Having trouble using chat
Hi everyone, I have been trying to enter the chat room today with no luck. The java icon appears with the connect button etc... but nothing happens. I was just wondering if anyone else was having the same problem. Thanks, Eil P.S. I hope you are all doing well:o)
Severe dehydration
Well, after my last upbeat post about the chemo effects getting better, I ended up at the cancer center yesterday with severe dehydration. They gave me two hours of fluids and more anti nausea meds. I was so weak I had a hard time standing up. I am going back in today to get my labs done and get more fluids. This will be…
last cigarette today
well this is my 2nd day after my 2nd surgery,3 margins taken,port put in. my breast isn't as sore as yesterday,behind my port though is sore and hurts a bit,i'm a small frame and small bone person..so i guess the port was a tight squeeze.my breast feels smaller after this surgery,but anyway i should hear about these…
why is there a smell
i'm just a few hours out of my 2nd surgery,2nd margins done and port put in. but my question is .....whenever i get cut open..there is a smell...like sickness that comes out of those areas cut open until they heal....why is that......i'm typing with one hand and holding ice-packs with other.....so i couldn't put a question…
Looking for success stories
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in February. I am doing well, but struggling with some fear. I am looking for success stories - those women who have beaten the odds and are going strong years after diagnosis. It really provides me and others with hope. It could be you or someone you know. Thanks!
Living with cancer
I am 25 years old and last week I finished my breast cancer treatments. I had 6 months of chemo followed by surgery and then finished with 6 weeks of radiation. For as bad as the treatments were with the side-effects, it was a safe-place for me. Now that I am done with all of my treatments, I am living in fear. I cannot…
rad burns
i was wondering if anyone had radiation burns. i have 2 the one under my arm in the pit is rwaw. i knew this is gross but the med they gave me doesnt seem to work. any one have any suggestions. i have one more treatment tommaro, it was sopppose to be today but theyre varian broke.
worried about drains
Throughout this entire tx journey (finding out I had breast cancer, a mastectomy, chemo, finding out I am BRCA 1, having a preventive mastectomy on the 'healthy' breast, etc.) I seem to fasten on to one worry after the other. Sometimes I feel desperate and wonder when my life will just go back to 'normal.' Well, now I am…
i was suppose to finish my last treatment 2 days ago but the machine broke. i hope this doesnt compromise my plan. i should have went to the big hosp, but it was 30 miles away. this one is small. 3minutes from my house. i have to start arimidex in 2 weeks and scared of side efects like i said before. should i ask them to…
Lumpectomy verses double mastectomy w/ rebuilding
I am a 33 year old mother of 2 small children who still need there mom. I do work full time and have a husband that is a self-employed farmer who works alot of strange hours. I just finished my chemo and now have to decide what surgery is the best for me. My doctors are letting me decide if I want the lumpectomy or double…
i finished
today was my last day of rad. praise the lord!!!!!! now why am i still scared. i think its the pill theyre going to start me on in 2 wks. ugh. thank you all for talking withme. i feel for each one. everyone has a story. its good to know youre not alone but to bad it has to be about cancer. i pray all of you get a…
surviving after cancer
Hi I'm Chris I would like to know how do you survive cancer when every thing gets taken away from you ? after all the so called treatment and what the Doctor calls unforeseen complications I can't even work the worst thing that could have happen to me so now I'm loosing every thing I worked for all my life and it's coming…
pray for me
plz pray for me i started 6 months ago i make myself sick because i ve prayed and prayed. but dont quit i dont want to die. im fighting with gods help. without him im nothing. does anyone else know this feeling
Started Chemo
Well, I went in today for first round of abraxane thinking it wouldn't take very long (suposed to be a 30 min infusion with no need for the benedryl) and found out the doctor also orderd avastin with it. And they did the benedryl treatment also. Doctor is out of town the rest of the week so all I could do is ask nurses…
praise the lord they just told me to come in the machine was fixed. i hate this
Cancer Returned within 7months
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in November 2007 Had Bi-lateral Mascectomy in December' 2007 was found in (2) lymph nodes stage II. March' 08 started Chemo Treatments Every Friday for 6Months (24 sessions total) Did a CT Scan of Chest 09/03/08 & found the Cancer Had Matastisized into both Lungs. Now my Doctor is telling…
I refuse...
I refuse to feel sorry for myself...that has been my mantra. And I have worked very, very hard at keeping an upbeat attitude, no matter what. But as I sit here, with one breast and ten strands of hair left, I can't help but cry. Oh, I am very well aware that I am not unique. But I can't seem to help it...the crying I mean.…
A good way of putting it
Man, I am sorry I missed the Christina Applegate Oprah! So I went searching on Oprah's website...and I found this great story that had been in O mag by a woman who was trying to write about her acceptance of breast cancer. The part I want to share with you is: The author (double mas) ran into her surgeon some time after TX…
Going crazy with worry
Ok everyone will probably think I am crazy and I will not disagree. I have had 4 rounds ac and 2 rounds taxotere 2 more to go. In the last week I have had this ache in my ribs on the same side as cancer it feels like I have a huge bruise there but there is nothing, I haven't bumped it or anything that could of hurt it. So…
Starting Chemo soon
I've recently had a double mastectomy for lobular CA. and will receive Taxotere & Cyclophosphamide IV for total of 4 doses. Any suggestions on what to expect/look for?
Has anyone had an implant after radiation? I had a mastectomy and it was followed by an infection. I am having cosmetic surgery to correct the appearance left by the infection. My mast. was 11 years ago, radiation ended 1998. My doc can use a small implant to fix it.
Onset of Side Effects - Arimidex
I'm just curious. How long does it take for any side effects from aromotase inhibitors or tamoxifen to begin showing up? I'm just wondering. Thanks. Marilynn
Residual Breast Pain
I'm sorry to sound like such a whoos, especially when so many others are going through so much more than me right now, but I would appreciate some input. I had a lumpectomy of my left breast, chemo and radiation. I completed my radiation 3 months today. I've been feeling good, except for the last week, I started to get…
Need to start taking Tamoxifen
It's been a week that I have the Tamoxifen, and I'm so scared to take it. I have a lot of varicose veins, and one of the possible side effects of the medicine are the blood clots. When I asked the oncologist he told me to take an aspirin, 81mg, daily. Also I read that Vitamin E can interfere with Tamoxifen. Does anyone…
I had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago, and am thinking of having brachytherapy. Has anyone done this, is it painful?
THANK U ALL - surgery went well
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. My mom's surgery on friday went well. she is recovering at home now. She had modified radical mastectomy with lumph node dissection. I am glad I founf this site. You all have been so good to us. I do have a question: my mom has two drains attached - the fluid is been less…
hi they want me to start amiridex in 2 weeks. i have sugar and heart blockage. they told me also its a must. im really nervous about all the side efects i just found out i have ostioperosi(spelling might be off). i just dont dont know what to do im going for a nother opinion. at a bigger hosp.
As many of you know I have been coming here for about 5 years. My husband is disabled due to falling off a gasoline tanker in 1979, so we've been to hell and back several times. The last few years he has gotten a lot worse. Rite now he is in need of back surgery really bad. His workemans comp is raising cane and saying no,…
tc Taxotere & Cytoxan
Hi, I'm going to start my chemo treatments (taxotere / cytoxin) within two weeks. Has anyone had this specific combination of chemo drugs? And if so, can you tell me what to expect as far as side effects? I've read alot about general chemo side effects but nothing about the combination of TC specifically. Thanks so much.