Update on Chest Spasms
Well after a lot of tests have been run it turns out that the massive spasms running from my arm to my chest and outward are all tied into the lymphedema. I had an MRI of my neck, spine and shoulder area and it showed damage to some of the disc's and tendons in my neck. According to my neurologist this is all due to the…
Life After Breast Cancer Treatment: The "New Normal"
This came to me and I thought some of you might be interested. cheers jan Life After Breast Cancer Treatment: The "New Normal" CME Eric P. Winer, MD; Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD; Diana D. Rowden, MA, BA; Ann H. Partridge, MD, MPH Related Downloads: Patient Handout Eric P. Winer, MD: Hello, and welcome to this Medscape…
for the office manager at my oncologists office to call me back and tell me if I have chemo tomorrow, as planned, or not. See, they didn't get a decision from the funding place yet as to if they will help with the chemo costs so they can't order the medicine until they know they are going to get paid. My share is $800 and…
BC Movie
I just read in one of the discussions recently about a BC movie, it had mentioned hercetion? (Not sure how it's spelled)I cannot find the name of it now. Can anyone help? Thanks! Cat
For all who have received a scarf or headwrap from Laurie....
Ladies, I would like to make something for Laurie. I was thinking of a collage with everyone's picture wearing their scarf, or maybe even a video of some kind, set to music. What do you all think? Would people be OK sending me pictures of themselves with the scarves on? If so, I can PM those ladies with my personal email…
Stuck in the Middle
New to Cancer, New to the site. I was diagnosed on 8/11/09 with IntraDuctal Carcinoma. Life is no longer as I once knew it just a few weeks ago! Just reading the info and some of the stories on here has helped me tremendously!! (Thank you for sharing your journeys!) I see the surgeon Tuesday(I have my list of ?'s)and have…
scared and confused
on the 17 of august found out tumor 1.5 cm was canerous. i live in ohio doctoring at riverside hospital. lumpectomy was suggested and raditaion. today went and met with my cnacer dr. having mri done on sat. will decide which way to procede. what do i do i amall tied up in knots, and i know i am good hands.
First round Chemo - over!
Hi All, Well, I have finished my first round of chemo. I'm on day 4. It has really sucked!! The first day was ok, just really tired. Then day 2 I had the neulasta shot and that really messed me up. I felt like my bones were made of glass and someone had beat me with a bat. I hurt all over, hips, legs, neck, arms. Nothing…
Tips For The Hospital
Hello All! I know that the hospital is the last thing anyone wants to think about, it is the inevitable place that the medical procedures have to happen....but I just wanted to pass along a tip that I used while my mother (Calleen is my mom...) was there, that made her get through it a little easier. We all know how hard…
Daily Joke............Obviously up to me! LOL Thanks T!
How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb.......? Answer.....4......One to change the bulb, and 3 to ask it if "It really feels it needs to change?" How many Punk Rockers does it take to change a lightbulb?............Answer.... 2... One to change the bulb and the other to kick the chair out from under…
sitting in chatt
come one come all come chatt with me
Should I have??
This waiting is really taxing me lately... tomorrow will be the 4th time they will cut... whether it be big or small... on my poor left side...since May 18th. During a recent conversation I said, "I just want this to be over..." and I was replied to with "Well, if you would have just had a mastectomy you wouldn't be going…
Waiting on a Phone Call!!!
Well, everyone, please put on your good thoughts today. I had an xray on Monday of this week, during my regular 3 month visit with the oncologist. I mentioned to him that I was being seen by a massage therapist for a "muscle cramp" in my left bicep. He immediately sent me for an xray to check for bone mets, and now it is…
((( bfbear aka: Debi )))
Hey... dfbear... where are you... I miss you... haven't seen anything from you since July... how are things going, how was your vacation... please drop us a line to say hello... how's that beautiful daughter of yours... how are you feeling... how's the weather in MT??? Come on... lots of questions.. don't make me come up…
Alright... I am staying extremely postive that though they had to do a third biopsy (first positive, then partial mastectomy, 2nd negative and third yet to be determined) it is going to come out negative... however... I am also a very inquisitive individual and want to know a little bit about the if.... if it comes back…
House of cards....crashing down
I believe I have entered of realm of now giving a ****. I am tired, stressed and well cranky. I have busted my butt for the last week and half trying to get as much help as possible lined up for when I go to surgery next week. My friend bailed on watching the kids, I got the run around on childcare assistance only to find…
What does everyone do for "me"time?
RE started this and I thought it might be kind of fun-what does everyone do when you feel like you've given all you can and you need a little "me"time? I get on this board,read a good book,go for a walk,etc,etc...
Hey Taleena
Hey Taleena Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today as you do your mri. Remember that we are all on board that bus with you, and that we are all hoping the best and that everything will come out with nothing but good news. Deep breath honey, you can do this, and you are not alone tjhay
Lumpectomy vs Mastectomy
Im 39 yrs old newly diagnosed with breast CA, esrogen progesterone HER2 positive, went today to doctors appt to discuss my options, Im torn between lumpectomy or mastectomy? I scared and confused any comments welcome. Thanks Deborah
this has nothing to do with cancer, but...
This has nothing to do with cancer, but I still need support: while I was in the midst of my cancer treatment, my mother died of lung cancer in Sept. Two of my sisters are the legal executors of my parents' will (my father died in 2005). Well, my parents' appartment is finally being sold and the personal effects are going…
I just cannot go on anymore.....
I had three great days, but now I feel like crap! My back is aching and I feel bloaty. I see my oncologist tomorrow, I am certain of stopping the chemo. Love you all!! Carlie
rectal bleeding
I'm on my 2nd chemo tx, 2 more to go. I just experienced rectal bleeding early this morning. I will call my doctor this morning but was wondering from you ladies/guys if this is normal??? thanks a lot!!!
Anybody else get racy after a/c treatments
Hi all I have had my 4th and last ac treatment last wk friday. I start taxol and herceptin next wk and my heart rate still feels so fast every morning. My resting heart rate used to be around 70 but now its more like 96 and when I walk from the parking lot into the office it gets up to around 120. Ive been a runner for 18…
prayers, blessings, and huggs to everyone
Hi! have not been on in a while after my bilat with nodes on both sides on 7/23/09 had problems with my expander (plastics) after surg. Went back in and had another surg on 8/13/09 they removed the expander said it was contaminated. my poor daughter had to start school the nexy day ( her last year) other then that doin…
Just tired!
Tired of doctor visits, treatment and just thinking about more chemo. After the chemo and then radiation I just hope the thought of this demon goes away. I try to stay busy and not dwell on it but some days it is the thought of the day. Time to pray!!!
Hey my fellow sister in pink My niece was telling me about the hanes website were you can design your own BC shirt, she created one which was awesome. To see it go to hanespink.com then to the gallery and search brook, IL to see it. I created one for everyone here my kindred sisters :) to see it search tracey, MN It was…
chemo #3
CHEMO ROUND #3 OF A/C today. Doing pretty well, just tired. Just got TWO flat tires and had car towed. Hit something in the road - big holes in both! $$$$$. Oh well, nobody hurt. Wish me luck and prayers with my chemo!
First Post- New Here
Hi Everyone, This is the first time I've posted. I've been reading all the comments and disscusions back and forth and what a wonderful site and group of women! I was diagonsed with BC in June. I had found a small bump in my right breast near my armpit ared in 2008 and had mammo and ultrasound. All the docs said it was a…
What a week or two he have all had
Has any one noticed what a great week or 2 it has been for us? We have at least 4 dancer with NED Congrats to Eveningstar Ritazman rjjj outdoorgirl and of course myself Both Moopy and Confused finished with Rads this week and Djteach and Christmass Girl got good news Teleena finly has a plan, and is starting down her path…