I've been eating non stop since receiving my diagnosis .. Is this normal ?
I can not stop eating, or crying since receiving my diagnosis. Does this get any better?? Also, my sleep pattern is crazy .. napping during the day ? Normal, or it is stress related?
scalp irritation
I have a question for everyone. I have had 2 rounds of taxotere/carboplatin plus herceptin. Now I have weird pimple like things on my scalp that are really itchy! Has anyone else had this? Suggestions? I am going to the dr tomorrow and will ask there for sure! Thanks!
sitting in chatt
all by myself, in chat, come play with me i am so bored i'm starting to talk to myself
Finally back on Chatroom!
I recently posted that I could not get on chatroom even after spending $150 to get the darn computer overhauled and updated on everything. I played around with every program I could think of and who knows how any other program I have will work from now on, but today I took it back to the shop. It worked perfectly there on…
reaching out need help
Ok girls, im finally reaching out. I need help ive been so down, cant get back up. Just feeling numb, dont care dont want to feel. Im so lost, please help. laura
Just want the three of you to know that I love your new pics! You all look GREAT! It not only put a smile on my face, but, it put a smile in my heart to see you three looking so good! Have a safe trip home Moopy! ♥Love Jeanne♥
Put my port in my thigh...
Anyone else have theirs there? My surgeon said that it usually takes 1/2 and hour to put a port in and my surgery took 2 1/2 hours. He couldn't find a vein that was big enough to use. He said my veins are extra tiny. I have 2 cuts in my upper body and 2 in my thigh. So, what do I do? Wear shorts to my chemo treatments so…
Today I lost it
I have tried to be upbeat during this whole ordeal but I just don't know how much more I can take. This week I had my ninth (of twelve) infusions of taxol/herceptin and felt the worst I have ever felt on this chemo. I am extremely tired in addition I developed an allergic reaction to the Sancusco patch I had been using to…
Hi everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend and hope everyone is feeling fine! I am much better, thank you all for being there for me! I am just extremely tired and weak! My husband and I are going to take a trip! We will go to California to see my family AND to Colorado for some sight seeing! I just get to relax and…
On the mend!!
Hi everyone!! Thanks to all of you for your support through my "icky" phase. Eil, you are so sweet! I feel really good now, back to work and having fun with my residents! Funny how, not one of my so called co-workers even asked how I was. I am so caring and on top of things with them when they need it! They were more…
Masectomy and getting off pain medication
Hi, I had a bilateral masectomy on 7/8/09 and just had my last surgical drain removed on 8/12/09. I am still on vicodin and am now wondering about the best method for getting off of it. I have had a lot of pain after surgery. From reading other peoples entries, I think I may be a bit unusual in the amount of pain I am…
What is everyone's schedule this week??
I thought this would be a good place to post what's on schedule for everyones appointments, surgey, ETC... That way we can all keep better track and be thinking, praying, sending postive thoughts your way.... HUGZ... Calleen
Chemo Week For Me
Chemo round 3 Taxotere/Cytoxin Monday Neulasta shot Tuesday Here I go again...
Really down today
I know I should feel optimistic today cuz I finished with the dreaded ac treatments friday and its on to taxol/herceptin. I know its supposed to be easier...but I am so tired and so down today. My stomach is still touchy...I cant find anything I want to drink...I look at my mangled chest and wonder if I will ever look…
Day 18 of Pammy's Rads
Very simple.....Half way done!! Woohoo! Hubby took me to dinner to celebrate! ♥ Pammy
love, fired, cancer
I created this account a month ago. It's taken me until now to set my fingers on the keyboard. See, over a month ago, I was two months into a wonderful new relationship. He told me on our first date that he saw us married, with two kids, and loving life. I believed. I still do, allbeit three months into it. Then came the…
Tough day for Linda T
I had my last a/c treatment on Friday so today is my down day...yuck...But its 11:15 am here and I had a bowl of cereal, 24 ounces of liquid, a piece of toast, 2 poptarts, and some watermelon so I guess I am surviving it. I take comfort from knowing that all of you who have gone on to taxol/herceptin think its easier than…
went to chemo
She was able to have her Chemo treatments today. The Dr told us this treatment was going to extend her life for 4 to 6 months maybe a year if, it even works at all. So, time to enjoy every minute with my sister. We are going to just do what ever she wants and just make lots of fun and laughter. so, let the good time roll.
Not that I would ever forget any of you......
Ok~ so you know that in 4 weeks I am in the Lance Armstrong 10K, and today I ordered a T-shirt for the event. It is white with pink sleeves, and the top left ( over my heart, of course) says "Honoring My Kindred Spirits", and on the back, high up, it says "My Kindred Spirits", and your names, as well as the names of people…
Tips and tricks for chemo. - would appreciate
Hello everyone, I have been reading the boards for a few months now and periodically I have noticed tips and tricks to relieve or alleviate pain from chemo. and Neulasta shots. I remember a mention of Clariton and Tylenol but don't remember for what. I am starting chemo. this Wednesday the 19th and am terrified I am going…
Greatest Losers...another week gone!
Wow, another week gone already! Only two weeks left after today! Sigh, these salads I have been suffering through better have paid off this past week!! My son and I have decided to start a walking routine Wednesday. That should give me a boost towards my final goal! As soon as I get all the results in, I will post.…
Very sick...ughhh!!
Well so much for feeling good! I ended up leaving work at 8 last night, coming home with the same ole headache and puking! I haven't eaten in three days. Ended up in the hospital, IV's and anti headache meds. I really do not think I can go through with this. I would rather succomb to the Cancer than these side effects. I…
new question of the day
I have just finished four ac treatments and had 1 taxol on Mon. I have been experiencing lower pelvic pressure or mild cramping yet have been to gyno I have no bladder yeast or bac. infection. had an ultra sound ovaries look ok what the heck do you think it because they are pushing me trhough menapause.or the chemo?anyone…
Starting therapy and celexa.
Ok, so I have had 2 sessions with a therapist in an effort to work through my anxiety, depression and cancer and death fears that I have had since my cancer diagnosis. I don't know if she can help me because my fears are not something that can be talked away----cancer is real and death is real. But I will continue to see…
I feel very old today...but I'm not really old
Today I awoke feeling old, used up, worn out. Maybe it's all catching up to me, and I need to not think about it so much? How do you not think about the THING that has consumed your mind? Everything seems to revolve around IT, instead of anything else. Even when I'm doing other things, I think about IT. I don't like that…
Questions for Oncologist
Hey everyone, I have a question. Monday I have my first check-up with my Medical Oncologist. I want to ask her about the CYP2D6 Genotype test before I start my Tamoxifen. Last time she told me it was not avalible to the public yet, but I think she misunderstood me since alot of you have had this done. Do you know of a…
Home from St. Louis... at last!
Moopy and I finally made it through the front door of our home about 9:15 tonight. We are beat, but elated to be back home from St. Louis at last. We know (hell, the whole neighborhood knows now) that the pups are thrilled to be home... just like us. We are hoping and even praying that the pups are also worn out... just…
Visiting Ned
Hi Everyone.... I also have to share the news about my latest checkup. All is clean and good on my top half. There is not even any evidence of scar tissue! I am so pleased by this it's hard to put into words. Still taking the Tamoxie, and it seems to be doing okay with me...no huge side effects. My labwork also shows my…
MRI Needle Guided Biopsy... Who has had one...
Can someone tell me what to expect next Thursday? They get the new table (don't know what that has to do with the price of tea in China).. on Tuesday and have scheduled it for Thursday... The Ultrasound biopsy the Radiologist was right there next to me... I know with MRI's they are in another room.... Is the machine going…
What Inspires you????
Ever since I found out I had Cancer I knew I had to do more with my life... I felt like God was trying to get my attention and was putting me on my back so I would look up at him!!! I've always been a very optimistic person and always did things my way... Well Cancer sure stopped me in my tracks and has made me stop and…