Took my first dose today and got very neasous about 4 hours later, started eating small amounts to feel better, it does work but it was alot of food. No wonder the dr said you can gain 30 to 70 lbs! Has anybody found something to help with that. I had bilateral done few weeks ago with lat dorsi flap reconstruction and…
I started taking this drug after my ovaries were removed 6 months ago. I'm having severe joint pain, which is a side effect of the drug.Can any one relate to this problem, and anything to help. 3 year survivor
Prosthetic Bra
Hi, I'm new to the site, but have learned a lot from reading all your postings. I am almost 6 weeks post mastectomy and am wondering when I can go get measured for my prosthesis. The camisole I have is great, but my remaining "girl" would be more comfortable with a bit of support. I don't have any pain, just some…
Thanks to American Cancer Society
I attended our local "Relay for Life" tonight and I can't express how thankful I am for the communities and ACS for all that they do. Its amazing to see how many caring people there are and how supportive they all were. As I took my Survivor Lap ,complete strangers lined the track cheering us all on. Its the best feeling…
Hi there, question for my Mom
Hi everyone, My Mom had removal of one of her breasts due to invasive lobular breast cancer 12 weeks ago. She is still experiencing soreness at the surgical site, just when she touches it or when her prothesis touches it. Do you think this is normal? She is 77 and in relatively good health otherwise. She also stayes tired…
Passing on a Gift
After second DX a new friend offered a book to me to read. My thought was, i don't have time to read i'm fighting for my life here. I took it home a laid it aside the next time i saw him he asked if i read it and i hadn't and told him so. He said i might find a solution or answer to my questions in that book. Just tell me,…
New to Taxol Many ???
I started my Taxol today, I was going to have 4 rounds every other week with neulasta shot with each. Today my oncoligist deceided she wanted to do 12wks and rounds but no neulasta shot. I would like to hear about side effects any one had that took Taxol, just today I have mild tingleing in my hands and feet weekness in…
Blood sugar rises during chemo
A week after my 2nd chemo (taxotere/cytoxan), my onco called me saying she and my other doctor were talking about my blood sugar which rises to more than 300. I tried to eat 6 small meals, stay away from sweet and also exercise (walking). But still I am getting such very high blood sugar reading. Is someone out there that…
follow up post radiation therapy
Saw my radiation oncologist today. I completed radiation therapy in 2003. He said he wants to follow me annually for 10 years. I was surprised, after 5 years I thought I'd just be seen by my primary doctor. Is this normal?
Does anyone else out there ever feel like running away? The more I hear about the need for positive thinking and avoiding stress the more I feel I need to go somewhere by myself. I almost feel like, as a woman, dealing with family problems is a martyr's job and the Beast will come and get me as a big prize for the support…
worried of returning to work
I am worried to return to work. I know people have different ways of approaching us. I don't know how to deal with them. I decided that I will not be wearing a wig to work. I will wear headscraves and turban. This will be a shock for them. By the way, only my Boss and the benefit people knows about my cancer. Please give…
All hair is gone!!!
This same subject was talked about last week. Now is my hair. It was falling since last Wednesday. Finally Saturday I had to go to clip it out, it was all over the table, the food, my shoulders.... I knew I had to do it, it was going to fall anyway. But now, I almost cannot look at me in the mirror. I think that is not…
new post surgery
I just had bilateral surgery with temp tissue expanders on the 21st. Question is..... I have a feeling of super tight chest, tingle (not painful but close) in tricep area, I can only lift arms to shoulder level and still have two drains in. Sounds like a mess doesn't it :) I I have invasive dutcal carcinoma in left breast…
follow-up after bilateral mastectomy
I had invasive intraductal bc diagnosed in January and elected to have a mastectomy to that breast. I am now going thru chemo and am about halfway done. Also, I just found out I am BRCA 1 and will have a preventive mastectomy on the other side on Sept. 18 (after I have healed from the chemo). I'm not even done with the…
Taking Your Hormone Drugs
Hi Ladies, I was prescribed Evista because I was very progesterone receptive. I got the prescription about a month ago and was supposed to start taking it after the radiation. Since my finances are not good right now, and I don't seem to be getting any public assistance, I have not got it filled yet. Will this delay in…
zometa & dental
dentist told me because of zometa use my jaw may never heal. penicillin the rest of my life. does he really know? i thought antibiotics lose their effectiveness after a period of time. i have so many questions and don't know how to find answers.
5 years cancer free!!
A friend sent this along to me and it just happened to be on the day that I had my 5 year anniversary, April 10th. (That was the day I had the lumpectomy.) I wanted to pass it along to all of you. It really is a very good read!! Lots of prayers to all of you who await your 5 year anniversary and congrats to all who have…
Okay I'm going to "poke that bear" with this topic. Do you all avoid the sun since cancer? I am 6.5 yrs cancer-free and tend to get out in the sun more. We enjoy beach trips several times a year and I like having some "color." What do you all do?
When is it ENOUGH; where is the line drawn?
I have a very dear friend who lost her friend, Sue, to Stage 4 Breast Cancer a year ago and she's still really angry about it. OK. That's normal right? But wait. She's not pissed that the cancer won but that she felt her friend didn't fight 'hard enough.' Let me back up a minute... Sue fought her cancer through 3 battles…
Daughter's Problem with My BC
Although I haven't participated very much on this message board, I read comments almost every day and have found comfort in most, if not all of the comments. I would like to bring up a problem that I haven't seen mentioned before and it has really broken my heart. I have one daughter, 37, married with 2 boys and a baby due…
A Song that Reminds Me of My Sister and Her Fight with Breast Cancer
I'm new to this site/group, but I've had several loved ones who have fought/are fighting breast cancer. I wrote a memory about my sister who is fighting breast cancer. It's about a song that reminds me of her life. The link to my post is below. It's on a website called JamsBio.com where people write memories they have…
hair loss/scalp pain/questions about chemo
I had invasive intraductal bc with a 1.1. cm that did not spread to my lymph nodes. I'm supposed to have 4 chemos (Taxotere/Cytoxan) and the 2nd one will be on May 9. I have several questions: first of all, my hair just now started falling out. My scalp hurts a lot and is very painful. When, if ever, does this pain go…
Can anyone tell me the effects of tamoxifen after breast cancer surgery?
great wig resource for Chicago
For those who live in Chicago, I wanted to pass along a great wig store resource: Fantasy Costumes (they are a costume store but have a large selection of cosmetic wigs for chemo patients) at 4065 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, (773) 777-0222. The person who helped to fit my wig was Amie and she was simply wonderful! She…
Birth Control During Treatment
I am 34 years old and recently diagnosed with BC. I have had surgery and, luckily, will not have to do chemotherapy. I do, however, have to do hormone therapy (Tamoxifen) for 5 years. I will also begin radiation next week. My onco tells me that I should not get pregnant while on this medication. This brings up several…
When Cancer Gets Old
This is a vent..I realize I am the one with cancer and fighting cancer to be here for my family and my daughter. But what do you do when your family gets tired and cancer gets old..They don't want to talk about it hear about it or even know if you are still strugling with cancer. I am not going any where soon so if the…
Thanks, Opps I did it again...
Thank's everyone, I get a little crazy pre-chemo week and then just crazy from Chemo,nulast,expansion of my breast and the drugs they give me to counter act the other drugs. I did do my 4 rounds of A/C before my bilateral masctomy with reconstruction. Last week they couldn't expand my chest because of nerve sensitivity and…
Hi all, I have been listening in but post mostly on the colorectal site since that is what I had. My Mom was dx with breast cancer 8 weeks ago, masectomy and femara is what she has done. She was fitted with a bra and prosthesis last week, hates it because it hurts, the prosthesis is very heavy and weighs on her shoulders…
Radiant (radiation)
I want to write to all those anticipating or undergoing radiation. I am halfway through my six week sentence. I have some burning, nothing much YET. But what I want to say is that somehow it feels great! It is a positive experience for me. I feel like that big ole piece of machinery is zapping me but good. Killing cancer…
Body aches and joint pain
I am 3wks post-op from my bilateral masctomy with the beganing of reconstruction. I went to day to get inflated but was in to much pain and to nerve sensitive my dr. is going to wait a week. But I have been having terrable bone & joint pain with muscle aches. Any one every get that after surgey or am I over reacting to…