Not Coping Good Today
I know every time you guys see my post it is neg. or I am complaining about a hurt or ache, I am trying to do better but my attitude sucks. I don't know if I haven't giving myself enough time to except cancer (dx 01/24/08)my baby girl's 1st B-day and get pissed,sad, glad Im still here or what? Today I am just not coping…
ovary removal??
hi again everyone, as usual coming here for some good advice before i talk to my onc. Has anyone had or considered ovary removal, read up on it, apparantly can reduce chances of cancer in other breast and of course ovarian cancer (if family history). I have right mastectomy and naturally am concerned my Left breast will…
Hi everyone, I know that cancer gets you but now a 6 year survivor, and so happy. Going with my mamogram and blood tests tomorrow, getting my last doctor appointment Thursday. Off the tomoxien after the treatments, had breast cancer on both breasts, had 5 chemos, and 35 treatments on each breast. 70 treatments. But all of…
overthinking node dissection?
I'm recently diagnosed with a 1.1cm non-aggressive cancer that they removed during surgical biopsy with all clean margins. Now I have to decide between sentinal node biopsy (and go out of my local area) or have an axillary dissection. My surgeon doesn't do sentinal biopsy because he has concerns that true nodal path may…
I just called to say I Love You
It is 11:30 at night, my step daughter graduated high school today, Reggie and I just finished a late glass of wine following a dinner/hip hop music, laughing house full of people we cooked for while hosting a post graduation party for a bunch of teenagers, and we are doing laundry and a million other things before our…
My daughter is scared.
Yesterday I have the change to talk to my oldest daughter (she's 16) about a lot of things. It's been not a good months and weeks between us. It all started during my cancer diagnosis. I have a lot of things going on with me, being off from work, surgery, well everything I can imagine that the cancer had brought into our…
Not Thyoid?!!!!!
I read a post by someone here a few days ago but i can't remember which one it was. Talked about being so tired and it was a thyroid problem. I had mine checked but it is okay. I have had night sweats, terrible hair loss(it's been 1 1/2 years since i had chemo), weight gain, fatigue and insomnia,slow processing(my saying-I…
Wedding tears
I have cried a lot of tears through this fight and I have noticed that my tears are changing. I cry now, not always because I am sad or afraid, but because I just feel so deeply these days. I call this crying (yes, I do so much crying that I need subcategories) wedding tears, tears of joy at the awareness of how beautiful…
My Gyno Visit
Hello Ladies, have another adventure to share. Monday I went to see the gynecologist. I had not been to one in nearly 10 years. I know, I know. But being a caregiver for Mom. Then my own spinal cord surgery and it's aftermath. Then losing Mom, and all the other things left me no time to do anything. Not being in a…
My sweet Reggie and I went away for the weekend, and among other things, we went to a street fair. I was immediately attracted to the jewelry ( so what else is new??) and went over to see where I could spend money I don't have! The young artist ( she was in her early 30's for crying out loud!) had beautiful pieces, and I…
Hey all, went to the surgeon and have chosen with her recommendation and all the data to have masetectomy of rt breast. Its not scheduled yet but will be in about 2-3 weeks. Reconstructive surgery will be done at the same time and a port for chemo . Any thoughts to guide me along? How long will I be hospitalized? The…
Neutropenia, anyone else get it?
Well, just got out of hospital, my biggest fear whilst having chemo was to become ill and end up in hospital and have my chemo delayed. As much as i was careful, didnt go out to busy shopping centres, stayed away from anyone with a cold, i still caught something and my body just could not cope! now i feel i cant go…
Here comes the ????
Ok, done the 4 rounds A/C, bilateral masctomy, doing reconstruction,expanders and on Taxol,12wks going for 6th treatment 6th week, e/p neg, her2-neg, BRCA1 pos, has any one every heard of any treatment beyond the ACT and surgery, worried about surprise when I go back, my oncon is shifty. Heathr
Fingernails - Going, Going, Gone!
I've been complaining for a while about my fingernails since chemo. This morning, my thumbnail fell off and it looks like I may lose at least several more. I know chemo affects nails, but, please, if this has happened to you please let me know if your nails grew back and if they were "normal" once again. Chemo seems to be…
tamoxifin, arimidex, shamoxifin, shmarimidex
Anybody have an easy time of these drugs? I am not yet sure which I will be getting (any day now), but am feeling pretty apprehensive. I am hoping that exercise and diet and vitamin D will give me a fighting chance to take this in stride. Any suggestions? Thank you for your advice. Love, Joyce
a story
We all have stories. You should all know that I come to this site to read yours as much as I come for my own needs. So I want to share one today. I teach at a lock up facility for teenage felon boys. I did not want the wards to know that I was battling cancer. Because I did not want to complicate their lives as our…
I'm done with chemo!!!
Hello Everybody, I'm glad to tell all my "sisters" here in this network of brave and strong women that I am done with another chapter of my on going journey. Today is my last round of chemo, I'm hoping that it will be easy on me but not really. The nurse poked me twice because she didn't get it right the first one ( my…
second round of chemo
Ok...had my second round of chemo last Friday 30th, and I'm still trying to recover from it. Is it my imagination or does it get harder to recup as you go? The first time by day 5 I was good as new, this time is day 7 and my head is still in the clouds, I'm emotional and very tired. I'm having a hard time just walking out…
My Mom having problems
Hi Girls, I have posted before about my Mom and you all have been soo helpful. She had a mastectomy about 4 months ago with stage 1 breast cancer. Her onc recommended femara therapy for 5 years for extra assurance that it wouldnt come back in the other breast(it was invasive lobular). She has been on femara for about 6…
pet scan results
Well just when you thought it could not get any worse here I am. The results of the pet scan showed the beast has spread to my lungs, left lymph nodes, and of all places my jaw and possibly under my tongue. Have to go for biopsy of nodes and see a ear nose and throat surgeon. My onco is going to change from hormanal…
newly diagnosed
Hi, my name is Kit and am newly diagnosed with breast cancer. I had my breast MRI today and met with two oncologist. I am awaiting the results of the MRI to determine surgery options. I am scared and don't know what to do. Help?
taxotere side effects
I had my first taxotere treatment May 21. I am just now starting to recover from it. I had every side effect listed plus some that were not. The worst is the stomach cramping, pain in fingers and toes, and lack of appetite. Has anyone had these and how do you cope with them? I have to have 3 more treatments 3 weeks apart.…
Thank You
Hi All, Someone posted a while ago letting us know that she was dxed with hypothyroid and listed her symptoms -- fatigue, etc. I just wanted to thank you because I've been exhausted for over four years and brought this up to my dr and asked her to test me. I've been complaining to her for six months. I get so much blood…
Going Back To Work
Hello Everyone, Well, tomorrow is my lucky day... I am going back to work. My doctors have released me, though reluctantly, to go back. I said I was tired of fighting with the insurance folks, so for now I am going back. I feel a lot beter than I did when all of my battle with the beast started. The only concern now is not…
Survivors Day
Hi Everyone. Today was my first survivor's day event. Our local cancer center put this event on at a local environmental center here...lots of information, a free lunch and gift, and live music. It was very nicely done, but a bit overwhelming. I looked around and you know, there are so many families and different types of…
Getting ready for Chemo
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get everything ready. Finding alot of tips and concerns by reading the boards. I'm getting my prosthesis on the 3rd and leaving to get married on the 4th. wedding june 6th, I come home 13th and start my chemo mon am the 16th. A-C-T. I have the MUGA scan tomorrow, and I set up to have the…
Vitamin C and other vitamins during chemo ???
Hi All, WEll here I am with another question for discussion. I told my onc on the questionnaire exactly what vitamins I take and the dosage. He did not say stop, and after hearing some comments I called, and the answer is still, that I can take them. Need to know if anyone out there took vitamins during chemo/ adriamycin…
follow-up screening after bilateral mastectomy/desperately need answers
I had a mastectomy in January for invasive intraductal cancer (1.1 cm, did not spread to the nodes, and have found out I am BRCA 1). Because of the BRCA, I am also going to have a preventive mastectomy on the other side in Sept., after I finish my chemo that I am currently going thru. I already had a complete hysterectomy…
tips on eating during chemo?
Does anyone have any tips of what the best things are to try to eat afew days after chemo, when nausea still there but hunger kicks in, and does everything have to taste like cardboard! is it true that drinking more fluids helps?, i'm on FEC 4th round coming up soon. thanx, Tan x
neoadjuvent herceptin & chemo
Is there anyone out there who had neoadjuvent (before surgery) therapy for Her-2 positive breast cancer. I am about 2 1/2 years post surgery, invasive ductal carcinoma 6.5 cm, possible positve early lymph node involvement on PET scan but negative at time of surgery 6 months later. Chemo of taxotere and carboplatin and…