RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was browsing the internet and ran across this quote:

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Mother Teresa

I Immediately thought of all of you and the kind words you pen here daily and how they are so helpful and full of hope. There have been many times when I have read someones post and thought wow, I could have written that; then I read the responses which are so heartfelt and full of caring. I just wanted to say Thanks and share this quote. This is truly a phenomenal group of survivors.



  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    Isn't it amazing how we can speak a word or two of kindness, thinking nothing of it, and later have someone tell us how we helped, or blessed, or challenged them to face something they were afraid of, or perhaps help them make a decision they did not know how to make, or just gave them a moment of 'warm fuzzies'?
    That is one of the great beauties of this site and all the lovely people here who take the time to type in a few words that really do echo endlessly.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Mother Teresa
    Hi Rena: Mother Teresa was an awe inspiring woman. Thank you for posting the quote and how true it is. I love reading everyone's posting and though I may not answer all of them I do read them. There are times when I'm not inspired to write and yet others write so eloquently. Thank you all for being there for all of us. We are truly a great group of survivors. Hugs, Lili
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482

    Mother Teresa
    Hi Rena: Mother Teresa was an awe inspiring woman. Thank you for posting the quote and how true it is. I love reading everyone's posting and though I may not answer all of them I do read them. There are times when I'm not inspired to write and yet others write so eloquently. Thank you all for being there for all of us. We are truly a great group of survivors. Hugs, Lili

    Yes. Thank you. To all of
    Yes. Thank you. To all of you. I am so grateful for every kind, creative, funny, and heartfelt word on this site. Today I had a little ouchie when suddenly in the middle of a work seminar I thought "how are the other people here seeing me - first and foremost as that poor woman who has breast cancer?" And it hurt. And then I thought of all of you, each facing this ouchie in your own lives. And the unity I felt with you all was so much bigger than the alienation I got from my thought. You make me feel like those cell phone adds where the users have "people", standing with them. We stand together. My new normal includes the idea that I am part of this group. And I am so proud of it! love, Joyce