Should I be worried??

jcavanaugh Member Posts: 100
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My mom went for a mammogram last November and the radiologist asked her to come back in six months for a follow-up on one of her breasts (cannot remember which one). Any way, he saw something (very small) but wrote in his report that he did not think it was anything important (not very concerned) but he would like to look at again in six months (being very cautious). Should I be worried? I guess I am nervous because my dad has stage IV colon cancer and I do not think I could handle anohter cancer diagnosis. Nobody in her family has ever had any form of cancer. Does that matter? Any insight is welcomed.


  • coug90
    coug90 Member Posts: 59
    As a breast cancer survivor I am constantly on a 'watch' list. They make note of every little thing in both breasts and then 'watch' it. At this point, what's in (IF ANYTHING) your Mom's breast is tiny. If the doctor was alarmed she would have been immediately sent for a sonogram, and if that looked suspicious, she would have been sent for a biopsy.

    I understand your nervousness - but try to relax a little. The doctor is being diligent and it sounds as if Mom is in good hands. Also, it may help you to remember that MOST breast cancer is DCIS (which means it stays 'in place' and is easy to take care of with surgery and radiation; AND it has a high cure rate - in the 90%+).

    BTW, no. It doesn't matter that noone has ever had any form of cancer. So make sure YOU take care of yourself and are checked. Cancer can be hereditary but it is also caused by outside influences.

    Hugs to you and your family.

  • kbc4869
    kbc4869 Member Posts: 159
    Hi Jcav,

    Sounds like you are already worried. Get a second opinion. If it validates your concerns, then you can take action. If it turns out the second feels the same, it will ease you and your mother's mind.

    Family history is only one factor in one's susepitibility to cancer. Other factors such as environmental, diet, life style and stress can cause it as well.

    Good luck to you and your mom.

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Breast Centers hate making mistakes. They follow a set guideline to handle various levels of things that show up on mammograms. If it is obviously a problem, they recommend immediate action. But sometimes something shows up that might be a problem. Then they have to decide if it is worth checking out further right then or if they should just watch. They tend to err on the side of acting too often rather than the other way around since lives are at stake: better making too many biopsies than one too few if you understand me. Six months is long enough for most cancer cells to double at least once so that a change shows up on the mammogram. Some could take almost a year to double. If your mom notes a change(development of a discharge from the nipple or a growing lump or a new lump)between mammograms, have her contact her doctors immediately. It sounds like she is about to go for her followup mammogram. You can ask for the radiology report from your doctor. If you are concerned that they are missing something, you can go to a breast center and ask for a second opinion. They will need a copy of the films and the reports written previously. I can understand that this must be very worrisome for both you and your mom. Be aware that early stage breast cancer is very different than late stage colon cancer. I read last year that they are starting to keep 20 year statistics on breast cancer survivors in Great Britain. It doesn't happen that way for all folks with cancer I know, but things are getting better, especially for folks with breast cancer.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    My mom has fought cancer 2 times (hummmm, started the trend for First was a rather agressive endometrial cancer, second was breast cancer. With both, she has recovered, even if it is, well, I know your mom will be fine!!!!!
    (My 2 were stage 3 colon cancer followed by breast cancer...I am 2 years cancer free, as I write this..)

    Hugs, Kathi