, not the country...lol!). I think this means I'm planning to stick around awhile! Hugs, Kathi
post bilateral mastectomy swelling and pain
I had a bilateral mastectomy, April 11th,'07. and had the drains removed 9 days after surgery and now have hard swelling below my incisions and over under my armpits, which are painful. I had fluid aspirated from my left side and the Dr. said the swelling is normal. I have huge folds of skin below my incisions which are…
BRCA gene
I just went thru a mastectomy in February (I have invasive intraductal, did not spread to the lymph nodes with a 1.1.cm tumor). I am currently going thru chemo, but just today found out that I have the BRCA 1 gene. I am so depressed that I have this gene: I listened to what my doctors said - which was that it does not…
I am a three year breast cancer survivor and have only recently started experiencing lymphedema. I thought I was not going to have to endure this but three years post surgery, I am doing PT and now wearing a "sleeve" to keep down the swelling. It is a gentle reminder of my battle that is always there, never completely in…
Mad at the gynecologist
I had a mastectomy, 18 lymph nodes removed (all neg) and now on my first chemo treatment, and I'm still battling with the new things coming up every day, and I'm also battling in my mind what to do with the gyne I've been going for almost 15 years. I put all my confidence in this guy, with almost 30 years of experience. I…
Breast Cancer treatment guidelines
I just checked into Medscape to see what's on the oncology horizon. They had a new set of guidelines for breast cancer treatment decisions: 115 pages worth of great stuff aimed at helping doctors anywhere and everywhere make state of the art decisions to improve our situations. I know reading stats and medical treatment…
Brand New in all this!
Hello everyone, this is all new for me. It's been a month and a half since the biopsies, diagnosis, mastectomy, and now after the first chemo treatment... I know that the only way to take it is one day at a time, sometimes moment by moment. I know that I have to set my mind to win this. I know that I have to accept this at…
Young woman with breast cancer
Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 29 and diagnosed with BC two months ago. I am now in chemo. I feel all alone even though I have great friends and a loving husband. Noone knows what I am going through and how to help me. I know it may sound like I am feeling a little down but I am. It is hard trying to be mommy to toddlers…
DCIS, lumpectomy done, next?
Hi - I was recently diagnosed (3/25) with DCIS-very early (1.5mm tumor); negative margins; just turned 42 (what a birthday present!)no family history. I am ER+. My Oncologist is giving me the option of tamoxifin only (because I am stage 0 and very small spot) or radiation w/tamoxifin. Does this sound like you? I am really…
Radiation side effects
Can someone please share with me the effects of radiation? I'm meeting with the radiologist on Monday and don't even know what questions to ask. I have a choice of surgery and radiation and several people have mentioned about later side effects. Help..I'm confused and scared.
breast scan
we just lost our health insurance, need a ct scan.can anyone who lives in the miami fl area suggest a place that will work with me on self pay?
good intentions, bad vibes
I am writing a post to vent, which probably means I need a hug. Today I went to a regional meeting for work. I looked cute in a dress up skirt and wig, of course, and little black hat and high heels. I felt great, got involved in work stuff. Then someone I don't know, but who must have heard about my BC came up to me and…
Chemo DONE!!!!!!
I just needed to share my happpiness at having completed my final round of chemo. I'm still on my decadron high or low, I don't know which it is at this point. I'm awaiting my neulasta and some of the aches. But somehow, its all doeable! You all said it would be - and you were right. Thanks so much for all the support,…
thyroid problems
Just discovered I have hypothyroidism. Not sure if chemo or rads have anything to do with it. Possible it has been going bad for 20 years considering my symptoms. Our local Bi-Mart store was having this blood test thing so I did the thyroid one and my #'s are about 13, which was high enough for the lab to actually call me.…
BRCA1 OR BRCA2 Positive Change...
Everyone in our family knows BC envolves if not effects every generation of women. My mother got dx BC when she was 45 had a lumpoctmy, I was dx at 33 and just had my bilateral mastomy a few weeks ago and now have reconstruction and 4 rounds of Taxol to go.. We did gene testing and she was BRCA1 pos. Now they will test me…
Newly diagnosed thanks you
I want to thank all of you for your support. I have been in and out of doctor's appts and had not had a change to log on. My oncologyst said my prognosis is good but the process is long and hard. I'm still waiting to find out if a second surgery will be necessary. I see the radiologyst on monday and if it's possible to do…
Thank You & Terrified
I just wanted to thank you guys for you response to my bilateral masctomy post. Also if I get my last two drains out tomarrow I start taxol the following week and I am scared to death I have already had weakness, numbness and loss of sensation in my right and left arm and hands. I fear it will get worse. Thanks for the…
Day four of my radiation and I feel pretty tired and emotional. It must be in my head to feel tired already, but it made me realize that I had not given radiation much respect. I figured it would be nothing to get through it. I might need to gear up for this a little. Any suggestions for easier journey? I am being radiated…
invasive lobular questions??
My Mom was dx with invasive lobular carcinoma in her right breast. She has had a masectomy and now on femara. She has it in her head that the oncologist said this kind of breast cancer would for sure spread to the other breast but I heard him say it has been known to do this(funny how 2 people can hear two different…
Enough Cancer Already
Hi All I haven't been on this site for awhile. I'm back at work and feeling good and not thinking much about my cancer. Until today. My youngest (45) brother was diagnosed with Melanoma. That brings the total up to 4 siblings (including me)diagnosed with cancer by 50. The positive way to look at it is since my sister died…
Just finished bilateral masctomy
I just finished my bilateral masctomy with reconstruction. I am having a lot of nerve pain in the backs of my arms, shoulders, and of course chest. Any input on how long it last & my nodes were neg. Has any one ever heard of reoccurance with neg. nodes? Thanks,33yrs young, mother & wife. Heather
Pain in my other Breast
Hi All- I had many surgeries relating to reconstruction. My cancer was on the left side & I had modification done to my right side so I matched in size etc. I'm about a year & a 1/2 out of my last surgery relating to my right breast & I am experiencing allot of pain (on the right.) I of course freaked out, went in, got a…
BRCA Tests
I am a breast cancer survivor of 7 years. My mother also had breast cancer but did not die of it. We both had it in our 50's. What are your thoughts on having BRCA testing done? I have heard that I am the one who should be tested since I had cancer and if I'm negative for BRCA then no one in my family needs to worry about…
Wanted to Share a Story
I was in a hospital waiting to get a scan last week. I hate anything affiliated with hospitals, waiting rooms, and doctors. I was sitting in the waiting area in my hospital gown, waiting for them to call me, growing cold and impatient. The only other person in the room with me was an older lady. She was frail; probably in…
Newly diagnosed
I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, had a lumpectomy almost a week ago and now find out that there is cancer on the lymph node that was removed. After telling me the news, the doctor started talking about treatment,additional surgery and percentages or some kind of number, I don't remember wat he said after that…
I got my new girlz
and I want to say thank you to all of you for your support during this time. I am happily home and recovering - for what will be my last surgery. Yeay.
Is Cancer a pancreatic enzyme deficiency condition?
An interesting article on the topic of is cancer a pancreas enzyme deficiency at http://expertlifeskills.com which takes a brief look at John Beard theory. Thoughts and discussions welcome! ------------------------ RRR http://expertlifeskills.com Nutritional deficiencies are the root causes of most of the health problems