I Took My First Baby Steps at Being Naked!
I finally went on an outing today without my wig! It was scarry at first,but I just kept thinking "baby steps". I was surprised how nice people were and no one stared (at least where I could see them). It's been 4 months since my last chemo and my hair is not growing out as fast as I expected. It's only about quarter inch…
here we go again! chemo here i come, cancer beware
If you read my previous post, you know that my cancer is back and has spread. Please, i do not want to scare you if you are in remission. but i do want to let you know to listen to your body. If you feel tired, sick, losing weight, have indigestion, anything unusual, if you just have that gut feeling, insist on additional…
Have to make a decision regarding tamoxifen....any advice?
Good morning! I am new to this site, and I think joining was long overdue :) ! I am 42, and was diagnosed with DCIS at the age of 36....6 years ago. I had a mastectomy with reconstruction (even though it was early, it was widespread). I recently moved and am seeing a new oncologist, whose opinions are very different from…
Question about Radiation okay...
So ladies, with each day that passes I am closer and closer to hearing the results of my MRI and that much closer to surgery, my question to all of you that have been through this... on a scale of 1-10, how difficult as far as pain is having radiation? I can get a sunburn in as little as 15 minutes, my skin is very dry and…
Drug Made From Sea Sponge Fights Advanced Breast Cancer
June 6 (HealthDay News) -- A new chemotherapy drug made from a sea sponge extended the lives of women with metastatic breast cancer by about 2.5 months, researchers report. The promising finding on the drug, known as eribulin, was presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in…
How do you start your day and what do you enjoy doing that makes you happy?
I wake early hear the robins singing,start singing my song.Oh happy day and thank God for another beautiful day. I do homehealth love working with elderly and Mrdd. At the end of day i give my troubles to God because he will be up all night anyways. Hugs!!! Flowers, gardening, and social work is my passion.
WE did the HEAVEN CAN WAIT 5K today. I say WE because you were all there with me. It was wonderful and emotional. There were over 4200 people walking for the fight against breast cancer. For our town of 85,000 that is a lot of support. There were a lot of survivors which goes to show WE can win!! Thanks to all of you for…
This might sound stupid
but, I had my right breast taken off, because of cancer being in the ducts, didn't bother me, something had to do, now I can't look at my left breast, I hate it. I wish I had the left taken off too. Am I crazy, nuts, unstable. Dottie
PET scan leading to more tests
Hi, I don't know if I have posted on here before, my memory is horrible. Anyway, I had Stage 3 ductal ca, diagnosed in June of 2008, bilateral mast., chemo and radiation which was completed in Feb 09. I just had a PET scan last week. It showed increased metabolic activity in the tonsilar area, which is likely inflammatory…
What books have you read that have helped you in FIGHTING bc????
I have loved to see recommendations on here of books that helped each and every one of you. So, I thought it would good to see what everyone has read and how it might have helped them, whether it be change of lifestyle, habits, eating or just anything. ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Do you ABSOLUTELY have to get the radiation and or chemo?
Why can't they remove what they think is the crud, then sew us back up, why do we have to go through torture, can't they just give us the Tamoxifen (sp) pill and say come back next year for a mamogram? See I told ya I don't know anything about this...... again I thank you for all the explanations. Ronda
Today is New Flower's birthday!!!
Wishing you the happiest birthday ever! Do what you love most!! Celebrate! Best wishes for a wonderful day and your best year yet! much love, Jenny
need advice about herceptin and dexamethasone
I am having my first infusion of herceptin and taxol tomorrow friday. I was meant to take a dose of dexamethasone this evening before going to bed in preparation for taking the Herceptin tomorrow however I forgot to pick up the prescription (long story). I was going to go at 9am when the pharmacy opens and take it then but…
Question about that Lymphedema
First does everyone get it? Do you only get it in the side of the surgery? Where do you get the compression sleves at? Once you get the lymphedema, do you always have it or does it go away? Does moving your arms as soon as you can, help or hurt the situation? I don't want this, I have enough to deal with as it is. I', all…
Wheres Pinkflutterby and tjohnson
Hey girls havent heard from you. Let us know ur updates. worried : ), but postive everythings ok.
Back from first mammo post DX and..........
Clear!!!! I'm not sure if this means I'm dancing with Ned but I'm so relieved that it's over. I felt so sorry for the tech, though. I walked in the room and just started crying and saying how scared and nervous I was. She was so awesome to me. I kept apologizing over and over for crying. I also ran into the tech who did my…
So at what point in all of this, do you get the sentinal node biopsy done?
MamaG says it's about a 15 on a scale of 1-10 regarding pain, when is this test thing given? I wish I could run a way... Thanks for teaching me, love Ronda
The news about a possible breast cancer vaccine is so exciting. I hope that it goes to human trials and moves quickly.
Has your team of doctors been good or bad since your bc diagnosis?
I have read posts on here where a survivor's team has been the best, like mine. And, I have read others, where I can't believe they even had a license to practice medicine. Would you want to share whether your team is/was good or bad and why? Thanks! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Relay for Life was SO AWESOME!!!!!
Hi ladies!! So, Relay for Life last night was SO AWESOME!! I thought about you all when I walked, so you gals were there with me, too. I knew it would be amazing, but didn't know I could feel that much pride and..and.., oh shoot I don't know what all - how do you write emotions like that? My Dad came up for it too (4 1/2…
High Onxotype Score
The Oncotype score came in at 47 and it also said ER/PR negative, so we are back to being triple negative. This S**KS. Appointments with the oncologists are next Wednesday and Thursday. This S**KS. My wife doesn't think she can handle chemo; thinks her life is ruined; thinks the kids life is ruined; and was pretty much…
What are some good things people have said?
There are a lot of posts about people saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I want to know things people have said that have lifted your spirits?
age when diagnosed?
i was 41 when i was diagnosed with breast cancer i am now 42. how old was everone when you were diagnosed and how many years has it been. i was diagnosed april 2009 teresa
Stage IIIb and Triple Negative!
Yesterday afternoon, I met with my new oncologist (opted for a second opinion after finishing first course of chemo and being unhappy with surgeon). Thanks to the lovely women on this board, I was much more informed and truly understood when this dr. talked to me. I knew nothing when I was dx in December with IBC - and had…
Hello to all
Since finishing all treatment about 3 weeks ago, I've been taking it easy and recouping from the burn of rad. I had a big spot on my neck and on my scar area. I spoke too soon when I said rads was a breeze. I had to nap every day. It's so nice to be rid of the blue pen marks and sticker tapes. Now I'm healed and meeting…
Tomorrow I will be walking in our local HEAVEN CAN WAIT 5K for bc. I am a survior even though I am still in treatment. I will be walking for myself and for everyone on this board. I will also be walking for my niece who is unfortunately losing her battle with cancer. I hope the strength I get from here will help me make…
Anyone feeling like they're gaining weight on tamoxifen?
I feel like I'm gaining weight in my mid section lately. Anybody else gaining belly weight on tamoxifen? Beth
New studies on one time radiation for women with breast cancer
I saw this article and thought I'd share. :) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/06/05/MNLJ1DPMRD.DTL&tsp=1
PCOS and breast cancer, NED
Hi everyone, I met with my oncologist today and he was very interested as I am the first patient of his who has polycystic ovary syndrome and breast cancer in his 20 years. According to his net research PCOS put me at a higher risk for breast cancer. His concern is that PCOS may also put me at a higher risk for uterine…
Good news and Bad news
I got some test results back today. Bone scan looks good, No cancer in any other organs. But It has spread to lymph nodes under my arm. Have any of you had it spread to lymph nodes? I got alittle scared again when I heard that. I guess I could use some reassurance. thank you in advace.