newely diagnosed
i am new to all this i dropped a 30 lb weight on my right brease in april went to dr said hematoma was still sore in june my hubby and i drove to hershey medical and was diagnosed and had surgery all in a moth what a roller coaster ride this had not spread anywhere no lymph node now i have 2 weeks of radiatin sratig sept 1…
Ok this may seem a little strange
Ok sisters don't start about when I post it is always a little strange. Anyway, I had my lumpdectomy and lymphnode dicetion last October, this is where it gets strange, I noticed about a week ago that my bad breast is heavier then my good breast, . Now when I had my surgery they took out a huge piece of it and there is no…
2.30 A.M...... What a bugger of a week!
I left the supposed 'Love of my life..........NOT' on Monday, My beloved dog Riva was destroyed on wednesday.........(still crying), I just got back from Toronto airport, seeing my only son back off to England...........STILL borrowing friends internet, hopefully, I'll be back on here in the next couple of days, miss you…
Stopping Treatment - What will happen?
Ok, so I need some help with this. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of June. Had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor along with lymph nodes under her arm. She's had all her tests and so far we've been told that the cancer hasn't spread. She just started her chemo treatments on 8/7/09 and will been…
another biopsy
well its been abt 4.5 yrs since i had bc on right (2005). In 2006 felt lump on left ended up being a papilloma but i didnt hv it remove just keptd eye on it last yr it grew to 1 cm. since i been having a lot of health scares this year i have been very nervous abt this lump well anyway i finally had mt yr mammo and us…
I have noticed that some of the newbies don't seem to know what NED means. I didn't until someone told me. So, just so you know, NED is a good thing! NED means No Evidence of Disease! We usually post it after a check up of some kind or a test to let everyone know that they didn't find anything. ( no more cancer or…
A BIG THANK YOU .. to my new sisterhood --- from new cancer victim - mother of 2 - Corona, CA
I have cried and LAUGHED thru many of breast cancer postings these past 2 days. I am in awe of your love and consideration. And to think, that so many of you, took the time out of your busy days, to respond to me and my ramblings .. little old me, a newbie to the site. A HEART FELT ---THANK YOU !!!! :-000))) Vicki
need help finding info
Ok sisters, my friends well meaning as they are now have me worried. So I need to find more info on tomoxifen. For different friends have come to me saying that it does not make sense to take tomoxifen to try and pervent reccurance if it is going to raise the cance of uterine cancer by 5 times. I know I should have been…
St. Joseph's appt'mt - Wed. 8/19 .. Breast cancer surgeron // what questions do you wish you would o
8/10/09 .. Left breast lumpectomy .. resulted with 'extensive high grade intraductal carcinoma in situ solid tume, and comedo type. Her2 .. positive. size: 3.0 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm 8/14/09.. General surgeon gave me this diagnosis: 1 year chemo, recommendation of mac'tmy. 8/15/09.. Joined ACS website .. comments posted gave me…
((( CLAUDIA )))) AKA ((( CHENHEART))) Just following up..
Hey there!! Maybe I missed it, but I was thinking about you and wondering if that MRI and Mammo have been scheduled... completed?? Maybe I missed it.. I have been looking to see if I could find any news on you in that regard and can't seem to find any... so .. what's the scoop? You don't get to go celebrating with just you…
New person
Hi everyone. I'm new here (I've posted my bc summary on the "Where were you when...." post). I'm 41, married with two teenagers (one son, one daughter) and three cats. I live in southern Wisconsin. My double mastectomy is scheduled for 8/26 and I am looking forward to getting it over with so I can find out if I'll have to…
New Breast Cancer victim .. Mother of 2 - Corona, California
I am confused, and overwhelmed with my news. My left breast lumpectomy resulted with -- 'extensive high grade intraductal carcinoma in sintu solid tumor, and comedo type DCIS with Her2 - showing positive. Looking for advise .. Chemo, and breast reconstruction .. I am seeking out a surgeon at St. Joseph's hospital in…
New member
I am a new member of this site and newly diagnosed with breast cancer. I have my lumpectomy and sentinal LN mapping surgery scheduled for one week from today. I know that my surgery is minor compared to many; however, I would like to reach out and ask what I could expect the day of and days after surgery. I have heard it…
What not to say to a Cancer Patient
Hi all... I've been slowly recovering and not been on here since last week when I posted that I woke up.. It's been really tough!!! but today I feel fabulous!!! I wanted to share with you all a few things a well meaning friend said to me while in the hospital... The morning after my surgery my friend stopped by on her way…
Any people with chemo induce cardiomyopathy
Was wondering if there was anyone with chemo induce cardiomyopathy and what the cardiologist suggested. Thanks, Margo
hello everyone,i have had my limph nods removed almost 3 weeks ago and my arm feels numb.will this go away,should i call my dr.are their other side effects.thanks and God bless you all.
Where were You When........
Your life changed forever and you found out the beast had invaded your body??? What were your very first reactions and thoughts??? All of us have a story.. I woke up this morning thinking about this day..(plus it's my birthday) ...So since I am now on the survivor side I can look back and see how far I've come..... From…
1/2 way done with chemo
Hi all Well I guess you could say I sort of hit a milestone today. I had my fourth and last round of a/c today and will start taxol and herceptin at my next visit in 2 wks. From what you all have said, the taxol/herceptin should be much easier to tolerate. Anyway, 4 down, 4 to go. I am not counting the every 3 wks for 52…
Had bone scan today & then more x-rays
after the bone scan was completed, the film was sent to the radiologist, who then ordered more regular x-rays. Is this normal procedure? or should I be concerned that s/he saw something suspicious? Or maybe there was just some areas that didn't show up clear on the scan? I would appreciate some input from anyone who has…
BIRTHDAYS... BARE WITH ME HERE....(it may take a few minutes to complete this thread)
Okay... want to make sure I have it all straight... if you are inclined to share your birthday with us please use the appropriat month to reply to... here we go! ♥ and Hugs ~T~
The Dreaded Radiation Treatment Itches!
The itching is terrible. Anyone have any suggestions? I have only 1 more radiation treatment to the whole area..thank goodness. Then, I will have 12 booster's to the tumor site. I am using hydrocortisone creme, Aquafor, Biafine and even put aloe on it. I am not really burnt, just a little pink in a couple of places, but,…
Need 2nd lumpectomy?
I am 38 years old. I found a lump in my breast and had a lumpectomy in July 08. It was Stage 2 cancer that was the size of a ping pong ball. I had four cycles of chemo and am now doing radiation. Recently I had a MRI core guided biospy on the other side which showed up as "atypical ductal hyperplasia, focal". I was told…
I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!
I am a 7 yaer survivor, my daughter told me she had a lump on her breast, she is 26years old. I felt the lump it is soft and large. She does not have insurance, my insurance stops at the age of 25. She works part time and goes to school. I am going crazy I don't want her to go through the same thing I went through. I have…
Cat stll in ICU Day3
Hi everyone Day three doctor said she can have soft foods jello, broth, juices, tea Probley get to go home Wednesday or Thursday everything looks good healing fine took some phots each day .Nurse came in today and said no cell phone or cameras allowed in icu waited till she left took photos anyway (my bad)dont like to be…
Thanks to everyone for helping me cope with losing my Casper
Thank you so much for the love and concern you showed me about me losing my dog Casper yesterday.i will miss him dearly,and probley will cry alot more about losing him.I KNOW HE WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT BY ME WHEN I DIDN,T FEEL GOOD .TREETMENTS WILL BE STARTING IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS.BUT HE WAS SO TIRD AND PARLIZED.I HAD HIM…
Still tired...is this normal?
I finished chemo May 29th...am on tamox, and am going through the change from wellbutrin to effexor. The med change is causing some nausea, but i'm sure that will work itself out. My question is...i have some really good days where my energy level is wonderful, and it feels so good! but then....i have days that i just need…
Back Off of Chatroom!
Is this a comedy show or what! I got on chatroom yesterday for the first time in months. I noticed some problems with my microsoft office, but thought nothing of it (an error message kept coming up when I tried to print off anything). Today it still didn't work and automatically "fixed" itself after performing diagnostics.…
Hope everyone had a good weekend
My sister has a dr appointment on Wed to draw blood and see where her platelet count is and the red and white cell count. Had a tuff weekend. she was not feeling too good. seems better now. She has decided to do the chemo until she can't take anymore. Next chemo will be around Labor day. We have lots of rain coming in…
News from the onc-it never ends
Well, my friends--it seems that I should repeat my mantra of "Life's isn't fair, but life is good" daily. I went to the onc today. It's interesting what goes into your chart, but no one seems to think it's important enough to tell you about it! I had another blood draw today, the 3rd one in less than 1 and 1/2 months,…
We're BACK Home!
Well, the vacation is over, but we both came back refreshed and ready to start fresh in battling both bc and tardive dyskinesia. We went to Ruidoso, NM, in the mountains, and temps there were in the high 40's at night and mid 70's during the day....and no humidity. What a relief from this East Texas heat at above 100 for…