Tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., I will have my final radiation treatment. People have been saying, "How awesome! You are DONE tomorrow." I don't feel 'done'. I shed a lot of tears today and may tomorrow as well. I'm SCARED! Now what? I keep digging for my spirit to return and it seems like it is stuck somewhere or hiding. I feel…
Day 2 after treatment.
Today I got up feeling like every muscle and bone in my body had been beatin. I did get some sleep. About 5 hours. Then we all got up and went to church, I felt like I had to just drag myself, but I know I have to be strong. When we get their, our pastor came over to see me and that was it I just fell apart. Maybe no more…
Good morning,
Good morning to everyone, I missed all of ya'll yesterday. I was having a "can't get off of the couch day" I was sick the morning time and got kids off to school and didn't get off the couch till later last night. I hope all is well this morning and feeling good. I feel the same way about the weight gain as all of the…
Thinking of my Pink Sisters
MiMi, Michelle, Jackie, and Moopy, Just a quick line to let you know I am thinking of all of you. I am praying you are doing well after your infusions. I am going for my Chemo teaching session tomorrow so I guess I will having my first infusion soon. Thanks to all of you I will be as prepared as I can be. We went out this…
Re New Info on Bone Strengtheners, Clinical Trials?
To all of you whoe posted on the News from my oncologist, and anyway who knows anything about strengthening bones: are the treatments/trials y'all mentioned for post-chemo only? I am finishing my second TAC treatment (triple negative) and have I am sure already weaker bones. Am scared of bone mets and wondering what I can…
weight gain too????????????
I had been working out with a personal trainer and actually getting quite buff.....lifting weights, doing treadmill, bike and walking in the hills with my dog. I was active at work also since my job requires lots of walking and lifting,, always on my feet. I was eating nutritionally and doing everything possible for a…
The "buzz" on my new hairstyle
Hi all! I hope all is well with all of my sisters in pink - especially Mimi, Michelle, and Jackie, who had their infusions this week. So far I am feeling pretty well - just very sleepy. Thank God I've actually been able to sleep this time! I just finished my appointment with Mr. Joseph, who bought a brand new Remington…
No Pink for Me
Sorry, It just makes me look like an aging escapee from the home for the criminally insane!... I'm going to go for Turquoise and say 'David Ike made me do it"... then I'll get away with all sorts! LOL I named my house..."The Home for the Terminally Bemused" I think I may have a plan here..... WATCH THIS SPACE.....
a happy day
I want to share my happy news with all of you on this board who have been through all the various stages of my anxiety about my hair: Today I got my first haircut since chemo and losing my hair! Words cannot express how happy I felt to go to a salon, and my hair looks better now that the stylist cut and shaped it. She also…
After the second treatment?
How is everyone that had a treatment yesterday? I have been up and wide open since 2am. I wish the roids didn't work so well. I feel a little nausea now but have been good all day and yesterday. How is everyone else doing? dearest pink sisters michelle
How to buzz?
This morning as she was preparing for her second treatment, the Moopster asked me if I would mind buzzing her head when "the time" came. Thanks to all of you Sisters in Pink who have helped her to approach this traumatic experience with her usual sense of humor! Of course, I said I would be more than willing to help. I…
You are My Therapy
Hi All My Fellow Beautiful Warriors, I've been out of town for a couple of days. The first thing I wanted to do when I got home was check up on the discussion boards here. WOW!!!! I couldn't believe how many comments/discussions have occured over the last two days. A few weeks ago I mentioned that I'd been struggling…
New information from my oncologist
I had my second infusion yesterday and also had a long chat with my oncologist. I wanted to pass on some of the things we talked about in case in might be of interest to someone else: 1. Other people on this site have talked about this and some are doing it. There are clinical trials now that administer bone strengtheners…
article in BBC site
Hey, did anyone see the article on the BBC site about the guy that got stuck in his sofa for two days and was found because neighbors noticed he wasn't closing and opening his drapes? He just happened to have a bottle of whiskey with him which he survived on. Now he keeps a bottle next to the couch, just in case it happens…
hair again
I am posting an update on my hair with a question: I had my last chemo on June 20, 2008, and my hair started to grow back around the beginning of Sept. My hair is short, but now covers my head completely, but my questions are: will the texture ever go back to what it was? It is still very fine and thin, whereas before it…
My visit with the plastic surgeon
Well everyone I went to see the surgeon regarding possible reconstruction and I must say it was actually PAINLESS!!! The only photo that was taken was of a clothed me. :-) Because of the lymphedema I have in my left arm he has suggested I do the most simple of the recon. to ensure that there is no damage to my right arm…
Cousin 'Itt'
Well, you asked for it!
Surgery done
Last Friday I had the lumpectomy done with guide wires put in first. I had no anesthesia for the wires and we will *never* do that again. I cried through the entire thing. The surgery went as planned as far as I know--my post op visit is thursday. The surgeon talked with my husband but didn't say anything about margins.…
good morning all
Good morning everyone, Today is the day for the second treatment, day 14, and I am scared, also, I still have my hair, is it going to fall out? Last night my head hurts sooo bad, it feels like I have had a ponytail yanked all night, all over my head and I have a huge headache. I am a little scared I might react different…
Want more news?
A swiss town is passing a law about naked hiking. Germans find it a popular passtime and they want to stop it. What I found interesting is the one backpack looked like it had a solar panel on it!
Post Chemo Questions PS I'm DONE!!!!!
Hi everyone! I am finally done with chemo! It has been a long road but I got through it with grit, stubborness, and some very kind nurses 'carrying' me through all the dehydration, nausea, illness, and fatigue. After six tx's of TAC it is over. Since I am a triple negative I do not have to take any oral medications. My…
Test with ERCP
Hey Gals and Dolls, I am having an ERCT, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography, in the morning. They did a specialized CT 2 weeks ago and apparently "something" showed up and since my liver counts are so high, they want to "take a look". Has anyone had this done. They will be looking into my stomach, bile ducts,…
Learning more each time
Hi everyone and thanks for all well wishes for my 2nd infusion yesterday. It all went well so far they said my labs were good (borderline but good for being on chemo) My Onc. told me the Herceptin will last a year and i can do it along with the radiation when my 6 mo.s are over, She said that is good and bad because it…
Now I'm a bit frantic. I am 46 and pre-menopause at dx. I had AC chemo and have been on tamoxifan for 4 months. I just noticed this morning some vaginal bleeding and am distressed. I placed a call to my onc and waiting for a call back. Has anyone experienced this and can help me with experience/knowledge. Thank you so…
Hi from Moopy (aka Lisa)
Hello,everyone. Thank you all so much for your wealth of information and advice and caring. You have comforted and encouraged and inspired me and Joe these last few weeks. Thank you for being on this journey with me and for sharing yours. I will try to give back as you all have given to me.
Understanding a pathology report
Hi Ladies, I recently had a excisional biopsy done and my report came back fibroadenoma, moderate usual ductal hyperplasia with microcalcifications present within duct. My surgeon tells me that it means it was benign and that was it. I am seeing a gyncological oncologist for another issue and she asked for my report, once…
I am new here
Hi I am new here. I have spent alot of time reading all your post. I have found so much helpful info here. I was diagnosed on Dec.8, 2008. I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I had surgery on Dec.18,2008, a Lumpectomy and Sentinal Node Biopsy. The surgery went well, the pathology report showed cancer in the lymph node. On…
Boob mug shots
Started my radiation on Thursday. They took a picture of my face that goes on this light board when you come into treatment. They and you check that the picture that is up is you and that the name and birthday match. Just a check so they know they are doing the right treatment for the right person. At the end of my…
Working, Getting out and About?
My leave from work is ending soon and I am wondering about risk of infections. I am so terrified of missing a treatment, but I need to work. I am not sure about getting out of the house, either. I have to get out, or I go nuts. I get out early or late and avoid crowds, but I have gone to department stores and grocery…
Hello Ladies, I am going to see a plastic surgeon on Wednesday and I have a few questions I am hoping a few of you who have already been down this road can help me with. Now, no laughing....okay laughter is good so go ahead and chuckle if you want. I would like to know if the plastic surgeon will have to take photos of my…