Body Image
I am almost 6 years out from diagnosis, and am doing great. But somedays it's weird to look in the mirror. I had implant reconstruction and am very happy with it, but I'm very self- conscious with all the new low V neck tops that are in fashion. I work with a guy who is always looking at my chest when I'm talking to him…
Anyone Out There have Angiosarcoma from Radiation?
I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer five years ago next month. I had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation. Earlier this year, during my six month check up, my Oncologist found 12-15 tiny tumors in the radiated tissue. A biopsy of two of them revealed they were benign angiosarcomas. This is apparently an uncommon…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Well here I am again asking for your support and prayers. I used to be active on this site 5 years ago when I had my mastectomy on left side. Well have recently been told I have inflammatory breast cancer on right side and it is also in my hips and pelvic area. Have just finished with radiation on pelvis and hip. Not sure…
Im a Nut, Im a Nut
Well, going for my 4th round of Taxol in the morning after a refill in my boob's to be at 8am see onco at 8:40am then chemo by 11am I hope. I hate the SHAKES SHAKES SHAKES sorry but my hands are shaking more and more and im worried about this treatment, plus im having terriable back pain, like fire not a pulled muscle. I…
Feeling down... it can be a side effect?
I was feeling so optimistic and expecting the best. All of a sudden, my mood changed, and today I stayed almost all day in bed... Yesterday also I was confronted to so many things I cannot do that I used to do before, being outside without getting burned, having to put the wig, not being able to ride the motorcycle, the…
Anyone taking Fluconazole
I had a double mastectomy on Dec. 5 2007, my plastic surgery put in expanders, the right expander flipped so he had to stop filling the expanders. On May 8, 2008 I had the expanders taken out and implants put in, during the operation the doctor found cloudy fluid and set it to be cultured and found it to be a fungus. My…
plastic beads
I have around my neck some plastic beads. I got them today from my radiation clinic because I finished treatment this morning. When I was first diagnosed I thought I was going to die. I looked around at all the things in my life that were precious, furniture, jewelry, my hair even, that had been so important to me and they…
Stopping Chemo
I've been thru 2 rounds of chemo (taxotere and cytoxin) and have 2 left but have really been sick to the point I was unable to hold my own head up..I'm really thinking about not doing the other 2..just not sure it's worth it...I was told that it's only going to improve my odds by 5%...has anyone stopped chemo?...I will…
Side effects from taxotere!!!! UPDATE
I did my 1st round of taxotere on the 20th and last night is when my frigging back hurt me so bad i wanted to take my life. The pain was so severe i couldnt move. It pounded for hours and hours. I couldnt walk, crawl, stand or do anything. Is this what this side effect is for this med? I feel better today just tired from…
Onc. appt. on Thursday said that my tumor markers are now low and stable at this time. No Onc. Dr.appt for 2 months. It's been a year since i was told that and I'm so happy. About the "Jaw Rot" I will take the penicillin for an undetermined amount of time and no more zometa for at least 2 months. He wants to see if it…
Very tired after the 3rd chemo
Hello everyone, I had my 3rd round of chemo last Friday (May 16) and now had some side effect that I luckily didn't experienced last time. I have the urged of throwing out in the middle of the my sleep every night starting the third day after the chemo. Yesterday, I had a temperature of 100.6 and called nurse right away. I…
Taxol & Taxotere
Are these two drugs the same? I'm currently getting taxotere for 4 rounds. I had my 1st round on the 20th and the next is schedualed for the 10th of June. I'm going on a cruise on the 16th of june and wanted to ask if i would be cutting it kind of close to my departure date. I wanna have a good time on my cruise and dont…
After effects of breast cancer surgery
It will be three years next month since I had a Lumpectomy on my right breast. For the last year I have been suffering with a severe pain in the rib cage area, that is like an extreme muscle cramp. I need to know if anyone else has experience this? Reaching, bending, coughing etc. can bring it on, I even went to Urgent…
chemo pause !
So I went through chemo back in 2004-2005. Had all the usual side effects, and went through chemopause (about 15 years early in my family!) Never had hot flashes, but recently I've been sooo tired, had trouble sleeping, can't remember anything, and I figured out that hot flashes are waking me up at night and I'm getting…
newly diagnosed
Do not know what to expcect. Scheduled for double mastectomy 050807. Chemo after followed by radiation. The chemo scares me more than the surgery. I will get A/C for sure. Still waiting for Her2/neu status to come back. so taxol or taxotere adn maybe herceptin depnding upon Her2/neu status. How bad is the chemo going to…
Please help!
Hi everybody, I am a 33 year old mom and I found a lump in my breast two months ago (the first time I gave myself a self exam). I went to the GYN for another issue and I told her what I felt because I didn't really know what it was. She felt it and sent me to get an ultrasound, the tech asked where it was so she could feel…
Sarcoma of Breast Rare Anyone else?
Hello everyone, new to the sisterhood, I had a surreal 9 days, 4-20 found a mass in rt. breast, 4-22 grew by 50%, I was able to get mammo and US same day, 4-23 had core bx in office, 4-24 had dx that mass was malignant and of the sarcoma family, still increasing in size 4-29 had total mastectomy with sentinel node…
Pimples or rash all over the head
They cut my hair very very short, less than a 1/4 of an inch two weeks ago. It's still falling, but because it's so short it's falling very slow now. What I'm getting is so many red pimples on the head, it looks like a rash. I don't know if this is normal, or if I have to be alert. I'm going for the blood count next…
Hi! My Dr. suggested a chemo trial since I'm doing all this at a university and one that is an NCI. The meds are all the same as I'd get otherwise, but the frequency is different. Has anyone done a trial? Would love to hear how you made the decision and what you've experienced. Jan
Hello ladies, is anyone out there only getting taxotere infusions? If so how does it make you feel.
advise on alternative treatments
Greetings. I have just have learned about existence of new lesions in my bones and lungs and possibly in liver on the bone and CT scans. I will be starting chemo treatment with Gemzar and I would like to ask if: -anyone have used any alternative/naturopathic treatments along with conventional chemo or hormonal therapy…
Thank you for all the ladies in this forum
I want to take this opportunity to let you know that it is a privilege and a honor to know such a strong and wise group of ladies. Thank you for all your replies and suggestions. Fortunaly the results of my wife's mammogram are in and it turned out to be a cyst and we have to go in six months for a follow up. I just want…
New Chat Room
I noticed that the new chat room is back, but for whatever reason, I don't seem to be able to log in. Where do I go to get directions for the login?
need suggestion
hi i am really confused. I had nipple discharge in my right breast almost 6 months ago. My doctor sent me for mammogram and ultrasound. they found multiple lumps in both breasts, again I went for MRI.the result was negative. My doctor did needle biopsy for the lump which caused the discharge.That result said it was…
Breast prosthesis (PLZ HELP)!!!
Does anyone know if the ACS donates breast prothesis and mastectomy bras to women that can't afford to pay the price of the in-store ones. I need to be fitted because i go crazy with trying to stuff various objects in my bra in order to feel complete. Please help!!!!
I am going to do bilateral mastectoy, I am really nervous about lymphedema. I am now 36 yrs old.Do i have to worry about this for rest of my life?
Mastectomy (Rt.breast)
I had my rt.breast removed in April and i'm still trying to deal with my new look. I'm married and i just can't seem to get comfortable around my husband seeing my entire body. I feel un-attractive and depressed sometime because my breast is gone and all i have is this ugly scar going across my chest. How do i get past…
Breast Cancer
Hi ladies, i'm new to the site and glad i joined because i could ask for help and advise for days. I was diagnosed in december 07, had chemo in Jan, surgery in April (removed rt.breast) and i'm doing my 2nd set of chemo starting tomorrow, then radiation sometime in September. My question is this: when i first did chemo in…
need advice help
Hi i need some advice. My wife just had a memogram and they found a spot in her rigth breast. she is scared and worried that it may be cancer she is 37 years old and do not fall in the high risk category. she did the memogram on friday and the results will take about two days to reach her doctor and its just cruel the…
no answers on path report
had surgery on 5-21, second visit with oncolgist still no answers from surgery, per path report... right flat epitehial atypia, sclerosing adenosis, ductal hyperlasia of the usual type and columar cell hyerplaisa, microcalcifications assoc with benigh breast tissue. Left from first test 1.9 cm invasive ductal carcinoma,…