So, how are you Moopy? Ready to be done with rads? YES or NO? And, how are you feeling? Getting any rest? Ready to head home? ♥Love, Jeanne♥
I had posted earlier about my onc being rather flippant about the interaction with tamox and wellbutrin (i was taking both)...and not even telling me that there is an interaction and letting me make the decision what to do..... WELL....today i went to the dr that had prescribed the wellbutrin (he had been on vacation), he…
6 month mammo for Greeneyedgirl~
It's that time again~and I feel slightly anxious. 6 mo ago they found a large calcification in the healthy breast that I had a reduction on (to match the "other" effected breast)~it was found in the scar, which is common, according to the breast cancer surgeon and the cosmetic surgeon. We are monitoring "it"~ and I am…
thrush please help
Any advice for thrush mouth and blisters from chemo? Now i know why my poor son was so miserable when he had thrush. lol laura
Venting--had to take 3 hrs sick leave today
I'm just venting because I had to take 3 hrs of sick leave today because it was over 90 in our office and I started feeling nauseous and my ankles are all swollen. I brought in a dr.s note from my oncologist 5 wks ago about getting an air conditioner in our building and they never acted upon it until today when I sent the…
Happy to meet you
I am new to the board, however, i have been fighting breast cancer for over a year. I am so glad i found a place to go to chat about cancer, i have been holding so much in. If anyone is in the Philadelphia area, give a shout out. Thanks again to my new Sisters.
For Cat's Surgery Tomorrow - Thursday, August 13th
Our dear Cat is headed into surgery tomorrow. Reconstruction following her lumpectomy/partial mastectomy about two years ago. She'll need to remain in the hospital for several days before heading home to continue recuperation. High hopes, best wishes, positive thoughts, good vibes, prayers to whomever/whatever you may…
Thanks everyone
Thanks everyone for your concern over me losing my Casper dog.I am doing better today.I have 2 weeks to get my pet scan and another test to see if the Cancer was the kind to spread.Please pray for me these test come back ok.That would mean no chemo.Love and prayers.Pat.
How long does this last!??? Neulasta
Hi ladies! Well it's been 7 days since my sister's first chemo and 5 days since she got that awful Neulasta shot. She was doing great until about 8 hours after she got that shot. Then it hit her! Not even 3 Tylenol extra strength has been helping! She started taking 1/2 a Vicadin to sleep through the night! I'm concerned,…
♪ ♫ This is an invitation across the nation ♪ ♫ a chance for folks to meet ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ There'll be laughin' and singin' and music playin ♪ ♫ And dancin' in the streets!!! ♪ ♫ Well.... anyone want to skin a radiologist for me?? Dr Khan actually called the radiologist for the results, after I told Dr. Khan what he had told me…
Rad B's
I would be honored to be part of the RAD Bs!!! I can choreograph our "chair" and standing dancers. It will be SICK!!!! Rock & Roll!! I'm back now. I am so thankful to all of you and your support. You are the best!! Love and big hugs, Donna or Di-No-Mite DJ ??
skin problems after reconstruction
Like many others on this board, I had DCIS in my right breast. I had a lumpectomy in April, but three of the margins were positive, so I had a second lumpectomy in early May. This time ALL the margins were positive, and some showed a lot of DCIS. So I had a skin saving mastectomy and reconstruction on June 23rd. They also…
aromatase inhibitor inplace of having Chemo? I'm 61 and receptor positive doctor mentioned this as a
Just want to have some thoughts on forgoing Chemo and taking aromatase inhibitor. No nodes involved, Masce. and 2.3Cm tumor not attached, please give me some thoughts on this approach.
sister has chemo today i hope
we are heading to chemo. They would not let my sister have treatment last week, so keep our fingers crossed and away we go. Thank you letting me know about the stars tonight i also will be making wishes on stars. Hope everyone has a wonderful day today and that someone special today will make you simle.
Day 17 of Pammy's Rads
Today was rather interesting. All went pretty much routine, but I was thinking of Moopy as I stared at the smoked black panel on the ceiling. How happy I was that she had her last one today! How nice and comforting it was to follow along in her journey, and then all of a sudden I found myself yelling "I am sooooooo…
Radiation questions
Hello all: I am getting ready for 6 weeks of radiation ater 8 chemo treatments. I have a few questions for any survivors. Does your energy level go up at all during radiation and if not how quickly does it return after radiation? Also, what about tastebuds? Does anyone have anything for the burn except aloe. I have 2 aloe…
Call out to Elm
Hi Elm Did you get the emla cream and what did you think? Was the needle stick easier with the cream Hope it went well Hugs Linda T
I've lost my footing
Hi all.... I feel like i had turned the corner, and life was starting to look up again. Finished chemo may 29, started reconstruction process, surgery july 7, and again the 28th of this month. I've had the peaks and the deep valleys, but for the first time, i felt my energy soar, and felt so good! BUT THEN the discussion…
There is suppose to be a very strong Meteor shower tonight between midnight and 5 a.m. It is the annual Perseid shower and you could see up to 200 Meteors per hour streaking across the sky! Doesn't that sound amazing? I am keeping hubby up tonight or trying to wake him up and we are watching this together and I am going to…
Moop's last day of rads
Moopster's last day of rads is tomorrow-yeeehawww!! Go Moopy,Go Moopy,Go Moopy!
To all my fellow warriors....
..........(\........./)..................... HERE IS AN ANGEL, ...........(\..__../)..................... ............(\..O../)..................... I MADE JUST FOR YOU. .............(/....\)...................... .............(/\../\)...................... WHERE EVER YOU GO, ............./......\......................…
Private Message
i know I have done this before..but cannot figure it out today!! Wanted to send a message to Randy, whose wife has just been diagnosed...but cannot do it. HELP!!
Day 16 of Pammy's Rads
It's official!! Mark your calenders! This is the day that my boobie was deemed the perfect hue, the perfect color, the perfect shade of "Pink" to warrent the use of (ta da...)Aquaphor! Now I really feel like a warrior...excuse me while I go put on my "armor" of Aguaphor so I can kick some but against this beast! Awwww, and…
anybody know about wound vacs?
Fellow survivors, it has been awhile since I got on this site, but I have a question. Brief background: dx may 2007, chemo, bilat. mastectomy with implants Dec. 2008, radiation, more chemo, done Feb. 2009. July 1 2009 = reconstruction surgery...bilateral DIEP free flap procedure. Abdominal incision is slow healing so Dr.…
latest greatest loser results
Hey ladies, here is the latest "Greatest Loser" results: Lolad (Laura) takes the lead with a wooping -6 lbs Tasha (Julia) comes in second at a -5 lbs Fauxma (Stef) takes third place with -4 lbs 4slurpee -2.2 lbs greeneyed girl (Melanie) -2 lbs akiss4me (Pammy) -.5 lbs Phoenixrising (Jan) 0 Elm3544 (Edna) +2 lbs Marcia527…
reconstruction - what to say?
So I'm 5 years out from my mastectomy and finally getting around to reconstruction. I've been at my current job a little over a year and no one here knows I've had cancer. What do I tell them when I go for reconstruction surgery? People are noisy, but this is a small office and I don't want everone looking at me and my…
Dancing with NED
I had my lumpectomy 1/23 so it was time for the first six month mammo--eeeeeKKKK! But I went last Thursday and the tech was a breast cancer survivor and was very gentle. I got the report today and it said benign, so.....party! Maureen
first taxol treatment on mon.
I am having my first taxol treatment monday and for some reason I'm more anxious than I was for my first AC treatment and tips or suggetions for people who have had or having taxol. the ideal of it being a tree root scares me more than those toxins thanks Stephanie
I am on chemo...I am supposed to feel like ....
You know I had round 3 of 4 treatments of a/c last friday and will have the last of the ac next friday then I start taxol and herceptin every other week x 4...then its herceptin for 1 year... I have been fighting fatigue all week long...I am up 3 times per night. I have to go to bed at 9pm cuz I know I will be awake during…
Needing Your Voices of Experience Please
Okay...looking for some voices of experience...I've been trying to look up information from every available source that I can think of, and really can't find anything... So I'm turning to you... my warrior sisters... I had the biopsy today...the radiologist took four samples, I guess it was multiple..., I asked him if he…