Hey All
I've been reading here for a couple of weeks and finally decided to jump in. I'm (gasp) 59 years old. I've always done my breast exams in the shower. Note to self-you can miss a lump until your left nipple goes south. Surgeon explained that you should do self exams dry and lying down. Not much help now. Anyway, July 2, I…
Colorful Post....
OK, secret is up!! How are some of you posting in color and putting cute little hearts and stuff by your name. Inquiring minds want to know. Time to spill the beans!! (oh, remember that game? "Don't spill the beans"!! Love to play it, but I always lost). :O) Pammy
Sorry I'm Late...
But I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had bell out today to attach my computer to it's super service. This real nice young man turned up and.....couldn't get it going, he said the computer was fine, the modem was fine, they just weren't talking to each other... I nearly cried, he even offered me his lap-top to…
One down, One to go!
Well, although I am still in "discomfort" (PAIN) this afternoon I got a letter with the results of my MRI from Tuesday~ and I quote: "We are pleased to tell you that your breast imaging study shows NO ABNORMALITIES"!!!!!! They didn't use exclamation marks or upper case letters, but I thought they are appropriate! I meet…
i have just had breast cancer operation , lyhmph nodes came back with cancer..stage 3. they want me to take a test where they put radation thru my veins..i have cancelled twice scared of reaction.dont know how i am going to do chemo if i cant even do that. first visit to cancer center wed aug 19, to find out when i start.
Not ignoring you, I promise
Hello my dear sisters. Just a quick note to let everyone know I am not ignoring you, but am dealing with many issues that need my immediate attention. I think someone once said not only do we have cancer to deal with, but cancer & finances, cancer & relationships, cancer & life, etc. I think I was given the honor of…
Cats out of the hospital
Hi everyone cat is home now moving well but very slow still has to have the drains in until next week i made her a good lunch and she is settling in she had the laptop since monday that is why i did not post she read all of your posts but was unable to post herself because the hospital had poor internet connection
Day 20,21,22,23,24 of Pammy's Rads
Wow, you know it all becomes so routine when you can post a whole week and realize everyday was the same! Nothing exciting or unusual to break up the monotony. I can not use the aquafore (strange, as I have never had an allergy in my life) because it made me itch and itch AND itch some more (hubby was considering giving me…
BC sister's help me make it thru by MRI today - I had an allergic reaction
MRI w/dye at St. Joseph's. I immediate had an allergic reaction to the dye, but fought my way thru the 30 minute procedure. Suck a simple procedure, but I freaked out. Narrow, confined and wrapped like a baby on a thin table. Face down. This will be a piece of cake, or so I thought until the saline solution was…
Laugh of the day
Undies Little Susie goes home from school and tells her mom that the boys keep asking her to do cartwheels because she's very good at them. Mom said : " YOU should say NO - they only want to look at your undies". Susie said: " I know they do that's why I hide them in my backpack"!!
Favourite song? Maximum of 3
I just HAD to do this........ 1. Wasted Time - Eagles 2. Father and Son - Cat Stevens 3. Little Pink Houses - mellencamp A bit sad maybe.........But there ya go.........Hugs Jxxxxxx
Weekend Plans....
Alright everybody,TGIF!!What are you all up to this weekend? Mimi,just let me know when you want this post back-you are much better at it than I! Tonite we are going over to have dinner with a family we are friends with,and I'm going to try out my 22 rifle that I got for my birthday(that's right everyone,mellow outdoorgirl…
just got a call and I'm scared...
I fnally called my surgeon's office and talked to the nurse... She didn't really know how to read the path report but here is what she said... i had a histologic grade 2 and i had those calcifications in both breasts.. and there was something about IIA??? I am so afraid of what that all means.. my Doc is out of town and…
Derbygirl (((((((( Belated Happy Birthday ))))))
Hey Derbygirl!!! I'm so sorry I didn't get this out yesterday!! Happy Happy Birthday... I know it was yesterday, but I'm gonig to claim fog brain from the two adavan they gave me befor my proceedure yesterday... still no excuse!!! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with lots of wonderful surprises.... hugs to you... and…
Reaction to Blue tracer injection
Hello Three weeks ago I had lumpectomy and node dissection, was given the tracer injection the day before surgery, it was injected 4 times around the nipple. A couple of days after the surgery I noticed the sites of the injections were red and swollen and by the end ot the week it was actually worse, and pained me more…
CASH FOR CLUNKERS -- I hope you all enjoy!
CASH FOR CLUNKERS .... If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish, and my paint job is getting a little dull. But that's not the worst of it. My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up…
new comer
need help!!
Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, stage IIA. An MRI showed the right breast healthy. Just found out it entered a lymph node through a biopsy, it was not detected in the pysical exam. The surgeon suggested half chemo before the surgery to remove the lump, and half after. The reason was to shrink the tumer, to kill any…
Starting "Vacation" tomorrow
Well, here I go again...surgery tomorrow to redo my implants due to the rippling. I was so much more excited last time with just the thought of shedding those rock hard expanders. Now I'm nervous just praying that the second time is a charm. My previous motto was "this is not a dress rehearsal so please get it right!". As…
I mentioned this in another thread but decided to give it it's own space. Today is the anniversary of the loss of my Mother, a wonderful woman. If you are interested I wrote a tribute to her which can be found in the expressions gallery or in the blog section on my page her at CSN. By best to all my sister's in pink! Hugs,…
Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer
Has anyone been treated with chemo via port in chest before surgery?
More info on CYP2D6
CYP2D6 is responsible for the metabolizing of ~25% of prescription drugs according to Genelex a forensic lab that does private testing of the gene. For all those who have children, this is good to know. Codeine may be fatal to children after tonsil surgery As a result of the new research, published Thursday, physicians at…
Vitamin D deficiency
Hello all you FANTASTIC WOMEN! Here's some info I'd like to pass along and ask each of you about.......I read last week, a little blurb in a magazine, that there is NOW a possible link between BC and low vitamin D, just now coming to light as of late......How many of you KNOW for sure that you are deficient in Vitamin D?…
I'm having a hard time...
It's hard for me to write this because it makes me feel like such a failure. I've been having a hard time coping lately, and it's why I haven't been posting much. I'm pretty sure my hormones are out of whack and that I may be about to emerge from chemo-induced menopause. This has made me extremely emotionally unstable. I'm…
Cancer Markers
Can someone please explain what Cancer Marker are. My Doc Told me what what mine was and said it was in the normal range.
I am Home
Got home yesterday.Had a wonderfull time, weather was great, got a lot of rest, feel great, just in time to have chemo today and start again feeling like crap, but this will pass to. Its just good to have good days to enjoy. Now I am trying to catch up with all of you, even though I took you along for the trip.
starting chemo tomorrow
Nervous I will be working all night then starting AC. Just need to express my anxiety...Lisa
Just in case you weren't totally confused...............
They used to treat bc in the '40s with estrogen......apparently with success (me scratching my head.) Estrogen Plays Surprise Role in Breast Cancer Treatment TUESDAY, Aug. 18 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers report that the paradoxical strategy of treating breast cancers that have become resistant to anti-estrogen therapies…
Cancer, layoffs, and other stuff
First, let me say that although this sounds bad, it's not really. Well, you know that I had breast cancer, lumpectomies, rads, and now Arimidex. Well, in June I was laid off from my job, but it was okay cause I could use the time to recoup from everything and hubby has a good job and he carries our health insurance. Well,…